
Naruto: Snake Girl Reincarnation

A girl reincarnates into the dead body of an abandoned experiment of Orochimaru.

SimplyAwesome · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Acquiring Mother and Daughter

*Author's Note*

Thank you @Akisu for pointing out my mistakes in the previous chapter. I will try to improve and reduce mistakes from now on.

*Author's Note End*

Our MC, Shiori as she decided her new name, got some info from her snakes. There are some rumours about a woman who heals everyone in the village. 'Woman' means it would not be Karin but her mother. She applied some chakra suppression seals, but doubted it would be that useful against such great Uzumaki sensors who can even tell the nature of person from their chakra. She wonder if she was good or evil?

She sneaked into the village and found their home quickly. It was too easy to be called a ninja village. And their house was even separated from mainstream of the village, and looked too shaby.

'Are they really ninja?'

She decided to kidnap them in broad daylight, as they will increase whatever security they had in the night. She transformed into a regular ninja whom she had seen on way and knocked their door.

A little girl with bright red hair and red eyes fearfully opened the door and stood protectively in front of her bedridden mother. Before they could say anything, a giant snake swallowed them both. She made Shadow clones to disguise as them and went out of the back door while being transformed into a small snake.

Kidnapping them was too easy. They had lucked out that they got an Uzumaki without combat ability and them being too small that they were ignored by major villages.

She came to her hideout and transformed into human again. Her largest snake, Kenta came out of her and spit the two Uzumakis. She was proud of her ability to house snake as large as Kenta inside her due to her self-developed Jutsu created due to lack of Snake summoning contract.

"Thank you Kenta." She patted his head. It gave a pleased hiss and returned to her body. She examined the two Uzumakis. Karin was very little and looked malnourished as well. While her mother was deathly pale with several bite marks as well. She didn't seem to have much chakra as well. She applied Medical Ninjutsu to her but it didn't improve her condition much. It seemed her vitality had been sucked out.

I woke up Karin from Kenta's anesthesia. "Aah!" She immediately got scared and ran towards her mother protecting her from me. "If you do anything to my Mommy I will kill you!"

"Relax little girl. I will not do anything bad. I can heal your mother, but you both will have to become my subordinates and travel with me."

"Y-you can heal Mommy? I will do anything! But don't hurt Mommy!"

Karin replied with tears about to burst from her eyes.

Shiori handed her some meat and said, "What's your name and age girl?"

"My name is Karin! I am 5 years old." She said in a recited tone.

'She is the same age as Naruto. That means it's been 2 years since Orochimaru applied curse seal on me. So I am atleast 12 years old. Well, let's say I am 12 years old, and today is my birthday. Happy Birthday to me!'

"What's the date today?"

"29 May."

"Well, I should introduce myself, right? I am Shiori and I am 12 years old. Since today is my birthday, you can eat as much as you want. I have prepared a feist to welcome you." And she showed her meat stew she had prepared to welcome them.


She took some samples of Karin's blood and skin and went to treat her mother. Karin showed great determination to do everything to save her bedridden mother. It felt weird to Shiori and she wondered why would she go to such lengths and even trust a stranger? She dismissed it as an innocent child trusts anyone really easily.

She placed Karin's mother, whose name she found to be Karen from her daughter, on a bed which was made from Eart Jutsu and studied her. Her vitality has been drawn out from her too much. Even with the help of Hashirama cells, she would live atmost 2-3 years, as she can't handle too much H-cells. Well, she couldn't do anything about it.

(A.N.- I will be using H-cells for Hashirama cells from now on. And having sample of it means unlimited supply. Madara just bit some and had enough to build half of Obito with them. They multiply almost infinitely afterall.)

She transplanted H-cells under controlled multiplication into her along with Karin's cells. She took them surprisingly easily. Must be Uzumaki perk. She would take some weeks to get used to transplanted cells, but she would be fine.


(Two weeks later)

Shiori has stole good amount of money and weapons from Kusa. She has placed several seals to hide her hideout and prohibit anyone entry, so if someone of higher capability than Orochimaru in fuinjutsu did not come looking for her, she would be fine. Though, she will start building bases in different locations soon.

Shiori has been training with real swords for two weeks. She was really happy and dissapointed with Kusa. They didn't spot her and she was able to go in and out of the village as her playground. She would have stole some weapons sooner if she had known.

She also started training Karin. She surprisingly had a good amount of chakra control needed to be a medic even though she had large reserves. She trained her in kenjutsu, taijutsu and basic fuinjutsu mainly along with the three basic ninjutsus- Clone, Replacement and Transformation. She was soaking in all the knowledge like a sponge. Stupid Kusa to have wasted such a talent.

Currently, she was standing with Karin in front of Karen, who was checking herself out as she felt a bit weird after waking up.

"You have to work for me, the deal has already been sealed. I will train your daughter in return. Do you agree."

"Have you been good with big sis, Karin?"

"Yes! I was a good girl Mommy! Shiori nee-chan taught me so many cool things and healed you! She cooks a bit bad but she is really good, ya know!"

Karen patted Karin and smiled at Shiori. "Thank you Shiori-sama. I accept."

"Good. Your job is to take care of Karin, cook us meal and other domestic stuff for now. Your condition is not much good to do any fighting."

"And what job I have to do young lady?"

'Intruder! How did he come here without setting off any seals and me noticing!' Shiori screamed mentally. She turned around to see the intruder and was truly shocked.

HE is here!

Guess who is HE?

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