
Naruto: Sakura's Inner

A guy reincarnates and get's trapped in Sakura's mind as her inner.

SimplyAwesome · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs


*I will refer Sakura Inner as She*

While Sakura Inner finished watching everything, she finally noticed her surroundings.

'Ino, Ino, Ino, Ino, Sasuke-kun, Sasuke-kun, Sasuke-kun, Sasuke-kun, Sasuke-kun, Sasuke-kun, Sasuke-kun x100. Delete Sasuke-kuns.'

She would rather watch cute Ino-chan than a snotty brat. So, she deleted all Sasuke-kun's images in different poses that spread through her mindscape.

In real life, real Sakura who was like, "Kyaa~ Sasuke-kun♡~", suddenly went "Umm, who is Sasuke?". All the kids dropped their jaws at the change of the biggest fangirl. Ino stared at her and pointed at Sasuke, "Forehead Girl! Don't try to use any tricks!"

Sakura stared at Sasuke for a minute and went "Kyaa~ Sasuke-kun♡~" again. Everyone ignored her and started their cheering again, besides Ino-chan who clearly noted that her former best friend, who one-sidedly broke their friendship over Sasuke, genuinely forgot about him.

'D-did Sakura-chan just forgot about Sasuke just now? Does she have memory problems? I will ask Daddy for help!'

While our MC didn't know that she just now deleted about 20% of real Sakura's life's memory and caught the eye of Yamanaka Heiress, whose clan specialised in mind reading jutsus.

<Inner Place>

'Aargh! Why the hell I have to watch a snotty brat(Sasuke) beating crap out of another snotty brat(Naruto)? Let's arrange this mindscape for a bit.'

Inner closed her eyes and sat in meditation position. Suddenly, several bookshelves appeared and every manga and anime were arranged in them. She created a Sasuke shelf so that everything about him is stored there out of her sight. She created several shelves for every other people. Then a shelf for Shinobi related stuff in ninjutsu, taijutsu, genjutsu, kenjutsu, fuinjutsu, medical ninjutsu, shirukenjutsu, important infos named sections.

She then applied a password that would require to write Sakura in English in her handwriting so that nobody would be able to probe into her mind, like Ino tried in Chunin Exam.

She made a big screen so she could see the outside world through Sakura's eyes. Sakura was currently having a boring class on learning how to write which she already knew the best in her class. She was smart afterall. Her eyes would occasionally drift towards Sasuke, and she would think about why didn't she notice such a cool boy till now?

"Ino-chan's better! Just look at how cute she looks! Make up already with her! Look! She is looking towards you worryingly!"

"Ino-chan is not cute but cool!"

This was the voice of Sakura, not Inner's. And she did not speak in her mind, but shouted it aloud in the middle of class. Inner nodded in agreement. She would turn Sakura into lesbian to get Ino-chan in her bed. She would not let Naruto world's top sexy beauty be with some plain guy. Yuri is God's Best Creation afterall.

Inner's thought's unknowingly started flowing into Sakura. She began blushing at the dirty images that flowed into her mind, where a grown-up Ino was kissing her and taking off her top. Before her, or rather Inner's imagination could continue, Iruka-sensei's eyes met hers.

"Sakura-chan, please have your delusions after class. You are disturbing everyone."

Sakura saw everyone watching her like she had grown a second head. Ino-chan had her mouth open in shock. Then she realised that she had called Ino cool in front of everyone. She blushed and apologized Iruka-sensei.

Meanwhile, Inner started to notice that some of her thoughts were flowing into Sakura. Well, she was also bored and would like to talk to someone.


"Hey Sakura, are you alright?"

"Yeah. Why Ino-chan?"

"Did you really forget about Sasuke-kun?"

"I saw Sasuke-kun for the first time! How did I not notice Sasuke-kun~? He is so cool♡~! Right, Ino-chan!?"

Ino got shocked by the revelation. Sakura really had a problem with her head. She had to ask Daddy for help!

Inner's thought, 'Trouble!'