
Naruto: Reborn as Daimyo

After his demise, Leonel awakens as the Daimyo of the Land of Waterfall, a large and obese man who can barely walk without assistance. Now, as Suzuki Yoriichi, he must survive without alien lineage, magical eyes, or a system. What fate awaits Yoriichi in this cursed world?.... _______________ [This is a story primarily for personal satisfaction and to enhance my writing by letting my imagination soar with little restriction.] [The fanfic contains all kinds of dark themes, so discretion is advised. Relationships will be as in H (there might be romance), They have already been warned, so reviews that are solely about that will be removed] [I am not the author of Naruto, nor of most of the characters that appear in the fanfic. I only own my OCs. I am not a native English speaker, so I use the famous ChatGPT to translate everything.]

Guionista · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs


Hello everyone, I didn't upload a chapter this morning because I started reading a fanfic that unfortunately had Yuri in the harem and ended up abandoning it. After that, I started reading Chinese stuff because it was already too late to write and I was tired.

Now I bring you my favorite chapter so far, although I would like to develop the conversations more, but I'm satisfied with the plans that occurred to me.

[16:58 started writing]

[finished at 23:06, just need to edit and translate]

[translation time 00:00, by chance]

[finish at 00:50]

I like to include references in my chapters; I hope you find them.

For better readability:

| For actions performed by characters |

"Spoken dialogue"

"Sarcasm when there's only one word"


[Number]: Used to explain things below the chapter. The information is based on the given number.


[Takigakure, Daimyo's Main Office]

Third Person POV

"I need to change."

"But first, I need to plan the best course of action."

"Asami, I need you to pass me papers and the pen, also bring something to eat and call Kanao."

Asami, silently approaching, quickly moved to fulfill her lord's instructions, noting in her mind the significant changes she observed in her lord. First, he treated everyone well after waking up, then he walked alone halfway to the bathroom. Third, in the bathroom, he didn't harass any of the maids, and fourth, he entered the main room after 8 years since "that" incident.

She left the room and returned shortly with paper, pen, and a tray of food.

"Yoriichi-sama, here are the paper and pen. I've also brought something to eat and informed them to call Kanao; she should be arriving soon," Asami said, placing the tray on a nearby table.

Leonel thanked her and began writing on the paper, organizing his thoughts and planning his next moves. While he didn't write down all the details of his plans, he outlined the basics of what he intended. Everything was written in Spanish, and to "disguise" it, he attempted to draw a woman with a good physique, known in the art world as one of the protagonists of Icha Icha.

After a few minutes, Kanao, the personal samurai of the Daimyo, entered the room.

"Leonel-sama, did you call for me?" , Kanao asked, bowing respectfully.


[Image of Kanao]

"Yes, Kanao, I need your help with an important matter. I need you to inform Hisen that I am calling him, and also, if you can, call Senji," he announced with a determined voice, surprising everyone in the room.

Leonel could understand their surprise. He hadn't spoken to the current village leader (Hisen) for 6 years when he entrusted him (left him all the responsibility) with all the power of the village. Also, there was the fact that Hisen and the Daimyo were childhood friends. His father, the previous Daimyo named Shibuki, was a friend of Senji, Hisen's father. Senji was also Leonel's (Yoriichi's) godfather.

It was a rule that the Daimyo and the village leader had to be close since the Daimyo was like the king of the country, and the village leader was the minister. Since they weren't a large or powerful country compared to the great villages, they tried to keep everyone together. If there was internal strife, the village wouldn't survive, and that was something the former village leader (Senji) and the former Daimyo Shibuki knew very well.

"I understand, Yoriichi-sama. I will do it immediately," Kanao responded with respect, although her expression showed some concern.

Asami remained attentive in the room, observing the interaction between the Daimyo and his loyal samurai. Leonel continued writing on the paper, occasionally pausing to think about his plans and how to approach the situation.

After a few minutes, Kanao left the room to carry out Leonel's instructions, leaving him alone with his thoughts and Asami waiting for any other requests.


[Leonel's Thoughts]

According to Yoriichi's memories, about a month ago, he found out from one of the accompanying kunoichis that the Nine-Tails fought the Fourth Hokage in Konoha, ending with both their deaths, as well as his wife Kushina Uzumaki and the unborn child she carried. That meant I transmigrated two or three months after Naruto's birth.

Now there's a problem. I don't know if I'm in an AU world where Naruto died without being born. However, I don't believe that's the case; it seems more likely to be a way to hide Naruto. Although I don't remember them hiding him this way in the canon, it seems more plausible. It's impossible that there isn't a spy from one of the villages who saw pregnant Kushina walking around Konoha. I still remember an episode where she was casually walking and talking to Mikoto, who had Sasuke in her arms. Everyone knew she was the Hokage's wife, so it's impossible that they didn't know she was pregnant.

If it's a universe where Naruto died, it would be the worst and the best thing that could happen to me. As much as I like Naruto, it wouldn't be bad if he were dead. As evil as it may sound, Naruto is a ninja from Konoha, an enemy village, even though he's a very good person compared to most of the ninja world. He's still a ninja who is indoctrinated, and his main interest is his village and then the ninja world. Furthermore, he's a ninja who reaches the level of the Sage of the Six Paths in the future.

The problem is that if Naruto is dead, I don't know how I'll face the old monsters of this world or what awaits me in the future. Additionally, without Ashura, Indra can't seal Kaguya. There's also the issue of an old man in hiding, plus another trying to be resurrected to trap the whole world in an eternal Genjutsu, which is actually to revive a bombshell that turns me on like Katon. She can also attract her entire family, which loves planting their seeds in different worlds.

Adding to that, without the Talk no Jutsu, the famous jutsu that Naruto learned from the Third Hokage, many dangerous ninjas will roam free. The worst part is that I can't send a ninja to check because after the Kyubi incident, Konoha is on maximum alert.

Also, in Konoha, there are still ninjas like Jiraiya, so it wouldn't be like the incident in Kumo. Plus, we are an ant compared to one of the great villages; it would be better to wait while I create more plans and plan the course to follow.

Reviewing the information from the canon that I remember, I know that Fu, the Jinchuriki of Chumei, the beast with seven tails, was from Takigakure. Moreover, I've heard from the maids that apparently, a demon baby was born. I came to the conclusion that Fu is already Chumei's Jinchuriki.

I know I can't easily leave because the best bounty hunter in the world holds a grudge against the village. And now I remember that Takigakure is a village neighboring the territory where the old monster Madara Uchiha hides, known by aliases like "Ghost," "the meteor," "my heart belongs to Hashirama," "a black guy nailed me from behind when I ate 10 tails, Uchiha."

Well, it's time to start planning the best course of action for my future and the future of the village. These are the Strengthening and Economic plans.


| Strengthening Plan |

The Strengthening Plan, abbreviated as SP, aims to consolidate and improve Takigakure's position in various aspects, including defense, military strength, and technological development.


The plan involves simultaneously strengthening the entire village and attempting weight loss while getting stronger. It also focuses on enhancing the village's defense and using constructions from my old world for improvement. Unfortunately, I don't believe I can create a GAU-8/A Avenger to be in my carriage propelled by jet engines, nor do I believe I can assemble a common pistol.

The ninja world also lacks variety; I could create warriors with shields that can be imbued with chakra. This way, I could use war tactics, such as having a legion that handles only shields advancing towards the enemy like a wall, while behind them advance samurai, and in the shadows, ninjas. The best part is that I know many crazy ideas can be fulfilled, but I need to learn more about Fuinjutsu or create a new jutsu.

Military Training and Strengthening:

Establish a mega academy like Konoha's but at a higher level, teaching not only ninjas but also samurai and warrior-knights. This will be accompanied by joint classes to ensure each discipline learns to work together.

Upon graduation, teams will consist of three members, including a warrior, a ninja, and a samurai. One of the three must learn at least the basics of medical jutsu, and the instructor must have at least a medium level of medical jutsu. There will be tournaments to foster competition.

They will be marked to determine if they die on a mission and to know their place. It also allows them to access privileged areas according to the rank of the mark, indicating their rank (Jonin, Chunin, etc.).

Improvement of Defensive Infrastructure:

Reinforce defensive structures in the village to withstand potential attacks. Strengthen the village's only entrance with various techniques like Fuinjutsu. Also, reinforce houses to withstand cold climates.

Implement advanced detection and early warning systems for maintaining security. This system will be done through Fuinjutsu, where only the villagers will have a mark serving to identify their life signature, storage, and location. Soldiers will also have a role based on One Piece's Vivre Card, serving the same function, with the difference that if the owner of the Vivre Card wants, they can make it explode.

Technological Development:

Invest in the research and development of new ninja technologies and advanced tools, such as the gadget used by Boruto in the tournament. It also aims to create soldiers similar to space marines, Spartans, etc.

Development of Intelligence:

Strengthen intelligence networks to obtain crucial information about potential threats, creating something like Konoha's Anbu. The intelligence functions will be performed by ninjas, while warriors defend and samurais attack.

Train ninjas specialized in infiltration and information gathering, creating a specialized organization that gathers information only for me and one for the village in general.

Investment in Health and Well-being:

Improve medical services and attention to ensure the health and well-being of village soldiers, requiring all military professions to learn at least the basics of medical ninjutsu.

Establish programs for emotional support for ninjas who have experienced traumatic situations. It is crucial; I don't want to go through what happened to my village in the past or what most villages experience when they lose prodigies due to not taking care of them mentally.

Strategic Council:

Form a strategic council with experts in various areas to advise the Daimyo in decision-making. This is the least probable, as it often ends badly. However, since I will be the ultimate authority in the village, and no one will be above me, I prefer to have more people thinking. But if power gets to their heads, it means they won't need to have one.


Now a plan is just as important as the strengthening plan, and that is the Economy plan.

| Economic Plan |

The Economic Plan, abbreviated as EP, aims to strengthen Takigakure's economy to ensure its long-term stability and prosperity.

Foreign Trade:

This is the most complicated due to the village's location and strength, so it will be the last to be implemented. As the name suggests, it aims to establish trade with the outside world, focusing on selling ideas from my old world.

A clear example is entertainment, lacking in the ninja world. However, it won't involve combat to avoid teaching ninjas dangerous techniques like Dragon Ball's hakai. I could also create a famous auction, showcasing extravagant items, and exotic goods like toys for women.

Bringing things from another world will, in turn, improve the export of Takigakure's products, which will be a mix of anime and my world's items, such as crafts, high-quality herbs, and various other goods. This process will start gradually after strengthening the village.

Development of Local Resources:

Identify and efficiently exploit natural resources near the village to generate additional income. This is crucial for the implementation of the strengthening plan.

Invest in the formation of specialized teams for resource collection and processing; this is fundamental for the overall plan.

Promotion of Agriculture and Livestock:

Enhance agricultural techniques to increase food production, using ideas from my old world and utilizing ninjas more efficiently.

Establish animal breeding programs to ensure a constant supply of meat and derived products. Additionally, study them to understand the differences with the meat from my world; is it healthier?

Investment in Infrastructure:

Improve the village's infrastructure to facilitate trade and mobility. A large-scale plan will be executed when creating the commerce village, intending to gain more profits.

Build research centers to encourage innovation and technological development, drawing inspiration from Boruto's depiction of technology and futuristic worlds like Cyberpunk.

Boost to Education and Training:

In the same mega academy, create a school for common people (civilians), with occasional joint classes. Teach them how to act in dangerous situations, and make chakra control mandatory.

Mark them with an invisible tattoo that serves various purposes, such as entering specific zones or having chakra-powered storage. Also, include a locator to know their status and location periodically.

Local Currency and Financial System:

Consider creating a local currency for internal transactions, though it's challenging since there's only one currency in the ninja world. It may be useful for internal transactions and detecting spies.

Establish a solid financial system that encourages savings and investment. While I never studied economics in my previous life, I'll make a mental note to study it now.

Sustainable Development Projects:

Implement projects benefiting both the village and the environment. Promote sustainable practices in all areas of development.

The Economic Plan aims to diversify the village's income, reduce dependence on external sources, and ensure sustainable growth. These strategies intend to strengthen Takigakure's financial foundation, providing the necessary resources for the Strengthening Plan.


Now there is only the plan that can make many plans like that of the mark that fulfill with greater happiness, and that is the [Whitebeard plan], Alias; [become my son]

| Adoption Plan |

As the name suggests, the Adoption Plan is more personal. I came up with it when I remembered that Fu, the Seven-Tails Jinchuriki, is an orphan. After some thought, I decided to adopt her, even though I would be putting a target on my back. Now that she's my daughter, they'll have to go through me to harm her.

This plan is crucial because unlike most Reincarnates or Transmigrates, who are fortunate to reincarnate in adolescents and not in old or middle age, I didn't get that luck. I transmigrated at the age of 27, twelve years before the Naruto canon. In 12 years, I'll be 39, in the Naruto saga; in 16 years, I'll be 43 in the second part of the canon, and in the Boruto saga, the third, I'll be 60.

The worst part is that I didn't transmigrate with anything overpowered. Considering my age in this new life, the Adoption Plan is essential for both the village's survival and mine.

It's called a plan because I intend to adopt three characters that came to mind: Fu, Karin, and Guren. I also thought about others like Haku, but going to the Land of Water might expose me to Zetsu or Madara.

My future daughters are the most talented. If I bring Karin, and her mother is alive, almost all my ideas can be realized. I don't think Karin's mother is weak, and I assume she knows Fuinjutsu. Also, Karin has chains sealed with Adamantine that can help if, by chance, Chomei goes berserk or if a tailed beast is attacked.

Fu was going to be adopted the moment I knew she transmigrated to Takigakure. She was super talented in the canon, even without good guidance from ninjas. If she learns to control the Seven-Tails, our future will be better. If she manages to control the Seven-Tails, she might accidentally seal something of chakra importance, and that seal might "accidentally" get lost.

Having Fu can be complicated, but I know she'll be safe as long as she's inside the village. The village survived being in the middle of two powers like Konoha and Iwa. I don't think anyone would want to enter a village where water specialists are near a water source, plus an unknown amount of water from the hero. This is why I think Akatsuki waited for her to leave the village to attack.

Guren is a loyal ninja living in a neighboring country with a unique bloodline. She is talented and relatively easy to acquire since her village treats her like a demon.

Those are the three I came up with. There are also clans that appear in filler episodes, and I need to check if the lands from movies and video games exist. For now, I believe I've organized everything well enough


I am angry; it was a chapter of 3,367 words, and translating it reduced them to 2,800 or 2,677. The worst part is that it erased a lot of what I wrote, but I'm tired... My favorite chapter so far. I let my imagination soar into future scenarios and loved how I could build something like that. Now comes the challenging part—bringing it to life. Also, now the main character will become a father, can you believe it?

I got confused and started editing the chapter in Spanish, I want to cut an egg.


 [The chapter turned out quite long, with a total of 3,364 words, ingles 2925]


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Guionistacreators' thoughts