
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · アニメ·コミックス
113 Chs

Kobe Island!

Chapter 45: Kobe Island!

Jutsu of the day:

<Aki Style: Rend>

Courtesy of Yours Truly


Time: 1 week after getting the boats

A few knots away from Kobe Island.

[A/N: Time to use some authors hidden Jutsus. Here is the map I will be using for this whole arc. Sigh, I used the Osaka Bay Islands as reference for the names.]



"Water, so much water… Is this how pissing or pie-something felt in that movie?... Damn dude... SISSY! I swear, to curse you less, if you find me land!" I was doing my usual morning theatrics, while the new sailors were looking at me in fear and my maids clapping their hands in awe.

Why the sailors are looking at me in fear you ask?


~*Flashback no Jutsu*~

"Kaneko-dozo, there is a massive marine chakra beast coming our way! Go hide inside the cabin!" Said one of the sailors frantically.

I was reading Icha Icha- *cough* 'a novel' at that time. His voice startled the shit out of me. I quickly hid the book behind me and said, "Eh, eh, I wasn't doing anything shady! Oh, a chakra beast you say?" I asked the sailor.

"Yes, Kaneko-dozo, there it is, it's huge. Please go inside lest you get hurt!" Said the sailor while fearfully pointing at the giant creature coming our way.

I stared at the direction he was pointing at.

"Oh! It looks like a whale, how lucky! I have never had whale meat for dinner before! Oi gramps, tell the girls to prepare a big grill for tonight's dinner! We are gonna grill some big fishie today" I said excitedly.

I could've asked my minions to take care of this little matter. But I was too excited and also very impatient to taste it so…

I took out my Iwanaga Blade and,

<Aki style: Rend>

I accidentally *umm* used too much chakra I guess….


The water in front sliced apart and the massive chakra beast accompanied it. I really underestimated my strength...

"Opps! I think I used too much chakra, tehee~" I tried to play it off but…

When I looked around my boat, my minions were looking at me impressed, gramps had his jaw dropped, and the sailors… Umm... Well lets just say, some of the sailors made Guruguru's favorite drawing in reality…

~*Flashback no Jutsu Loses Chakra*~


Since that day, all the sailors started adding 'sama' to my name and stopped looking directly at me.

"Sigh! I guess it's good in a way, I think?" I muttered.

"What are you thinking, Kaneko-kun?" Itachi approached me and asked.

Itachi was always perceptive. It's cool and all, but sometimes it gets annoying.

"Just thinking about what I will witness in the Water country. Fire and Water never mixes after all." I said trying to act cool.

Itachi looked at me for a bit, then looked towards the visible landmass in the horizon, "Don't fret Kaneko-kun, If it's your fire, then no water can extinguish it."

'The heck? Is he seriously giving me advice… I was just saying random lines from movies… Don't tell me there will be one more misunderstanding... Oh well, whatever floats his boat, I guess. Boat, hehe~'

"Say Itachi, what would you do, if you had the chance to relieve hundreds and thousands of people of their strife? But the catch is, you will need to face something so dangerous that you might not even return alive." I asked a random question.

I was remembering the final war in the anime. I really didn't think much about it till now.

After all, I simply wanted to go about doing my own things and let the 'chosen ones' take care of it, but the recent attacks, gave me a grim reminder. With it came the realization, I am a player in those events now...

I sighed.

This is one of the reasons why I was going to The Water Country. I remember that one of their Jinchurikis would flee from the village, around this time and the other would be controlled by the elder emo Uchiha.

I glanced at Itachi, who had furrowed brows and was surely thinking on the question.

'He rarely answers without thinking. I just wanted some positive answer. Oh well, not like those dum dums can do anything while I am here. But the next time I find that emo Uchiha, imma give him some good spanking.' I kept gazing at the horizon.

I failed to notice that my shadow shuddered when I asked the question….


Kobe Island



Kobe island of the Water Country, is the closest island from the main land. It was a trade hub for this region and usually this harbor was extremely busy.

Well, extremely busy till recently.

When Mitsu and his party arrived at the harbor, it looked like a ghost town. This was no longer the busy harbor where merchants from the neighboring nations came to engage in trade.

The air around was grim. There was the musty smell of blood and waste lingering, causing one to feel nauseated.

The villagers looked lifeless as they went about their daily toils. There were no children on the streets, which tells a lot about the village's situation.

"As no merchants come here, the people here have limited resources now. That's why many of us started raiding villages in the mainland…" Said one of the sailors as he noticed Mitsu.

Mitsu was surveying the village with narrowed eyes.

He slowly asked, "If this is the picture of a harbor village… then what happened to the more secluded ones?"

The sailors turned silent. No one wanted to answer the question. Even thinking about it made them miserable.

But finally one of the older ones said with a mournful voice, "Because of the recent civil wars, and the Hidden Village acting peculiarly, many of the smaller villages were used as army camps… Most of the people there are either killed or are working as slaves…

And few years ago when Kaguyas attacked the Hidden Village… They used the smaller villages to ...

kill for fun…"

Everyone visibly appeared disturbed. But no one uttered a sound, as they noticed Mitsu balling his fists.

Mitsu calmly asked, "And what of the Kage? Did he not come to the people's aid?"

The sailor answered, "Actually, Yagura-sama was the first one to act, he did everything in his power to stop the Kaguyas. But right after that, something changed about him.

He started getting suspicious of all the clans that had Kekkei Genkais, the other villagers weren't any better, they started persecuting them in the open, and yet the Mizukage just kept silent.

Many of the clans have run away from Kirigakure since then. Most of them are still hiding, while the others were exterminated.

Yuki clan was one of the unlucky ones. It lost almost all its members in the attack…"

Mitsu answered simply with a nod.

'So it already happened... Sigh..' Mitsu thought.

He faced his butler and said seriously, "We are supposed to be merchants! Gramps! Make sure the trade here restarts! Fix the price accordingly. I want to see a better scenery tomorrow morning.

Fuzzy, Ichi! Get me all the information you possibly can. Dismissed!"

""Yes!"" With a strong voice of approval everyone dispersed to do their designated work.

Mitsu just stood there looking back at the rundown village.

He muttered, "Looks like I will have to hold off going to Kiri for a bit… I don't know why I care so much for the people…

Is it the cells? Possibly."

He suddenly noticed something leaving his shadow and going towards the direction of the village.

'Sigh! Well, Tobi, I did promise you the chance to help people… Go, you have your chance now…'




The next morning~



Mitsu went to the place where his men has set up a small bazar.

He made sure that everyone can get something from his stocks. The people were allowed to trade with money, information, or anything that might interest him.

Mitsu stood at a side and watched the people coming in groups to get their goods. He also witnessed the scene of them thanking his minions and workers. This brought a slight smile to his face.

And right then, something caught his eyes, it would be better to say, someone…

"Is that Haku?" Mitsu looked at a lady in amazement.

Mitsu remembered the pretty trap from the anime, who made many weebs rethink their tastes.

And now the lady or trap in front of him resembled that Haku, almost perfectly, maybe a bit more feminine. As this person actually had visible assets...

Seeing this person made Mitsu genuinely surprised.

'No wait, Haku should be around 11-12 now, this person looks older. Oh, shit… I can just appraise him/her. Sigh, I tell ya, living with Tobi is really digging on my IQ…


Mitsu invoked his appraisal at the lady in front of him.

And in his head he heard the ding sound and a good deal of information came up.


Name: Yuki Yukina

Title: Survivor of the Yuki Clan

Occupation: Cook

Loyalty: 10%

Bloodline: Yuki Clan

Age: 16 years.

Level: 7

- Speciality: Cooking

Measurements: Height- 158 cm, Weight- 39 Kg, Chest- 86 cm, Waist- 69 cm….

Talent: 6/10

Chakra: 1, 773

Status Ailment:

- Malnutrition (Slight)


< - Cooking, Rank- C, Lv- 6


Singing, Rank- C, Lv- 5>


< Innate: Ice release (Unawakened)



"Yuki Yukina?" Mitsu kept staring at the girl who he thought was Haku. But it turned out to be another survivor of the Yuki clan.

[A/N: Remember the name from the Valentine Special?]


[A/N: Hey there beautiful people! Yukina the Super Maid finally makes her appearance! I will illustrate her on the next chapter.

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I will hopefully be able to update everyday around this time! 11am pacific standard time.

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