
Naruto: Sex Master (R-18)

Three bored Goddesses decide to give Naruto a lot of abilities and turn him into a Sex Master so that he can satisfy them in the future. Note— Twisted Naruto, Heavy Sex, Rough Sex, Oral, BDSM, Rápe, Blackmail, Invincible MC, Incest, Mother-Son Sex.

Deathxx · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Chapter 4: Kyubi vs The Blessed

Five hundred years later. The Multiverse, Rocky Planes

The terrain was rocky in nature, with unfertile and eroded soil that extended for as long as the eye could see.

Massive rock formations could be seen littering the landscape, and they rose high in the air, many penetrating the white clouds that floated lazily in the blue sky.

Another curious fact about this landscape was the two suns that shone brightly high up in the air. The bigger one was orange in colour while the smaller one shone almost white.

Suddenly there was a tremor that rocked the entire landscape, chunks of earth fell from the rock formations into the ground as the ground shook to the point it looked as if everything was vibrating.

As suddenly as it started, the rocking finished and for a few seconds, it was quiet. Too quiet. But it didn't last long as one of the tall rock structures suddenly collapsed on itself as a smoking figure shot right through it.

There was a trail of smoke that followed the flying figure, which shot through three more rock formations until it reached a stop right in a fourth one, cracking the surface of his landing point.

The smoke began to disperse and the figure was revealed to be a blonde male with shaggy blond hair that reached his wide shoulders.

One could clearly see his muscular build, which was neither thin nor bulky. He was clothed in black leather pants, which were held up by a brown belt, that were tucked into brown riding boots.

His torso was covered by a crimson-red, skin-tight tank top that showed the definition of his pectorals and abdominal muscles.

He wore a black fingerless glove on his right hand and his left forearm was covered in white bandages Over that he wore a sleeveless black cloak with a hood that was pulled down and a black sheathed katana rested on the right side of his waist. His angular face sported very handsome features.

Red, narrowed eyes shone with glee as a mad and excited grin made its way into his face.

"Is that all you've got?!" the blond-haired teen, as he didn't look to be older than sixteen years old, shouted his question to apparently no one.

Only a few seconds passed before the one at the receiving end of the question appeared right in front of the blond.

It was a gigantic red-furred fox with nine tails. The beast barred its sharp teeth, showing a drooling mouth before lashing out with one of its paws, posed to impale the blond, who only grinned wider before jumping from the soon-destroyed rock formation.

The blond laughed out loud as he looked down at the growling fox. "Fighting with you never gets old!" He bellowed before pointing his open palms at his opponent.

The air in front of his palms suddenly began to distort until howling winds obscured his view from the red-eyed fox who merely howled.

Suddenly the vortex of wind exploded towards the fox, a funnel of winds forming in its wake, the front taking the form of a drill that was aimed at the red-furred animal.

Narrowing its red slit eyes, the fox jumped high in the air, evading the attack, which left a very wide trench on the ground as it continued its path of destruction until the winds died out.

Now it was time for the fox to look down at the blond human, who was looking up at his opponent with that insane grin of his still in place.

Howling with power, the fox pushed its body into a frontward flip, lashing out with its tails to crush the human, who looked like an ant compared to the fox.

Seeing the appendages coming towards him, the blond teen gave a joyful laugh as he interlocked his two hands in front of his chest and the earth beneath rumbled before nine pillars made out of wood shot out from the ground, each one intercepting a tail, surprising the fox if the bewildered expression on its face was anything to go by.

Tightening his fists, the pillars of wood suddenly reached out and wrapped themselves around the tails of the fox, who howled in pain as its tails were apparently very sensitive.

Grinning madly, the blond raised his interlocked fist and brought them down as if he were smashing something with a hammer.

The pillars of wood wrapped around the tails of the fox followed the path of the smashing fists, bringing down the fox painfully to the earth, creating a wide indent on the ground and raising a cloud of dust that only prevented the sight of the fox but nothing to hide the howl of anger that it made once it crashed into cold hard ground.

The blond man eased off into a relaxed stand while apparently floating in the air.

He watched with a grin as the wooden pillars returned back into the ground but the haze of dust still kept on like a stubborn sandstorm, preventing him from seeing the downed fox.

"Is this all that the all mighty Kurama, the strongest of Biju can do? I expected better from her!" He mocked, knowing that going for her pride was the best way to rile her up. And boy did he rile her up!

"Shut your goddamn mouth up!"

After the angry voice sounded off, a volley of glowing orange balls were shot at the blond teen began to laugh once again at the rapidly closing in orbs of energy.

"Now this is more like it!"

The blond teen's hand began to glow with yellow energy as he shot up into the air, flying backwards as faced the incoming attack.

He reared his hands back and he began to lash those forwards, shooting multiple beams of glowing yellow energy that collided with the orange balls that were shot by Kurama resulting in multiple explosions.

This continued for several seconds, the wind generated by the explosions high in the air strong enough to blow away the dust covering Kurama, showing the fox with its maw wide open, the rapid fire of orange balls coming out of it.

Knowing that keeping on with launching this type of attack was futile as it was being countered rather easily, Kurama stopped, jumping back immediately afterwards because some of the blonde's own energy attacks were launched even after she stopped.

Kurama glared up at the blond, who looked like a black point because of how high he was but she could perfectly picture his triumphant grin.

'Smug piece of…' She thought darkly but a grin settled on her vulpine face. She then reared her upper body back, her tail arching forward until the nine tips were in front of her open mouth.

She used her strong limbs to support herself as a purplish black ball of energy grew in front of her mouth until it acquired a size roughly five times bigger than her.

High up in the air, the blond teen's grin became so large it almost split his face in two when he saw what the fox was doing.

He clacked madly as he raised his arms until he resembled a cross but his legs were spread wide apart.

His body then was covered in glowing yellow energy, yellow electricity arching out and into it due to how much power was being put into the preparation of the attack.

The earth began shaking as suddenly the enormous ball of energy that Kurama conjured began to shrink down until it was small enough for Kurama to swallow, which she did.

The earth beneath the behemoth of a fox cracked due to the highly condensed energy and smoke poured out from the gap between her fangs.

High up in the air, the clouds began to gather around the blond teen, casting a foreboding shadow over the gigantic fox.

The blond grinned savagely as he joined his hands in front of him at his palms and a ball of apparently yellow electricity began to frizzle in and out of existence in between his fingers. "Let's see which one is more powerful!

Your strongest Bijudama or my strongest KI-based attack!" Actual thunderbolts began to arch outwards from the blond, which reached the earth below, destroying more than a few rocky formations with the resounding clap of thunder going off after each thunderbolt struck the earth.

Kurama only narrowed her eyes as the earth began to shake once again, almost making her lose her balance.

She wasted no time to rear her upper body backwards before launching it forward, opening her mouth in the process and letting loose a crimson beam of energy. A loud boom was heard after the beam shot forward, a shockwave rippling in its wake.

The blonde's long canines gleamed on his grin as he watched the beam quickly close on his position.

He could feel the power of Kurama's attack he knew that his own could more than match it. So with a scream of glee, he let it loose.

"Final Flash!"

A bright light illuminated the sky as a wave of yellow energy was shot towards the incoming crimson beam of condensed chakra.

They soon clashed and the world bled into orange as the two attacks fought for dominance, each doer of the attack putting more power into them.

Eventually, the yellow one began to win ground over the crimson and Kurama's eyes widened when she sensed the inevitable.

She stopped fueling her attack and jumped to the side hoping not to get hit by the massive wave of energy.

Kurama had to leap three more times until she was sure she was out of the range of the attack and when it passed by her, arching so it didn't hit the ground directly, she even felt the extreme heat coming off from it.

The attack kept going for several seconds until it slowly died out and the results were something that had Kurama looking on with wide red eyes.

She could only see burnt, smoking, blackened earth in a wide trench that extended many kilometres wide and she didn't want to know how long it extended.

If she had not expended the last few hundred years, going by her own mental count, interacting with the blond teen and seeing the type of training he did daily she would've been shocked beyond words that a human could cause this type of destruction.

So she merely remained astounded for a few seconds as she admired his handiwork but that was all the time the blond needed to put an end to this fight.

He appeared in front of Kurama in a small combustion of black mist and shoved his hands towards the enormous vixen, palms facing forward.

From his palms, wrists and forearms, silver chains glowing with purple energy with pointed tips emerged.

They became as thick as the blond male and quickly wrapped around Kurama's neck, limbs, torso and tails and brought the vixen down when the tip of the chins shot into the floor and tightened their hold around Kurama.

Kurama grunted, trying to fight for her freedom but it was futile. She could feel the energy going through the chains suppressing her power.

She knew she was beaten. And going by the smug grin on his face, the blond teen also knew he won. "Don't you think you went a little overboard with that last attack, Naruto?"

Naruto kept his grin in place but since the battle had ended it was tamer, but the long canines still made it look intimidating.

"Nah. I wanted to prove that I have already become your equal. Besides, the more destruction the more fun, don't you think?" Naruto giggled with childlike enthusiasm, making Kurama sweatdrop.

"I… em… guess… you are right," she said unsurely, getting a happy nod from Naruto. She motioned to the chains still holding her up with her eyes. "Would you mind taking these off? It's getting uncomfortable."

Naruto merely willed his chains to retreat back into his body while he slowly lowered himself until his feet touched the blackened soil.

He stared as Kurama was enveloped in a red column of fire that got smaller until it dispersed completely, revealing her in her vixen/human hybrid form.

Naruto followed her alluring curves as she walked towards him. He completely ignored the deadpan look she was sending his way.

"My eyes are up here."

"I know but I like your tits better Kura-chan," was his response before he grinned toothily at her.


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