
Naruto: Sternritter Grandmaster of Konoha.

A boy was born an orphan in the world of Naruto, and at the right age, he inherited the template of Jugram Haschwalth. With this, he became a powerful ninja and joined Konoha. His primary objective in joining Konoha was to create the strongest Sternritter from the Konoha 12. ---- Patreon Link: https://www.p@treon.com/Hkj822

Hkj · アニメ·コミックス
39 Chs

Ch-16 You talk too much for someone so weak.

You can read 9 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.




Mizuki's speed in this form was now on par with Sasuke's, and the strength of his attack surpassed even Sasuke's. Immediately, Sasuke was pushed onto the defensive, repeatedly forced back each time his sword collided with Mizuki's fist.

"Damn, what kind of power-up is this? It seems I also have to use my Kekkei Genkai," thought Sasuke. Up until now, Sasuke had assumed that Mizuki's strength boost stemmed from his use of an unknown Kekkei Genkai.

After considering employing his own Kekkei Genkai, Sasuke promptly activated his Sharingan. Mizuki attacked Sasuke once more with a punch, but with the Sharingan activated, Sasuke could perceive Mizuki's movements in slow motion. This allowed Sasuke to anticipate Mizuki's movements effortlessly. Just as Mizuki's punch was about to connect, Sasuke swiftly countered from a different angle, making a cut on Mizuki's arm in the process.

"Bastard!" shouted Mizuki in anger, clutching the bleeding part of his arm. It was fortunate for him that he was in 'Animal Seal' mode; otherwise, his hand would have been halfway severed.

Mizuki roared in anger as his body underwent further transformation. Until now, his body had only become bulkier with a few black stripes on his arms, but now he slowly assumed a humanoid tiger form.

Mizuki attacked Sasuke once more with a punch, but this time his speed was slower compared to his speed in the initial form of the 'Animal Seal mode'. Sasuke easily dodged Mizuki's slower attack. However, when Mizuki's punch landed on the tree behind Sasuke, it destroyed the trunk of the tree in half, causing it to almost fall.

"Although his speed has reduced, his strength seems to have increased significantly," remarked Sasuke as he observed the power behind Mizuki's punch.

Sasuke clearly realized that he was not Mizuki's equal in close combat, so he resorted to ninjutsu. Forming hand seals, Sasuke unleashed the 'Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique'.

The fireball surged forward at incredible speed, aiming for Mizuki's location. However, Mizuki effortlessly evaded Sasuke's fire ninjutsu.

After dodging Sasuke's fireball jutsu, Mizuki swiftly closed in on Sasuke to launch another attack. But to the surprise of everyone present, including Mizuki, something unexpected occurred: the fireball, previously disregarded by Mizuki, altered its trajectory and homed in on Mizuki's position.

"What the hell!? How is a fireball changing direction instead of moving in a straight line?" exclaimed Mizuki in shock. It's not like he hasn't seen the Fireball jutsu before; every time he witnessed someone using it, the fireball always moved in a straight line. It never changed its course like Sasuke's Fireball jutsu is doing.

Mizuki dodged the fireball once more, but to his dismay, the fireball adjusted its trajectory, seemingly guided by its own volition. Eventually, Mizuki was struck by the fireball, engulfing him in flames. When the flames subsided, Mizuki appeared somewhat scorched. He was injured, but fortunately not severely, thanks to the 'Animal Seal mode'. Without the 'Animal Seal', Mizuki would have suffered serious burns by now.

"ROAR!" Mizuki, resembling a beast, unleashed a ferocious roar as he lunged at Sasuke. However, this time his attack differed fundamentally from his previous assaults; Mizuki disregarded any injuries inflicted by Sasuke and fought with reckless abandon.

Using his Sharingan, Sasuke predicted Mizuki's movements and continuously evaded his punches. He was determined not to get hit by Mizuki's powerful blows, as the strength behind them was immense. Despite this, Sasuke seized opportunities to counterattack, inflicting injuries upon Mizuki. However, due to Mizuki's formidable defense in 'Animal Seal Mode', these injuries were superficial, causing only minor harm.

Due to Mizuki's reckless behavior, Sasuke found himself at a significant disadvantage, constantly evading and retreating.

Observing this, Jugram shook his head and remarked, "This fight is now pointless." With those words, Jugram vanished from his position and reappeared between Sasuke and Mizuki. At that moment, Mizuki was throwing punches at Sasuke while Sasuke was preparing to deflect the oncoming attack. Jugram effortlessly intercepted Mizuki's punch, holding it with ease, and then grasped Sasuke's sword between his thumb and index finger. With a simple motion, he pushed Mizuki back and released Sasuke's sword.

"For today, you have fought enough. Your battle with Mizuki is now pointless. Go and reflect upon the battle, and consider if there were ways you could have performed better. I expect to hear your thoughts on this tomorrow," stated Jugram, his voice carrying a tone of authority and wisdom.

With a solemn nod, Sasuke obediently sheathed his sword and retreated, his mind already pondering over the events of the battle and potential areas for improvement.

Once Sasuke had withdrawn, Jugram shifted his gaze towards Mizuki, his piercing eyes assessing the weak opponent before him.

Initially fearful upon meeting Jugram's unwavering gaze, Mizuki's primal instinct, fuelled by the 'Animal Seal Mode', suppressed his fear. Instead, he mustered a semblance of defiance, his chest swelling with misplaced bravado. "Although you are powerful," he began, his voice tinged with false confidence, "I feel that I have endless pow…"

Before Mizuki could finish his sentence, a sudden gust of wind swept through the battlefield as Jugram vanished from his position, reappearing with startling speed behind Mizuki.

As he sheathed his sword, Jugram's voice cut through the tension like a knife, his words laced with a subtle hint of disdain. "You talk too much for someone so weak," he remarked, his tone dripping with scorn.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)