
Naruto stat leveling system

Tatsumi Uzumaki was tranmigrated as a member of the Uzumaki clan.How will he survive his clans impending doom will he run away and abandon his clan or will he he lead his clan to overcome all its adversaries.

nexusstar21 · アクション
51 Chs

chapter 5

Third person p.ov

"Tatsumi, why do you think those konoha ninja came here."asked Takashi."Its highly possible they have come here to find a new candidate to be the nine tails jinjuriki."replied tatsumi.

"Their should be no need for a jinjuriki this soon considering the average Uzumaki can live till their a hundred and sixty and lady mito should only be around seventy."said toji.

"This may be true, but the ninetails chakra is very potent, and it could be possible it weakened her lifespan, and she doesn't have much time to live."said mitsumi.

"If this true kushina will likely become a weapon for konoha."said Tatsumi."We can't just sit back and let that happen."replied Takashi.

"Like it or not, there is very little we can do were not even genin yet the best we can do is try to say goodbye to our friend."said toji sadness in his voice.

Tatsumi froze for a second before speaking.I just got information from my shadow clone it's just as we thought she's being sent to konoha two months from now.

"What do we do?"asked mitsumi.Remember the new techniques of nen and breathing styles I showed you in these two months were gonna train those techniques and use them to avoid detection and leave uzushio to try and see our friend off.

"That's impossible it's basically impossible to break through the Uzumaki sealing barriers."replied Takashi.

"Even if we were to break through the barriers, it would be impossible to gain mastery of those techniques in two months."said toji.

"I know all of that, but I have a plan."said Tatsumi as a portal opened up, sucking them all inside it.

The four friends were telephoned in a space where everything was white, and it seemed endless.

"Where are we?"asked mitsumi.This is another ability of my light Bloodline. I have access to another dimension where time moves differently. 1 day here is only a minute in the real world.replied Tatsumi.

Tatsumi was, of course, lying. This was the system space, but he was not going to tell them about the system, so he attributed it to his devil fruit, which he also falsely called a bloodline.

"How many different abilities does your Bloodline have?"asked toji, rubbing his head."Wait, this space may be great for training, but won't we age too much if we stay here for long periods of time?"

"That's the good part. For some reason, we don't age in here, but we'll still feel tired and hungry."replied Tatsumi.

Then what are we waiting for? Let's start our training immediately.