
Naruto : Sequence 0 Visionary

Sogetsu was reborn in Naruto World with “Lord of Mysteries System” and chooses the Visionary Pathway. Kakashi: He's the best psychiatrist I've ever known. He helped me heal from my trauma. Itachi: Listen, thank you. If it weren't for you, I would've been stuck in my own shadow forever! Danzo: We've got a traitor in our midst... Wait, why are you all looking at me like that? Black Zetsu: I don't know why, but I feel like I've been living under his shadow. He seems to predict every single move I make! Madara Uchiha: Uchiha Sogetsu, you're taking things a bit too far... During the Fourth Great Ninja War, tens of thousands of ninja alliance troops stood at the ready, prepared for battle. Uchiha Sogetsu adjusted his glasses and smiled slightly. “Who told you that a psychiatrist... is weak?” On that day, a massive gray-white dragon towered over the battlefield like a divine presence. Anyone who gazed upon it was struck with profound mental distress, their thoughts twisted, their sanity frayed. Madness soon followed. ***** Hey guys, I will upload this story regularly. So please add this to your collection if you like it. Also even if you haven't read LOTM you can still read this novel and understand it. You can read upto ch 10 and decide for yourself whether you like it or not. ********** Raw Link https://69shuba.cx/book/57777/ ******* Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/Unique_Writer ******** Also if you can visit my youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@aayume_official

Nobody2NoBody · アニメ·コミックス
137 Chs

Chapter 12 : Cunning Uchiha Fugaku!!

Root Base. 

There is no sunlight, a perpetual darkness akin to tree roots buried deep underground in a sewer-like complex.

Danzo, swathed in bandages like a mummy, leaned heavily on his cane. He glared down with cold displeasure etched on his face. "Ryoma, with your skills, you couldn't even take down a fledgling Uchiha brat? I'm very disappointed in you!"

His voice was stern, every word laced with disapproval.

'Root' was known for its extreme discipline and harsh regulations. Failure often meant losing everything—identity, name, family, friends, past, and eventually, existence itself.

The other Root members cast glances of subtle sympathy at Aburame Ryoma, who knelt on the ground, awaiting Danzo's wrath.

"My apologies, Danzo-sama. Uchiha Sogetsu was extremely cautious, and I sensed the presence of Hokage-sama's technique. I aborted the mission without authorization," Aburame Ryoma replied, his head bowed deeply, but his eyes showed no fear.

He'd seen the 'dragon'; a rat hiding in the shadows wasn't something to fear.

Danzo's expression remained grim, his usual demeanor. Despite the mission's failure, he wasn't planning to punish Ryoma. Ryoma was his most skilled subordinate, his trusted right-hand man. 

A minor misstep warranted just a reprimand. He expected Ryoma to plead for forgiveness, allowing Danzo to be magnanimous and assign a new mission.

However, the expected plea never came.

Danzo waited, nearly imagining the echoes in the silence. Ryoma remained mute. "Ahem, Ryoma, don't you have anything else to say?" he prodded.

"My apologies for disappointing you, Danzo-sama. I accept responsibility and await the punishment," Ryoma replied.

This response caught Danzo off guard, his old, wrinkled face growing even grimmer. His discomfort was palpable.

Luckily, another Root member interjected, saving his leader from further embarrassment. "Danzo-sama, I think the mission's failure wasn't entirely Ryoma's fault. It might be Hokage-sama's warning to us. It could be best to proceed cautiously."

Danzo quickly took the opportunity to regain control. "Ryoma, your mission remains unchanged. Continue to monitor Uchiha Sogetsu, report back to me, but don't act without orders!"

"Understood, Danzo-sama," Ryoma replied, slowly rising and exiting the room.

As Danzo watched his most trusted subordinate depart, an uneasy feeling grew in his heart. "Is it just my imagination, or does Ryoma seem a bit distant?" he wondered.

Meanwhile, Ryoma felt a newfound resolve. He was ready for whatever came next.

"My choice wasn't wrong."

"As Lord Sogetsu said, Danzo is just a rat hiding in the gutter. He doesn't have the courage to look directly at the sun."

"Someone like that doesn't deserve my allegiance, let alone embody the 'peace of mind' I seek!"

"Lord Sogetsu, I'll clear any obstacles in your path!"

In the dimly lit tunnel, Ryoma's eyes grew brighter and more determined.

By the time Sogetsu returned to the Uchiha mansion, the sun was setting.

As Sogetsu stepped through the door, he ran into a woman.

"Sogetsu, you're back? Fugaku has been waiting for you. He says there's something he wants to discuss." The woman's belly was noticeably pregnant, and her face radiated happiness.

But as she noticed Sogetsu's weary expression, her concern was immediate: "Are you alright? You look exhausted. I can ask Fugaku to come find you another day if you'd prefer."

"I'm fine, Mikoto-sama." Sogetsu forced a smile, though his gaze lingered on her belly. "It's you who should be careful. Please take care of yourself during your pregnancy."

Mikoto, well-known for her gentle nature, smiled and placed her hand on her growing belly. The gesture was filled with a motherly warmth: "It's okay, the baby is still small. I can stay indoors most of the time. I just wanted to accompany Fugaku to see you." 

"Mikoto-sama, since Fugaku-sama has been waiting for me, I should go see him. Sorry to keep him waiting."

Sogetsu apologized and opened the door.

"You're back?"

Uchiha Fugaku was seated inside. When he saw Sogetsu enter, he gestured for him to sit: "Sit down. Looks like you've been through something?" 

Sogetsu, who knew Fugaku's subtle way of probing, considered his words carefully. He nodded slightly, letting a hint of bitterness show, and replied with a touch of anger: "It seems my joining ANBU has unsettled some people."

"Danzo?" A sharp glint appeared in Uchiha Fugaku's eyes, though he quickly concealed it behind a composed demeanor. "Did he make a move on you?"

Fugaku's keen etheric presence indicated he was well aware of the situation, but chose not to share it.

Sogetsu found it intriguing that the clan leader knew about the threat but hadn't given him a heads-up. It reaffirmed his sense that being the head of a powerful clan like Uchiha required a lot more than just strength.

Sogetsu's thoughts hardened, a sneer forming in his mind. It seemed that being part of this clan demanded a lot of caution, even among allies.

Uchiha Sogetsu clenched his fists, his expression seething with restrained anger. "Yes, it was Danzo. That guy had plans to attack me, but then he suddenly backed off, for reasons I can't fathom."

"The Uchiha clan is in a dangerous situation," Fugaku sighed, his voice heavy with sorrow. "We were once instrumental in the founding of the Hidden Leaf Village, yet now we've fallen to this point. After the Senju clan's decline, it's as if we're just waiting for our turn."

Fugaku's words trailed off, but the unspoken sentiment was clear.

"Lord Fugaku, what do you mean?" Sogetsu's eyes widened in surprise.

"That's enough, don't say any more, Sogetsu," Fugaku said, his tone firm yet gentle. He patted Sogetsu's shoulder with a hint of apology. "I will go to the see Hokage and demand an explanation from Danzo!"

"Lord Fugaku," Sogetsu responded, his voice filled with gratitude, but also concern. "But won't this make Danzo even more hostile toward us?"

Fugaku straightened up, his posture reflecting his determination. "It doesn't matter, Sogetsu. You are a member of the Uchiha clan. For your sake, and for the sake of all of us, I must confront the Hokage!"

"Thank you, Lord Fugaku," Sogetsu said, deeply appreciative.

"We're from the same clan. We need to stand by each other," Fugaku replied, his voice gentle but resolute. He patted Sogetsu's shoulder again. 

"By the way, Sogetsu, you are a Jonin now, so you can join the clan meeting. Remember to come to Naka Shrine tomorrow."

"Of course, Lord Fugaku," Sogetsu agreed, though his mind was racing.

"Get some rest," Fugaku said in an elder's caring tone. "Remember, you're a part of the Uchiha clan. We're a family."

"I understand, Lord Fugaku," Sogetsu said, clenching his fists, his eyes burning with resolve. "I will always be a proud Uchiha. Today's events made it clear that neither Danzo nor that other person can be trusted!"

Fugaku nodded, a knowing smile on his lips. "I'm glad you understand. The Uchiha clan is far more than what meets the eye. Tomorrow, you'll see."

With that, Fugaku left, walking arm-in-arm with his wife. The couple's laughter echoed as they disappeared from sight.

Watching them go, Sogetsu smirked to himself.

It seemed Fugaku had a plan all along.

Danzo's manipulation and secrecy had created a rift, driving a wedge of hatred between the Hokage's faction and him. This led to a situation where he found himself siding firmly with the Uchiha.

To his surprise, Uchiha Fugaku—who is depicted as rather harmless in the manga—turned out to be quite adept at planning and executing schemes. Not only that, but he also harbored ambitious plans.

This made Sogetsu reconsider the reasons behind the Uchiha clan's rebellion in the original story. While external pressures played a part, there were also strong internal factors driving the Uchiha towards near extinction.


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