

Meanwhile, Naruto introduced himself to Kakashi.

" My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I like ramen. I dislike rude people, rogue ninjas and other yellow bellied varmints. My dream is not only to become the next Hokage but also planning to joined the Foundation."

" YOU PLANNED TO JOINED WHAT?!!!" Sakura exclaimed.

" DOBE!!! YOU SCREWED TEAM SEVEN!!!" Sasuke exclaimed.

" I don't care if Team Seven is dismantled." Naruto said.

Kakashi deadpanned.

" Oh boy. That would be more chaotic." Kakashi said. " Will he be joined the modern day Foundation before he becomes the next hokage in the future?"

Then, Sakura introduced herself to Kakashi.

" My name is Sakura. My likes and dislikes...." Sakura said.

Then, Rock Lee interrupted as he landed on Naruto and accidentally kissed.

" BUSHY BROWS!!!!" Naruto exclaimed. " WHY DID YOU KISSED ME IN THE LIPS!!!"

" YIKES!!!" Rock Lee said. " SORRY NARUTO!!!"

Tenten, Neji and Guy were shocked.

" LEE!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!" Tenten and Neji were exclaimed.

" THAT IS SO UNYOUTHFULNESS!!!" Guy exclaimed.

Kakashi deadpanned.

" Team Seven introduction is screwed up by interruption." Kakashi said. " That's it, Team Seven suspended."

Sakura and Sasuke were pissed off at Lee.

" IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT GREENERY!!!" Sakura exclaimed.

" That's it!!!" Naruto exclaimed. " I'm going home!!!"

Naruto stomped away.

Tenten and Neji were facepalmed.

" Lee screwed this up." Neji said.

" That copperhead. What is he thinking?" Tenten said.

Guy apologized to Kakashi.

" Sorry about that incident Kakashi." Guy said. " He was training then he lost his balance."

" Apologize is accepted." Kakashi said. " Now Naruto is not here anymore."

Sakura and Sasuke noticed that Naruto is not with them.

" Ugh oh." Sasuke said. " I guess this incident got messed up which made him upset."

Sasuke and Sakura kicked Lee in the butt.

" You wild donkey." Sasuke said.

" Apologized to Naruto." Sakura said.

" Sorry about that incident!" Rock Lee said. " I promised that I will repent my sins!"

Sakura and Sasuke's face went black.

" Are you sure about that....?" Sakura and Sasuke were both said.

Meanwhile, at the sparring room as Mizuko were now letting Hinoko and Tsuchimi sparring each other.

" You two shall started with the Taijutsu Training." Mizuko said. " Hand-to-Hand Combat Logistics."

" Martial arts are not bad." Tsuchimi said.

" Maybe." Hinoko said. " But I'm not easy to go down."

" Just don't go easy on me." Tsuchimi said.

" Alright!" Mizuko said. " Let's just started the right now."

Mizuko and Tsuchimi were started to spar each other as the other ANBUs were looking at the sparring scene.

" I want to place a bet on the two." Daichiro said.

" This isn't a money dealing." Torune said. " It's a spar."

" We need to watched them carefully in order to see if they are strong enough to be part of the Foundation." Minako said. " My guess is that Hidden Cloud already have their own ANBU faction."

" How the hell are you comparing the ANBU of the Leaf to the ANBU of the Cloud?" Fū said to Minako.

" Despite those two are both powerful." Ryosuke said. " It is hard to tell which these two are stronger."

" Ryosuke has a point." Daichiro said.

" Good thing we have our first Hyuga and first Inuzuka to joined the Foundation." Minako said.

" I have to agree cousin." Fū said.

" Remember, we are loyal to the heiress of the Senju Clan." Ryosuke said.

Mizuko grew a tick mark.

" Are you talking about me?" Mizuko asked.

Minako kicked Ryosuke in the butt.

" Ryosuke, you opposing three horned idiot!" Minako said.

" You are both lunactic and psychotic Ryosuke." Torune said. " Show some respect to her."

" Keep quiet everyone." Fū said. " Let's focus on the sparring."

Meanwhile, Tsuchimi and Hinoko were still sparring each other.

" Are you exhausted?" Tsuchimi asked.

" I'm not done yet Tsuchimi." Hinoko said.

Tsuchimi and Hinoko were continued their sparring.