
Naruto: Reincarnated as Naruto

A soul reincarnated in an alternative narutoverse as Naruto with a few wishes from God. Will he be the hero? will he be the villain? This is my first time writing a fan-fic so please don't mind my mistakes as are open for any suggestions.

ray_ray_8433 · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

Making his story

{Naruto's P.O.V}

After waiting for a while he notices someone coming towards him from behind. Looking back, he saw who he was looking for. The white haired jonin stared at him curiously in a stupor.

Naruto : Can I help you?

Kakashi : [Jolted away from stupor] uhh, hi what are you doing here? I've never seen you here before?

Naruto : Who are you? (Hehe)

Kakashi : Sorry. My name is Hatake Kakashi. [Totally embarrassed]

Naruto : I'm Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto. I came here to find my mother's grave site.

Kakashi : Ohh okay (He looks different) . I'll leave you alone then.

After totally being shocked he then shunshined away to Hokage office to report this immediately. Seeing Kakashi running away to report, Naruto smirked internally.

-In Hokage office-

In the Hokage office, Sarutobi Hiruzen is working with chunin Iruka, as the academy starts next week. Suddenly there is a knock on the door and without further adieu the white haired jonin barged inside.

Hokage : What's the matter Kakashi? [With a frown ]

Seeing his service expression both Hiruzen and Iruka have a bad feeling. In the world of shinobi, when someone usually barge in like this it is really bad news.

Kakashi : Hokage sama, I saw Naruto near the memorial stone with his pet. When I asked him why he was there?, He said that he was here to see his mother and pointed at his mother's grave. And he looks different.

Hokage : NANI!! [With bulged eyes ]

Iruka : How did Naruto found who his mother was? And from what I know Naruto doesn't have any pet.

Kakashi : That I don't know? He doesn't know me, so I can't ask anything.

After a few moments of silence Hokage's secretary entered the office and said that Naruto had came to meet the Hokage with his cute pet. Then Naruto walked in with a his Pikachu in his head. He saw Hokage, Kakashi and Iruka. Having Iruka here was actually a bonus for him.

Naruto : Yo jiji, Iruka sensei and Kakashi san.

Iruka : (Naruto really looks different)

Hokage : Naruto what are you doing here? I thought you will come by in the evening.

Naruto : I came early because I want to ask you something in private.

Hokage : it's ok Kakashi can be trusted.

Kakashi : (?)[With raised eyebrow ]

Naruto : Okay. Is my mother's name Uzumaki Kushina? (Let's start with the basics)

Hokage : Yes. How did you find that? And what is that in your head.

Naruto : Today after I finished eating my breakfast suddenly a summoning scroll appeared on my hands with instructions on how to sign a contract. I signed the contract and summoned it. Then came the Pikachu here with along with a scroll and a book.

Everybody in the room was contemplating how he got the summoning contact of an animal which they never heard of, except for Naruto who was laughing on the inside looking at their faces.

Naruto : Jiji did you know I am the royal heir of the Uzumaki clan.

Hearing this everyone was shocked. Hiruzen and Kakashi were shocked that how he found out and Iruka was shocked that he never knew there was a clan called Uzumaki clan and Naruto was royalty.

Hokage : Yes I know [With an embarrassed look ]

Naruto was giving them shock after shock each more intense than before.

Naruto : Why didn't you tell me, even though how poor I was treated, Uzumaki clan was totally forgotten by their own allies, Konoha and Uzushio supported each other all the time. Even three great villages like Kumo, Iva, Kiri fought them for weeks. They suffered more than they could give. It was a massacre, since Uzumaki clan lost it was a known fact.

Even the First Hokage married an Uzumaki named Mito. How can Konoha forget about it's allies. [Said with a sad tone]

Saying that he then placed the old looking scroll on the table. Seeing the scroll Hokage was shocked that there was a royal Uzumaki seal is placed on it. He opened the scroll to see parts of it covered in dry blood.

Dear young ling,

If you are reading this then the Uzumaki clan fell and the invading forces succeeded. Since you got this message you must be of royal blood as you were chosen by our ancient summon as their summoner. I ask of you to not to take revenge on the invading nations, but to rebuild our clan. You can't let our Uzumaki clan perish. Leave to Konoha since they are our closest allies and the founding Senju clan is our cousin clan, but don't trust everybody, only those who earned your trust over time. You can go to the summoning realm to learn about the Uzumaki ways.

Uzumaki Arashi

6th Uzukage

After Hiruzen finish reading the scroll Naruto gave him an old book about Uzumaki and Senju relation and their connection to each other village.

Naruto : It's a shame when Uzumaki are forgotten by Konoha, even though Uzumaki clan wrote an entire book about on Senju and Konoha. It's like someone is trying to remove the Uzumaki history from Konoha.

Iruka : Hokage sama even I don't know anothing about Uzumaki clan.

Kakashi : I know only a little, not a lot. I don't know their connection with the Senju clan.

Naruto :Jiji you can't just let it go like this. You must add the history of Uzushio in history lessons and print many copies of the book and inform every shinobi of what the symbol in their back, which they proudly wear means and return the original book. You should make it compulsory that everyone in Konoha know about Uzumaki clan.

Hokage : okay Naruto, I will do it. [In shame] But how did you find your mother's name?

Naruto : It's simple, her last name is Uzumaki, she died on the day of Kyuubi attack, which is the exact day I was born.

Kakashi : You don't want to know about your father's name?

Naruto : No. Since I was given my mother's name, it is very clear that having my father's name must be dangerous, he might have enemies who can come after me. I will come for him name when I am strong enough to protect myself.

Hearing his thoughts and reason everyone was shocked. Especially Iruka, who only knew him a blabber mouth idiot.

Hokage : Hmm okay Naruto. [Feeling proud for thinking like this ]

Naruto : Jiji I need all my mother's belongings.

Hokage : Only some of your mother's belongings can be given to you. I will prepare it and you can receive it in a few days. Things like her jutsu scroll will only be given to you when you become a chunin. When you become a chunin you can also move in to the Uzumaki compound.

Hearing that Naruto was sad, but perked up.

Naruto : Okay jiji I also want her photos of her growing up.

Hokage : okay, anything else.

Naruto : You said you will give me different clone jutsu.

Hearing that Hiruzen smiled and took 2 scrolls from his table drawer and gave it to him and explained about their advantage and disadvantage of shadow clone and multi shadow clone justsus and advised him not to share these jutsus to anybody.

Hokage : So, this is your summon animal huh?

Naruto : Yup, he's cute isn't he.

Hearing that Kakashi went to pet Pikachu, since he didn't like anyone touching him other than Naruto, touched the white haired jonin's chin with his tail and shocked him the hell out. Seeing this both Hiruzen and Iruka backed one step away.

Pikachu : Pikapika. [Turns his head to the other direction with a hmph action]

Naruto : You shouldn't touch him without permission Kakaski san. (Hahaha. Take that you closet pervert) [While petting Pikachu's head]

Kakashi regretting his mistake while shivering in the ground due to the shock.

After that Naruto took the two jutsu scroll and the old scroll, and left with his Pikachu in his head, saying goodbye to the three of them.

What do you think of Naruto Having a Harem?

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