
Naruto: Shadows Of Perfection

Isaac is someone who possesses an unwavering pursuit of perfection. His obsession extends beyond mastering jutsu; he seeks to perfect not only himself but also the world around him. However, Isaac's perfectionism becomes a double-edged sword, threatening to consume him. Isolation and inner turmoil ensue, prompting Isaac to confront the shadows of his own obsession. Will Isaac follow through with his Eternal Quest for perfection? Or will he fall short, embracing what he hates most, imperfection?

VQuintessence · アニメ·コミックス
59 Chs

Eternal Newspaper I

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[15 Chapters in Advance on Patre.on]


Chapter 8: Eternal Newspaper I


"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." ~ Voltaire

"The second Hokage always hated us. That's why the military Police Force was headquartered in a remote part of the village.

And by its nature, the military police force prevented us Uchiha from holding any position of real influence within Konoha's government.

We are being deliberately isolated from Konoha. They fear our power and hate us for it.

Why do you think the Hokage approaches you regularly as of late? It's because of your talent.

He is observing you, and if not for our protection, he would've certainly sent you on your way. Do you understand, Isaac?"

In a dimly lit traditional Japanese style sat two individuals, each on a different side of the table, comfortably sitting on a cushion and taking occasional sips of tea.

The conversation has been going on for a while, and judging from the middle-aged man's satisfied expression, he must've been quite content with the conversation.

"I understand, Uncle Yashiro," Isaac seriously nodded, "Even though I just want to make the world a better place, they still fear me. My kindest intentions don't matter to them due to my talent."

"I've even been sensing many malicious eyes on me for the past months, and it's been getting worse lately." Isaac further added.

"The malicious eyes of the weak envying the strong and wishing they could be you," Yashiro appreciatively nodded, "They can not, thus they can only get rid of you. Worry not, however, we have your back."

The scene is what's called slow and methodical brainwashing which had been very difficult for the past nearly four years much to Yashiro's charging.

Yashiro knew that changing Isaac's mind would be a difficult task due to the kid's kindness, but it was night impossible. It would've been even hopeless if not for the assistance of Konoha.

The malicious eyes always secretly spying on him is what finally changed his mind, and if Yashiro needed any more assurance, Isaac managed to directly open three tomoe Sharingan.

'His parents' death broke him so much that he wants to fix everything, and anyone getting his way will certainly be his enemy,' Yashiro mused, finally understanding Isaac's psyche completely.

Yashiro took out a few scrolls, "You are about to graduate, and you're one of the few who had opened three tomoe Sharingan, so it's time for you to learn this technique."

Isaac took the scrolls, and only opened the one Yashiro pointed to, "Izanagi?" Isaac questioned in a puzzled tone.

"Izanagi is one of our most treasured techniques, a life-saving means that grants you additional lives at the cost of your eyes.

Memorize the scroll now then return it to me. The others are some trivial illusion techniques as you seem interested in that field, just take them with you." Yashiro instructed.

"This... It's too precious, no?" Isaac was hesitant. Just by the sound of its effect, it shouldn't be something that can be taken out casually.

"Every talent is and will continue to be the foundation of our Uchiha's rise. It's what you should have," Yashiro insisted.

"Then... Thank you," Isaac seriously nodded, "I will forever remember your kindness."

Isaac didn't delay any longer as he opened his Sharingan, quickly memorizing the technique, although it looked as if he was skimming through it.

The Sharingan, especially the three tomoe Sharingan is truly miraculous, giving him something akin to supernatural vision, seeing and reading everything in slow motion.

"I'm done," Isaac handed the scroll back to Yashiro, "Thank you," And didn't forget to thank him again, quite the polite child.

"Keep your emotions in check and act how you used to act even in front of the Hokage," Yashiro instructed, "If they noticed your awareness of their evil, they might go to extremes to get rid of you."

"I understand," Isaac nodded as he picked up the illusion scrolls and started making his way out, only to frown as he halted his footsteps, instantly turning on Sharingan again.

"Hm?" Isaac's action alerted Yashiro as well, doing the same only for the same frown to emerge on his face, "What in the hell is happening?"

They only needed to glance at each other for a second before sprinting into action, coinciding with several other Uchihas assembling at the center of the Uchiha compound.

They were all eyeing the sky, the birds in the sky that seemed to be holding something with their claws.

The Uchiha patriarch was one of the first to be alerted, and he went on to alert everyone else, assembling the Uchiha shinobis to protect the compound while the weak hid away.

"Normal birds?" The Uchihas were understandably confused but also alert as they watched the relatively large birds glide in the sky before letting go of the things they were holding onto with their claws.

"Destroy them! Don't allow them to fall on us!" Even though his Sharingan acutely captured the nature of the thing falling down, he still couldn't take any chances as he loudly instructed.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!!"

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!!"

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!"

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!!!"

Countless yells sounded about, followed by fireballs swimming in the air towards their targets. It wasn't enough, nothing was gonna be enough for the thousands and thousands of things falling from the sky.

"Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation!!" The Patriarch, however, wasn't gonna give up as he released a sea of fire.

Yet even its reach was limited in front of the thousands of birds flying around the sky turning the sky dark, each holding onto multiple of what seemed to be papers.

"Just stop!!" The Patriarch finally gave up as they at least cleared their area, "You! Get that thing!"

However, every other area of the Uchiha compound was filled with those papers, so the Uchiha in question could only gulp in nervousness, approaching the papers scattered about.

Despite his Sharingan telling him otherwise, he couldn't help but be afraid of them being explosive tags. He still picked up one of the papers with trembling hands... Nothing happened.

"What does it say!? What's in it?" The Patriarch questioned aloud.

"Umm? Newspaper?" The Uchiha in question subconsciously responded in utter confusion.

"What?" The Patriarch was stunned before shouting, "Read it aloud!!"

"Its name seems to be Eternal News? Ah, and there is a section called What Is Eternal News!!"

"Eternal News" is a groundbreaking newspaper within the world, serving as a vital source of information, analysis, and commentary on events shaping the Shinobi world.

Founded with the vision of fostering transparency, accountability, and informed discourse, Eternal News strives to bridge the gap between the citizens and the powerful entities that govern their lives.

What Is Eternal News?

Eternal News is not just a newspaper; it's a beacon of truth in an era of uncertainty. We are dedicated to providing unbiased, in-depth coverage of the most pressing issues facing the Shinobi world, from political intrigue to cultural developments, and everything in between. Our mission is to empower citizens with knowledge, spark dialogue, and aid the World towards progress instead of its current stagnation!

"And let's see, the newspaper seems to have several sections dedicated to different things. The Front page towards breaking news. The Second towards Analysis & Commentary. The Third is about Special Features? The Fourth is called Eternal Academy. The Final section is called Letters to Eternal?"

The Uchiha spoke slowly, taking his time, seemingly fascinated by the groundbreaking ideas of the newspaper, until the Patriarch finally couldn't handle it, pushing him aside and taking the newspaper for himself.

The Patriarch's face quickly turned dark, and it quickly turned darker and darker, already foreseeing the chaos the newspaper would cause.

The rest of the Uchiha seem to think the same, even Yashiro, their musing soon interrupted by the loud explosion coming from the sky. The now relatively clear sky as most of the birds scattered.

"T-They tried to attack the birds!!" One of the Uchiha had caught what had happened, "The birds can explode!"

"Likely a safeguarding mechanism," The Patriarch nodded, realizing that the whole village might be in chaos, "No, the whole world is no chaos because if the newspaper didn't lie, it's a worldwide newspaper."

And that's the problem. It's not like there aren't any newspapers in this world, but they are self-contained in the elite villages and firmly controlled by them.

Nothing they don't want you to see would pass by, and now there is a newspaper that's controlled by some unknown force, functioning worldwide, and would even dare speak out against the Daimyo.

Indeed, a section of the newspaper showed some of the horrific actions of the nobles and the Daimyo in vivid details and pictures as if Eternal's eyes were everywhere.

"Sir, the Hokage announced an emergency and meeting and summoned all the clan leaders to attend at once!!" A newly arrived Uchiha informed the Patriarch whose frown only got deeper.

'So much chaos and disorder, and it will only get worse,' Isaac mused. It pains him greatly to bring about chaos himself, but it has to happen, 'And They Can Not Stop It.'


[ 2000 Power Stones For An Extra Chapter!!! ]


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