
Naruto: Red Lightning (Canceled)

Reincarnated into a alternate world of Naruto, Kain Kaito strives to overcome the differences from what he knows. Kain, sets off to the library to be fully prepared for the future.

Dexter177 · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

The Academy

The Life of Kain Kaito

'It has been five years since I was reincarnated into this world as an orphan named Kain Kaito.' I thought walking towards the ninja academy.

Arriving inside the classroom I look around to see who's the same age as me, to determine when exactly I was reincarnated.

'Kakashi Hatake' I thought after seeing spiky grey/white hair.

Knowing that I'm Kakashi's age I let out a sigh of relief, because it give me time to train for the crazy future. With my goal of finding out what era I'm in I take a seat in the last empty seat next to Rin Nohara.

'Hmm, Rin Nohara, oh that reminds me Uchiha Obito' I thought before looking for Obito. After looking around I didn't see him, which left me confused.

'It seems that Obito doesn't exist, but that changes everything. At least poor Rin won't die to complete Obito's brainwashing' I thought thinking of Rin's sad fate in the story.

[A/N: TBH, Idk all the irrelevant side characters. So, I will make OC for Irrelevant people. Teacher, Ninjas of no importance]

I was taken out of my thoughts, when the teacher walking in and introduced himself.

"Hello class, my name is Rey Kazuyama and I will be your academy sensei" Introduced our sensei.

"Now that I have introduced myself, it is time for you to do the same" Said Rey Sensei.

With each name called the students began to introduce themselves. The class has many people from the original story, not sure if there is a different in their ages but there is Kakashi, Asuma, Rin, Kurenai, Yugao, Anko and Guy.

"Kain Kaito" Sensei called.

"My name is Kain Kaito, I like training and reading, I hate nothing in particular, I have no dreams." I said the best I can come up with that doesn't make me sound like an adult.

"Ok, now that everyone has Introduced themselves, let's begin class. Our first lesson will be on the Will of Fire." Said Rey Sensei.

'Of course, it's on the Will of Fire, At least I know that didn't change' I thought with a sigh.


'Today was boring, all it was, was brainwashing and introductions' I thought disappointed with the lesson.

Arriving at home I go straight to the kitchen and cook some instant ramen and grab an apple. After finishing my food, I take out the only positive thing the school did, which is a scroll on how to unlock your chakra and a piece of chakra paper. I was surprised of the chakra paper part, but I guess with no peace the classes are more advanced.

Putting the chakra paper on the table I open the scroll, after reading the scroll I put It aside and sit cross legged on the floor. Closing my eyes and follow the Instructions to search for a warm feeling in my gut. After about an hour, I finally found the feeling. Imagining a pulling motion, I feel my body get warm.

Getting used to the energized feeling, I get up from the ground and do a couple of hops and punches. Moving on I grab the chakra paper, pushing my chakra into the paper it crinkles into a ball, but it also dyed the paper red.

"Lightning affinity, But I'm not sure why it has turned red." I thought out load.

"It seems I am a single affinity, at least it isn't water or fire. I personally think those are the most useless in combat." I said slightly disappointed.