
Chapter 1

Kosuke was 3 when he was seperated from his parents and tossed in an orphanage. He was 4 when he got a new guardian. He was 5 when he started shinobi training. He was 6 when he got the dragon summoning scroll. He was 7 when he got the name, Silver Dragon. He was 8 when he lost his guardian. He was 9 when he met one Namikaze Minato, he was 9 when his life changed forever.

Kosuke was 5. His dad was Raiden Uzumaki. He didn't have a mom. Raiden had been waiting for his 5th birthday to finally start training him. Kosuke emerged from the tent they had been sleeping in to see his dad grinning brightly.

He groaned, that was never a good sign. "Oh come on Kosuke," his dad said, "I know you've been waiting ages for this." It was true, he had been looking forward to shinobi training for a long time. Not that his dad needed to know that.

"Alright, alright, let's do this," he said determinedly.

"That's the spirit," Raiden nodded, "But, remember, it's dangerous, never practice on your own."

"I know dad," Kosuke said with a roll of his eyes, he must've gone through this lecture a thousand times by now and Kosuke was itching to get started on the actual training.

Raiden grinned, "Alright then, you'll be needing this," he slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out a small, green leaf.

Kosuke grabbed it and examined it closely. It was a leaf. Just a leaf. Nothing special, no cool shinobi trick on it. Just a leaf. He frowned, "What do I do with this?"

Raiden grinned at him, excitement gleaming in his eyes, another bad sign, "Just find a way to get it to stick to your body, I'm sure you'll figure it out," he chirped happily, before disappearing away in a shunshin. What he didn't know was his guardian was watching over him from a tree branch above. He took his safety seriously.

Kosuke gritted his teeth as he scrunched the leaf into a ball, dropping it and grinding it into the ground with his foot. He scowled darkly, muttering curses under his breath as he grabbed another leaf.

It took the whole day.

The sun was starting to set and Kosuke was lying in a pile of his own sweat when he finally managed to get something. In a fit of irritation he had destroyed another leaf and got specks of dirt on his hand. He stopped and stared, before he jolted. He figured it out! Before, he was trying to get it to stick by applying a layer from his skin like glue, but he should've channeled his chakra to a single point to stick the leaf to, that way more of his chakra would grab onto it.

Kosuke jerked up to grab another leaf and test out his theory, but drooped almost immediately with exhaustion. It was getting late and his chakra was almost gone. But he didn't want to go home without making sure his theory was correct, Raiden would be insufferable.