
Naruto: Sacred Scroll

After discovering a long lost ancient forbidden master sealing technique created by a deceased clan leader and seal grandmaster of the Uzumaki clan, Jiraiya studies and tampers with it only for it to lead to unexpected results.

Miguelho · アニメ·コミックス
38 Chs

Chapter 024


Hinata saw that was she about to be running late so she quickened the pace. She was making good timing when…


Hinata stopped and turned to see Sasuke walking and making his way over to her.

No, Hinata sighed, Not now!

"Sasuke-san," Hinata greeted. Smiling, Sasuke said, "Since you're on your way to the Academy, how about we walk and talk together? I could use the company."

"I…suppose," Hinata replied as Sasuke smoothly walked and stepped up next to her at her left. Sasuke and Hinata started walking towards the Academy while Hinata's mind was racing with many thoughts in her mind.

This isn't good, Hinata thought, If I don't think of something fast I'll-

"Sasuke-kun!" two female voices yelled out. Sasuke sighed and grumbled under his breath, "Not those two again."

Hinata looked to see Ino (age 13) and Sakura (age 13) running and racing to catch up with Sasuke.

"Sasuke-kun wait for me," Ino shouted as she quickened her pace.

"Out of my way Ino-pig," Sakura yelled while trying to shove Ino out of her way.

"Fat chance Forehead Girl," Ino retorted as she shoved Sakura away from her. The two girls caught up to Sasuke and Hinata.

"Sasuke-kun," Ino asked as charming and feminine as possible, "Why don't we walk together to class?"

"No way," Sakura argued, "I'm going to be walking with Sasuke-kun!"

Seeing this momentary distraction, Hinata looked to see a collared black cat run by. Deciding to follow it, Hinata went after the cat causing the cat to run off from her. A moment later, Sasuke turned to see Hinata running from them in a different direction.

"Where is she going," Sasuke asked himself before leaving Ino and Sakura to argue with each other before realizing that Sasuke was no longer there with them but following after Hinata.

"What does he see in her," Ino asked aloud, "I'm a clan heiress too!"

"Shut up pig," Sakura replied, "I'm someone special too!"

"In your own world you are Forehead," Ino shot back as she and Sakura chased after Sasuke. The Uchiha looked and saw Hinata turn and run into an alley. He followed after her and soon entered the same alley she ran into. He found Hinata trying to encourage a cute looking young black kitten standing on top of a tall fence to come to her.

"You ran all this way for a small cat," Sasuke asked skeptically.

"It might belong to someone," Hinata said, "I thought I'd retrieve and return the cat."

Sakura and Ino entered the alley and found Sasuke and Hinata standing in front of the tall wooden fence that blocked any passage through the alley.

"Here kitty," Hinata said sweetly with her arms extended toward the feline, "It's alright. You can come to me. I'll take you back to your owner safely, I promise."

The black kitten meowed before it turned and jumped to the other side of the fence and ran off.

"It got away," Hinata said a bit sadly, "I really thought I had her that time."

"You wasted Sasuke-kun's time for a cat," Sakura asked with a scolding tone. Hinata lowered her head meekly.

"That's enough out of you Sakura," Sasuke replied as he turned away from the fence, "It's not Hinata's fault. I chose to follow after her. Besides we need to hurry on our way to class now. We're about to be late."

Seeing what Sasuke was talking about, the four of them made their way out of the alley and toward the Academy. The said black kitten jumped back over the fence and walked out of the alley to see the group heading away from her. The kitten then ran off in another direction.

(Thirty Minutes Later, Outside The Village Walls In The Forest)

"She's running late," Naruto said as he stood at the bottom base of the waterfall, "It's not like Hinata to be late like this. I wonder if something came up."

Naruto waited for another eight minutes. He was about to get up and investigate what happened when his eyes caught sight of a black kitten approaching him. Curiously he went over toward the kitten as the female feline meowed to him.

"Hey there," Naruto asked, "What are you doing out here?"

When he got close enough to the kitten, he was about to reach down to pick it up when the kitten burst into a cloud of smoke.

"Huh," Naruto said confusedly. When the smoke cleared, it revealed to be Hinata standing in the spot the "kitten" was.

"Hinata-chan," Naruto said happily, "What happened? I was getting worried."

"It was hard getting here without getting caught," Hinata said, "I ran into one obstacle and then another."

"What were they," Naruto asked.

"Hanabi kept pressing the matter about why I like you so much before I was able to get way from her," Hinata explained, "I had a run in with Sasuke who wanted to be my escort to the Academy before Ino and Sakura appeared wanting to accompany Sasuke to class."

"How did you get away from them," Naruto asked.

"I found a kitten and followed after it into an alley. Catching it, I quickly made a kage bushin of myself before I leaped to the top of the fence blocking the alley with the kitten. Letting the kitten go to the other side of the fence, I henge'd into the same kitten and stood top of the fence just as Sasuke arrived.

"My clone acted quickly in acting like 'she' was trying to retrieve and bring me back home to my owner. I ran off and hid myself until I was in the clear to leave by means of another route and make my way over here where you were waiting. But I had to stay in that kitten form while avoiding being spotted."






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