

An unknown soul from our world came into Naruto's body but was absorbed by Naruto and got killed(HAGOROMO AND ASHURA DOING TO HELP NARUTO), giving him knowledge of everything about our world. Naruto's personality also became slightly different due to the influence of the Soul! Even though all the crises in the Naruto world would have ended, his future has not concluded with the end of Naruto... Guys this is chinese book i am just doing translation ....

AR_LEGEND · アニメ·コミックス
51 Chs

Now with tsunade .........hehehehe..........

For power stones, if I get 20 power stones, Then I will publish 500 more words. If I get 100 power stones, I will post two 1,500-word chapters a day.

Please join my Discord server:- https://discord.gg/XfSy6kWS


The next day, in the back mountains of Konoha, there was a small valley with waterfalls and streams. It was a famous summer spot in Konoha, and Naruto often came here to swim and relax. After Jiraiya asked Naruto to sign the contract scroll, Naruto could summon the Toads of Mount Myoboku to fight with him in battlefield.

However, what Naruto was more interested in were the sage Jutsu of Mount Myoboku. He had a lot to learn.

"About summoning techniques, you've already learned your unique Flying Thunder God Technique. I won't say much about that. Naruto, let me ask you, do you know that there are two different chakras in your body?" Jiraiya asked. Naruto nodded.

"Yeah, Pervy Sage, why are you asking this?"

Jiraiya nodded slightly. "Well, I want to know, can you control that power yourself and use it whenever you want?"

"Of course! I get what you mean," Naruto said seriously. "But I don't want to use it just like that. Kurama is my friend, and friends don't just use each other's power. I want to become stronger, strong enough to fight alongside Kurama..."

"Strong enough to play chakra tug-of-war with Kurama and bump fists with him," Naruto thought. Jiraiya smiled happily. Jinchūriki have powerful strength but are often rejected by those around them. This isolation can make them lose control.

Naruto didn't seem to have that problem. Jiraiya said, "Well, if that's the case, let's try it and see what you can summon!"

"Summoning Technique!"

Naruto had learned the Flying Thunder God Technique. Even though he hadn't fully mastered it, he could perform the summoning technique without biting his fingers.


The smoke from Naruto's summoning made Jiraiya even more excited. What would Minato's son summon?

As the smoke cleared, a big blue-green toad with two large swords on its back appeared. Jiraiya looked up in surprise. "Wow, it's Gamahiro! I didn't expect that, Naruto, you summoned Gamahiro on your first try!"

Naruto sighed in relief. He wasn't limited to tadpole anymore. His practice had paid off, and with his own chakra, he could summon Gamahiro.

"Jiraiya, are you looking for me?" Gamahiro's voice sounded cool and distant.

"No, it's my new student, Naruto. He summoned you. Isn't it amazing? This is his first summoning!" Jiraiya boasted, and Naruto proudly puffed out his chest.

"Oh!" Gamahiro looked down at Naruto, a bit surprised.

"Your name is Naruto, right? Call me if you need anything. My sword is always ready for battle!" Gamahiro said coolly.

"Yes, thank you, Gamahiro!" Naruto waved excitedly.

Gamahiro turned into a puff of smoke and returned to Mount Myoboku.

Jiraiya looked at Naruto excitedly. He didn't expect to have such a talented student who had even mastered the Rasengan and the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Suddenly, Jiraiya remembered something. He looked at Naruto and asked quietly, "Hey, Naruto, I heard from the old man that both Orochimaru and I have been hit by your Flying Thunder God, right?"

"What are you up to, Pervy Sage? You're smiling so creepily," Naruto said, keeping his distance.

Jiraiya grinned. "You know, who's the most beautiful of the three Sannin!"

"Ha... Over fifty years old and still hitting on girls?" Naruto found it strange but said, "I know, you mean Tsunade, right? What are you planning, Pervy Sage?"

Jiraiya whispered, "Why don't you use your Flying Thunder God Technique on Tsunade, then mark the Flying Thunder God symbol on my hand, hehe..."

"No way! I refuse!" Naruto glared at Jiraiya.

Jiraiya sighed, feeling it was a pity. If he could have such a chance, he would endure being beaten half to death by Tsunade.

Naruto said seriously, "Pervy Sage, you treat her like a flower, but flowers often eaten by someone else!" Jiraiya's expression froze. He looked at Naruto, speechless.

Time passed slowly. Naruto often trained with Jiraiya, who pointed out many of Naruto's flaws and how to improve. After a month of training, Naruto was much stronger and wouldn't be easily defeated by someone like Zabuza.

The third round of the Chunin Exam was held in Kikyo Castle, the most magnificent building in Konoha.

The venue was in the center of Kikyo Castle, surrounded by a high wall. There were arenas and audience seats, creating a competitive atmosphere.

At the top, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and the Fourth Kazekage of the Sand Village sat, overlooking the arena.

In the main competition area, Naruto and Sasuke had already arrived. Tosin from the Sound Village was eliminated by Gaara due to a previous assassination attempt. Because of Tosin's absence, Gaara and Sasuke would compete directly.

Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru Nara, Shino Aburame, Neji Hyuga, Kankuro, Temari, and Gaara stood in the center. The referee was a jonin named Genma Shiranui, holding a senbon in his mouth. The audience's cheers made Naruto's heart race. This feeling of being the center of attention, hearing these cheers, this was his stage.

"Sasuke, Naruto, come on!" Sakura shouted.

"Shikamaru, don't lose to Naruto!" Ino shouted.

In the first match, Naruto was up against Shikamaru. The other Participant left the Arena, leaving Naruto, Shikamaru, and the referee Genma Shiranui.

Naruto looked at Shikamaru. "I didn't expect you to be my opponent, Shikamaru!"

"Oh, what a hassle!" Shikamaru looked lazy, but his eyes turned serious. "I didn't expect to face you either, Naruto. Although it's troublesome, I don't want to lose to you!"

"Let's begin!"

As soon as Genma finished speaking, the first match of the third round of the Chunin Exam, between Naruto and Shikamaru, began.


For power stones, if I get 10 power stones, I will publish 500 more words. If I get 100 power stones, I will post two 1,500-word chapters a day.

Please join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/XfSy6kWS

And Give Some Ideas to work on 



*Fact.27:-Why Does Iruka Have The Ability To Echolocate?

While he isn't shown using it often, Iruka has the ability to use echolocation - that is, he can use sound to create an image of the area around him.

 This ability is most likely connected with his name. Iruka (海豚) means "dolphin", and his surname, Umino (海乃), means "of the sea." Dolphins are well-known for their ability to use echolocation, so the name and the ability match perfectly. 



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