
Naruto stat leveling system

Tatsumi Uzumaki was tranmigrated as a member of the Uzumaki clan.How will he survive his clans impending doom will he run away and abandon his clan or will he he lead his clan to overcome all its adversaries.

nexusstar21 · アクション
51 Chs

chapter 3

Tatsumi and Takashi were walking into the forest, heading to meat up with their friends."Hey Tatsumi, have you noticed the atmosphere of the clan has kinda changed recently?"asked Takashi.

"I have it's because tension in the ninja world or on a rise and kirigakure has tried to break into our village countless times."replied tatsumi.

"I know this, but I feel something is wrong, uzushio is a neutral country, so their must be a reason for kirigakure's sudden actions."said Takashi.

The truth is your right Takashi in the ninja world power is everything.Uzushio holds the power to capture every last tailed beast, and that puts fear into the hearts of every major village, including konoha.

"Yeah, but konoha are our allies they wouldn't betray us."said Takashi."Lisen Takashi, in this world their are no allies only intrest if konoha already got another nine tails jinjuriki out of us and an opportunity aroused to take our sealing techniques they would do it in a heart beat."said Tatsumi.

Konoha's bond with our clan was formed by the second and first hokage, who are both currently dead.Even lady mito we can't relie on her if a conflict arouse between uzushio on konoha she would undoubtedly pick konoha over us.said Tatsumi.

"Yeah, but I believe konoha wouldn't just sell us out like that. we are the ones who helped them through the first great Ninja war they wouldn't just abandon us."shouted Tatsumi.

Tatsumi stopped walking, and so did Takashi."Takashi, I'm not gonna try and convince you in what I believe in but when it comes down to it people will tend to look after their best interest and not others it's just basic human nature."said Tatsumi.

"What makes you think konoha give a damn about us they only act like it cause it's convenient for them.You may not know this, but one of the spies was a konoha ninja" said Tatsumi.

Takashi was shocked that Tatsumi's words made him rethink his beliefs.There was absolutely no flaw with what Tatsumi said, and deep down, he knew it was all true.

The two reached a large mountain.Takashi placed his hand on the mountain and injected it with his chakra as the two were then sucked into the ground as they slid down to a small cave hideout.

wow, where were you guys.You two are late."Sorry, mitsumi, we stopped at a diner on the way here."replied Takashi.You two are just as irresponsible as ever.said a red-haired boy wearing a black shirt and white pants and also a scar on the side of his mouth.

"Toji, your one to talk."said Tatsumi. At least I didn't skip school today."replied toji."Why does everyone keep bringing that up like it's the end of the world? You guys skip school all the time."replied Tatsumi.

"Well, it's unlike you to skip the academy. You're the top student, after all in sensei exact words. You're the one whose example we should follow."said toji.

"Tatsumi, we have been considering it, and we think early graduation is the only way to increase or strength. There are only so many jutsu and sealing techniques we can acquire as genin, and we've all already hit a road block in our training."said mitsumi.

"I also wanted to discuss with you guys something, " said Tatsumi, as he pulled out an old scroll.Whats that scroll about? "asked Takashi.This is a scroll of some different kenjutstu technique I created while trying to mimic certain elements."replied tatsumi.

I discovered different breathing techniques can allow me to replicate certain elements into my swords' man ship without having to rely on my Chakra."said Tatsumi.

Can you demonstrate one of the techniques."asked toji, curious to see what Tatsumi was talking about.The four left the hideout and arrived in front of a ten meter bolder.

Tatsumi got out his katana before taking a stance and took a breath.Thunder breathing thunder clap and flash.Tatsumi disappeared in a flash of lighting appearing behind the giant bolder that was now split in half.