
Naruto: Shinobi Hunter

Hitman of the Shinobi World - Toji Fushiguro after dying from Purple Satoru Gojo Toji found himself in the world of Shinobi where he will continue his usual activities

Mileagr · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Let's hit the road



After Toji woke up, he went out to get groceries.

He went to several stores, picked up some vegetables and meat

On the way he stopped by Ichiraku Ramen

They had really tasty ramen

Help he came here from time to time

Having ordered tonkotsu ramen, he just waited

Besides him, there were two more people in the ichiraku ramen, namely two middle-aged men who were discussing the fact that Namikaze Minato became Hokage, his military achievements, and other things that happened for the last month

Touji wasn't very interested except for a few facts about Minato

Still, at the moment he is Hokage, which means that he has power and authority

Although from what he heard he was a very formidable opponent

His most famous trait was his incredible speed

And also the fact that he turned the tide of the war with another great shinobi village

Hmm, if all these are not meaningless rumors, then even if I were at my peak, I would not be able to defeat him

At least in a direct fight

If I had information, time and resources I could prepare an ambush but it still depends on many factors

What an interesting world


After eating, Toji went into the forest as usual

Weight lifting, running, weapon practice

And he did other exercises for about 5 hours

Then he went home

Nothing special


The next day Touji began to pack his things

He put the most necessary things into a worm

And he carried other little things such as clothes, food, hygiene items with him so as not to arouse suspicion.

For what?

He was going to leave Konoha...temporarily

And all because despite the fact that he has battle experience, it would be stupid to rely only on him

His brain remembers what to do and when to do it, how to hold a weapon, how to use it, how to use the terrain, when to attack and when to defend.

But the body is not

His body can be trained to become stronger

But it has no experience

Sounds stupid?

But still it is so

He has knowledge but he cannot use it

His new body isn't used to it

Because he needs to start again

So that his body remembers how to fight

And then it will become commonplace

Basically his body needs practice


He was a "civilian"

But they checked him anyway just in case

Who knows, maybe he's just a very hidden spy?

But in the end everything went well, and he was given permission to leave the village

He went with one of the caravans

They traveled to cities in the land of fire and accepted some passengers, for money, of course.

It was Toji's last money

This body was not particularly interested in anything, it basically just went to work and then home and so on day after day.

Because he has accumulated quite a lot of money

Of course, for others, all his wealth would be just pennies

But this was enough for Toji to eat for two weeks and to join the caravan


A week has passed

They passed several settlements and villages

But they didn't stop for long

Their target is large cities

It's funny that Konoha with its size is called a village


The caravan was attacked by robbers


Genin led by chunin are already fighting them

Well, Toji, why should he interfere?

There are already these genins for this

Apparently they have already carried out this kind of mission since these children do not tremble before the bandits and are not afraid to kill

Hmm, not bad, but still pretty weak

They don't use any special jutsu just dream shuriken and use basic taijutsu from the academy


The children probably already learned several clan jutsu during the academy.

When the bandits were finished, the caravan moved on


Shukuba town

The caravan will stop here and then head to Tanzaku Town.

I don't know how long they'll stay here, but it doesn't matter.

Why did I go with the caravan?

This makes it a little easier to get out of Konoha and the caravan knows the area better

So when I return it will be easier for me

Thanks to the caravan route

Why should I return? Still, this is not my town

It's simple

This is the richest country, and therefore the richest ninja village

People are stronger, the danger is greater

But there are also more resources

Well, I also have citizenship there


I was heading to a port city

For what?

I want to go to the land of waves

I heard that Gato's shipping business is thriving here.

And since I'm not a shinobi, I'm unlikely to receive any orders in the village

Because I need some organization or businessman

They have enemies and they hire people to eliminate them.

Of course they won't give me anything good from the very beginning

I'll start with the usual thugs who cause them little problems or are just annoying

By completing missions with success, they will begin to trust me and my strength more and therefore assign more and more better orders/missions

Having created a reputation with one, others will also not refuse to entrust me with a good order/mission.

That's why I decided to choose Gato

He is rich and apparently he rules the land of waves, which means that he also has enemies


How annoying it is to walk

In my world I could at least use a car to get to another city

There are no such amenities here


At the moment I am not far from a small village

Right now I did my set of exercises, albeit in a smaller quantity so as not to get too tired

Still, you can expect a lot

It's been a week anyway

I trained every day, and still headed towards the land of waves

I've been in this world for a little over three weeks now.

Almost a month has passed since I began to live in a new world and regain my strength

And at the moment

If you follow past standards

My peak was killing special classes

Essentially I was a special class "sorcerer"

At the moment I'm somewhere at the peak of first class

Of course if I were a sorcerer

I don't know where I am by ninja standards

But anyway, with my damn weapon I can destroy trees and cause severe cracks in rocks

Hmm I wonder what would happen if I had a black flash

Well anyway I'll never know

Perhaps my destructive power is less than that of some first-rank sorcerers, but I can kill any first-rank sorcerer


My strength is already significant but I am not as fast and strong as then

But I'm almost there


Having left another small village, I hit the road again

But after half an hour I stopped


Having pulled out the worm, I took out an ordinary katana and a pistol

When a person is subject to heavenly restriction, he not only has increased physical strength, but also all five senses are incredibly enhanced.

At my peak, I could even sense vibrations in the air, changes in smell in the environment.

Basically I felt everything

My environment "told" me where the enemy was

And where are his attacks

At the moment my feelings are almost the same as at the peak


Because it's not a body

I remember how I felt

I remember how to follow these feelings

I still feel it but my body can't keep up

This will not help in battle as in my peak

But when will my body keep up with my feelings

Then it will be different

Right now I can only use it to detect the enemy and his attacks

I can dodge, but not always

And right now I smell sweat

And iron


Judging by their location, these are bandits


Not surprising

The caravan chose a safe route because the bandits were caught only once

Well, I just walked in the direction I needed

Because it's no wonder I met so many bandits

There have already been several cases before, namely 5

But there were few of them, about 3 at most 4

But here

About a dozen people or more

Apparently, along the road I'm walking on, small caravans pass quite often


It should be easy


End of chapter

Nothing particularly interesting happened, but still

I don't want to rush the story

Yes, the growth of his strength is significant, but his former strength will not return until, Well, then his growth will slow down very much

But even then it won't be enough

In any case, for now and for many years to come, his strength will be enough

It's not very powerful

But still he is strong

I think an elite jounin?

Yes, the level of destruction from Toji is much less than that of an elite jounin

But I'm sure he can easily kill a bunch of Jounin

I think this will be enough until about the start of the second season?

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Mileagrcreators' thoughts