
Naruto: Sternritter Grandmaster of Konoha.

A boy was born an orphan in the world of Naruto, and at the right age, he inherited the template of Jugram Haschwalth. With this, he became a powerful ninja and joined Konoha. His primary objective in joining Konoha was to create the strongest Sternritter from the Konoha 12. ---- Patreon Link: https://www.p@treon.com/Hkj822

Hkj · アニメ·コミックス
39 Chs

Ch-28 You agree with me?

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Sasuke, his senses heightened and fully immersed in observing Kakashi's every move, suddenly felt a subtle shift beneath his feet. Reacting swiftly, he leaped away from his position, narrowly evading the danger lurking beneath the earth. As Sasuke soared through the air, two hands burst forth from the ground, grasping at the empty space where he had just been standing. It was evident that these hands belonged to Kakashi, his intent clear—to catch Sasuke off guard and drag him into the depths below.

After a moment of tense anticipation, Kakashi emerged from the earth, dust clinging to his clothes as he fixed his gaze upon Sasuke. With a tone of both admiration and acknowledgment, Kakashi addressed him, "Impressive. Your attentiveness is remarkable. Not many possess the keen sensory abilities required to detect my movements underground."

"Of course, you can't catch me with these petty tricks. I'm not a fool like Naruto, who would fall into your traps so easily," declared Sasuke, his tone brimming with pride as he spoke.

However, just as Sasuke was reveling in his confidence, something unexpected occurred that left him stunned. Suddenly, both of Sasuke's legs were ensnared by two hands, dragging him beneath the ground, leaving only his head exposed above the surface.

In shock, Sasuke turned his gaze towards Kakashi, only to witness the Kakashi before him dissipate into a cloud of smoke. It dawned on Sasuke that the Kakashi standing in front of him was merely a shadow clone, and he had been deceived by Kakashi's cunning tactics.

The real body of Kakashi materialized in front of Sasuke, fixing his gaze on him as he spoke, "What was that you were saying? Ah yes, you claimed you're not a fool who can be easily trapped. Yet, you were distracted by just a few words of mine and fell into my trap."

Observing the scene, Jugram shook his head and muttered, "Sasuke's impatience and arrogance still need to be controlled."

Despite easily defeating Sasuke, Kakashi's mind was filled with praise for him.

"The way he utilized the fireball was incredible," thought Kakashi, recalling Sasuke's fireball technique with keen interest. "It seems he has created this new kind of ninjutsu, building upon the foundation of the fireball ninjutsu. Sasuke already possesses the strength to defeat experienced Chunin."

As the allotted time drew to a close, Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto converged at the designated meeting point where Kakashi had previously announced the commencement of the survival exercise. Each wore expressions of determination and anticipation, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Kakashi, his gaze scanning each of them with a mixture of scrutiny and resolve, spoke up, "I am going to disqualify you from becoming a ninja."

"What!? But why?" Sakura inquired.

"Because none of you deserve to be ninja. Becoming a ninja means having the ability to work in a team, but from the very beginning, you were all just fighting for yourselves, trying to obtain the bell individually. If you had worked together to acquire the bell, you might have had a chance to succeed," said Kakashi.

"I will give you all another chance to snatch the bell from me within the next 3 hours, and you can pass my test. But before that, have lunch. However, Naruto is not allowed to eat. If I catch any of you sharing your lunch with Naruto, both of you will be punished," Kakashi announced before leaving the area.

Jugram also departed, approaching Kakashi and asking, "Jonin Kakashi, may I go and have lunch?"

"Hmm? Aren't you concerned about your teammates passing the test?" Kakashi inquired.

"Why would I be? You are trying to teach them the importance of teamwork, which is a good thing. If they want to survive on the battlefield, they need to learn the importance of teamwork," said Jugram.

"I would expect nothing less from someone as smart as you," replied Kakashi.

Kakashi then glanced toward the bound Naruto and the eating Sakura and Sasuke, and asked Jugram, "What do you think? Will they share their food with Naruto?"

"I think they definitely will," responded Jugram. As soon as Jugram's voice trailed off, both Sasuke and Sakura shared their respective food with Naruto.

Kakashi then appeared in front of all three of them and, attempting to startle them, and later after intimidating them he announced, "I declare that you all have passed. Tomorrow, we will embark on our first mission."

Upon hearing this, all three of them were filled with happiness, their faces glowing with joy.

Afterward, Kakashi was preparing to depart, but he was halted by Jugram. "Wait, Kakashi-San. Are you going to report to the Hokage?"

Kakashi nodded with a thoughtful "Hmm."

"Wait a moment. I also have a few matters to discuss with the Hokage," said Jugram. Kakashi simply nodded in acknowledgment and waited for Jugram to finish speaking.

Jugram turned towards Sasuke and said, "If you want to go training, head to the usual place where we used to train. There, you will find other members of the 'Sternitter'. And yes, please repeat Kakashi-San's last line, "In the ninja world, those who break the rules are scum, that's true, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum."."

Sasuke nodded, and Jugram departed with Kakashi to discuss something important with the Hokage.

While on route to the Hokage's office, Kakashi asked Jugram, "Do you agree with my point of view?"

"Of course. Such thinking has always been within me. For me, the mission is secondary. I also heard about your father, and honestly, when I learned what he did, I believed his actions were absolutely correct. I even suspected that your father died because of internal village politics," said Jugram.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)