
Naruto : Start with Kamui

Lin Yu accidentally crossed the body of Obito while watching Naruto at home! The first thing is to reclaim Kakashi’s sharingan, and achieve complete kamui! Send away Madara, kill zetsu. I can move forward freely in the world of Ninja! Source: https://comrademao.com/novel/hokage-start-with-double-kamui/

_Rei_ · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs


At noon, Lin Yu stood on the tallest building in Hidden Leaf Village, Hokage Rock on the mountain wall opposite gazed.

Konoha and Hidden Stone signed a truce, the third ninja war ended, Third Hokage resigned, Namikaze Minato took the post of Fourth Hokage, and its Hokage Rock was just completed soon.

Because Lin Yu occupies Obito's body, he has a slight sense of belonging to Hidden Leaf Village.

If there is no plot, he should have a good tour of the village this time.

No matter what, the world is not as expected...

Under the Hidden Leaf Village, Root headquarters is located.

Different from the ground bathed in sunlight, this place is shrouded in dim and depressing tones, day and night, just like the nature of this organization, no light is visible.

In front of Lin Yu, there are two Root guards, wearing Anbu armor and mask-wearing.

"Who!" They gazed the stranger who appeared in front of them. Although they were wary in their eyes, they were not afraid.

This is the dignified Konoha, the headquarters of the root organization. Who would act recklessly to find fault? Seeing that this person is masked, 80% is Anbu directly under Fourth Hokage, to convey Fourth-Kage instructions.

But Danzo is very hostile to Minato, so Root won't give Anbu a good face.

Lin Yu didn't come to strike up a conversation with them. He lifts the head, the three-tomoe under the mask, shines brightly.

It is Genjutsu of Sharingan.

The two guards opened their eyes wide, they lost focus and fell into hypnosis Genjutsu.

"Tell me where A is." Lin Yu asked indifferently.

"Underground 2-Layer, training room..." the guard replied dumbly.

Lin Yu thought: Oh, did you not go out to perform the mission? I came at the right time.

"Where is Danzo?" he asked again.

"Danzo-sama, I'm out..." the guard replied.

Danzo of this period had a close relationship with Orochimaru secretly. This time he went out to the new stronghold that Orochimaru revealed in the secret letter.

But this has nothing to do with Lin Yu. He came this time just to take away Yamato.

Plop! The two guards collapsed to the ground and Lin Yu passed through them.

This scene was also seen by ninja in the root monitoring room.

"This is...fast, there are intruders!!"

crash-bang! !

In front of the huge cross trestle bridge, the members who were left behind gathered together. They either stepped on the wall or hung upside down on the ceiling, gazed Lin Yu with unkind eyes.

Lin Yu walked on the trestle bridge without anyone else.

"If you trespass into the Root domain, all will be killed!"

Shua! Shua! Shua! Kunai can shuriken shot from all directions, but without exception, penetrated Lin Yu's body and nailed it into the trestle. This unimaginable scene shocked the Root members.

"Impossible, penetrated! What is going on!!"

"Is that guy's unique technique!"

"Physical attack penetrates He lost his body, but I can clearly feel his chakra, how about this..." On the ceiling, a tea-haired ninja calmly analyzed and formed a peculiar hand seal, aiming at Lin Yu's back.


Lin Yu's pace was slow as he moved forward, and another silhouette appeared in the space of his consciousness.

"Yamanaka Clan, my heart turned to Secret Jutsu..." Lin Yu thought.

"The wind technique worked, take advantage of it now!"

The root members gathered and attacked, but unfortunately, all the attacks penetrated again.

"Fire-Style, the technique of Dragon Flame Release Song Jutsu!" Lin Yu hand-sealed with both hands, vomiting four Fire Dragons, sweeping all directions...



Under this all-round fire Ninjutsu, no one can luckyly escape. If it weren't for the water-style ninja who is good at water-style in the root, I am afraid Will kill most of you!

"Wind, what's going on!!!"

"His spiritual energy is extremely powerful, and my Mind Body Switch Jutsu was unlocked in just a few seconds!!!" Yamanaka Fu Said with lingering fear.

"It's so tricky! What on earth is there to try while Danzo-sama is away!"

"Wind, turn around again..." Yamanaka Fu Said the black clothed youngster.


"A few seconds are enough. With my technique, you can kill him in an instant!" The black clothed youngster took off his shirt, and his body was covered by a layer of black. .

"Take the root..."

Aburame takes the root. In Aburame Clan, there are special physique Aburame Zhihei sons.

He and Yamanaka Fu, both later Danzo's guards, but... they are still young at the moment.

Yamanaka Fu condensed chakra, and turned the heart to the hand seal, aiming at Lin Yu in the air, and Aburame took the root and rushed towards Lin Yu.

But, will the same method work for Lin Yu?

Hey! Lin Yu turned his left eye to Mangekyo, focusing on the wind's head-Kamui! !

ka-cha! ! It's just split second, the wind heads to the Branch House, the head is drawn into Kamui Uzumaki and disappears, the neck blood splashes several meters high, the headless corpse, thumps to the ground...

As for Aburame to take the root, because The heart turned around and the operation failed, he penetrated Lin Yu's body!

At the moment of criss-crossed, Lin Yu right hand presses the Root shoulder and releases Kamui Uzumaki with his right eye, taking the root of Aburame and absorbing it.

"It hurts, it hurts..." Uzumaki, who wrapped Lin Yu's body, felt a pain in his right hand. Yes, this nano-level poison insect, even Uzumaki, must drink a pot Woolen cloth.

"Kamui can ignore all physical attacks and Ninjutsu, but it seems that there are also weaknesses. If Mind Body Switch Jutsu can work, then Genjutsu is nothing difficult. It seems that for this kind of outstanding ninja, it needs to be added. Be wary, by the way, synthesize Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, might as well use that guy's eyes..." Lin Yu muttered to himself.

"That guy, who are you!" Seeing that two of his elites were killed instantly, the other members were so shocked that they couldn't move, holding Ninja Tool's hand, all shaking NS.

"He can obliterate the wind instantly, and he can also obliterate us instantly."

"Such an enemy...how do we deal with it."

Lin Yu is indifferent. He is only here for Yamato and doesn't want slaughters, but the rules of Ninja World are cruel, especially for the roots, proper killing and deterrence are necessary!

"En?" Suddenly, Lin Yu focused on a short ninja behind the crowd: "Found..."

That person, Lin Yu was looking for, The Root code name is'甲', the late stage is transferred to the Konoha Anbu descendants number'Tenzo', and the name after Team-7 assumes the role of Jonin is'Yamato'.

In the original plot, although Yamato was used, it was a good end.

But what Lin Yu wants to obtain requires him to be a steeping stone...

"This is the end of your story, and A is your end..." Lin Yu steps towards A walked away.

"Never let him do whatever he wants in the Root site!!" The root member rose up to resist.

But Fenghe Tenggen is not there, and all their attacks are meaningless to Lin Yu. He walks through the sword and wind and fire, and everything passes through... approaching the armor.

"Obediently and honestly go with me, maybe I can suffer less..."

"Wood-Style ·The Art of the Big Forest!!" Jiajie Wood-Style Zhiyin stretched his arms forward, and four wooden pillars emerged from the sleeves, extending and entangled towards Lin Yu.

"His goal is A. Although there is no entity when defending, there must be a real body when attacking!!"

Behind him, the root members launched a powerful combination of Ninjutsu!

Under the "humph." mask, Lin Yu picks the corner of his mouth, and both eyes turn to Mangekyo.


The blue chakra flame ignites from the body and turns into a skeleton, which will block all future attacks from behind...


"What!!" Everyone was stunned.

ka! Suzuo lifted, Lin Yu right hand poked out, tree trunk entangled, and Yamato was tightly bound...

"This, this is the same as me Wood-Style, the formidable power is much stronger than me..." In his pain, Lin Yu's Wood-Style gave birth to lose consciousness.

The tree trunk retreats, Lin Yu carried the fainted Yamato on his shoulders, looking back at the dilapidated Root Headquarters and the root members who were at a loss.


Shoo! The deep words fell, Lin Yu disappeared in Kamui's Uzumaki...

On this day, Lin Yu left Konoha's roots with an unprecedented nightmare.