
Naruto: Reborn as Mizuki

This is the story of when a man gets reincarnated as a B list Naruto Villain who can't do shit and is armed with nothing but his knowledge of the future. Try it why not

Erictan15 · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 7: Moving up Advanced Class

Monday was always a trial for Mizuki. He hastily ate his breakfast, as he always did, laced with his usual mix of toxins, before trudging into class and taking his seat by the back window.

As the bell rang, the teacher entered and promptly asked Mizuki to introduce himself to the class. Glancing around, Mizuki noticed several notable jonin from the Naruto series among his new classmates.

"Mizuki," he greeted them with a smirk, "please guide me well."

"Alright, Mizuki, back to your seat," the teacher instructed after his brief introduction.

Returning to his desk, Mizuki couldn't help but wonder who his new desk mate would be, secretly hoping for a beautiful girl to sit next to him.

Observing the class, Mizuki smirked as he noticed Obito stealing glances at Rin, who favored Kakashi over him, creating a tangled love triangle. "Real life drama," Mizuki muttered to himself with amusement.

Just then, his desk mate arrived late.

"Why are you late, Anko?" the teacher questioned with a stern gaze.

Anko, unfazed, made her way to her seat, still half-asleep. But upon noticing her new desk mate, she perked up a bit.

"You're the new guy, huh? I'm Anko," she introduced herself.

"I'm Mizuki. Please, show me the ropes," Mizuki replied, both exchanging mischievous smiles, sensing this class might be more interesting than anticipated. Throughout the lesson, they chatted amiably, skimming through the textbook.

When the bell rang, the class headed to the Taijutsu practice. Mizuki, having trained rigorously with old man Kosuke and sparred with Obito, felt confident despite being in an advanced class.

Outside on the training grounds, the instructor called for a Traditional Shinobi Sparring.

"Today's rule is simple: Taijutsu only, within the ring. Exit the ring or get knocked down, and you lose."

"New students first. Mizuki versus Obito," the teacher announced.

Anko watched with interest, while Rin cheered for Obito.

The match began with both ninjas sizing each other up, then rushing in with lightning speed. Obito attacked first, aiming precise punches and kicks, but Mizuki dodged and countered with calculated moves honed from his training. Eventually, Mizuki managed to execute a decisive shoulder throw, winning the match.

"Winner, Mizuki," the teacher declared.

Anko smiled faintly, having predicted the outcome, while Rin looked disappointed but stayed silent.

Helping Obito up, Mizuki returned to his spot, leaving the class in awe. Anko approached him, slapping him playfully on the back.

"Nice job, Mizuki. Just what I expected from my desk mate!" Anko praised him.

"Ouch, trying to finish me off?" Mizuki joked, pretending to be hurt.

"Heh, maybe I am," Anko smirked, grabbing his collar teasingly.

"Ahhh, help!" Mizuki cried out, looking to Obito and Rin for rescue, only to find them conveniently looking away, leaving Mizuki to face Anko alone, feeling a mixture of betrayal and amusement.

As the students settled down, the teacher announced the next match: Kakashi versus Asuma.

The class erupted in cheers and encouragements as Kakashi and Asuma prepared for their bout.

After Taijutsu class, Mizuki headed to the cafeteria for lunch, where he noticed Anko sitting with Rin and Kurenai. Obito joined him with a glum expression, unable to sit next to Rin. Across from him, Guy invited Mizuki to meet his father, Might Duy, after class, to which Mizuki eagerly agreed.