
CH 4 Ninja Academy

I woke up with a yawn, it was still 6 o clock, the academy start at 7 30. I still have a hour before I leave my home. First thing I did after waking up was going to bathroom. The home I am living in has its own washroom, This is one of the costly type house or flat for rent. I you want something bigger than you can only buy a house, this flat was brought by my parents, they didn't pay the complete price, they thought of gifting me this when I get married or using it themselves and giving me the other one.

My real house was broken by the nine tail attack, it was on the middle outer side of the village. So I sold it or you can say my predecessor sold it, it would have cost a large amount of money to repair it and it was too big for him to live inside, so he sold it and brought this flat. It wasn't small or anything but just can't compare to a house.

In future I am planning to go to moon so I don't need a house in konoha, even if I need or want to live here for sometime this flat is more than enough.

After taking a bath, I wored a normal ninja dress, just a black trouser and Grey hoodie.It suited me with my black but grey shaded hair.

Eating my breakfast, for which the ingredients were already ready last night by myself, so to not waste time in the morning.

I left my house at 7, after checking the lock, it wasn't necessary as this can't stop ninja, for big house of ninja clan they have sealing lock around the house, it stops low level ninja but for strong ninja there is no lock, only important facility have big and strong sealing lock around them.

After seeing everything properly, I left my house and walked towards the academy. When I reached my destination, it was still early for the academy, most children only come around the time of start. I didn't see many familiar face, by familiar I mean familiar with me, my classmates.

After reaching the door of my classroom, which was on the first floor, A3c, there are many classes in the accademy, a total of 200 to 600 students study at the accademy. A hundred of new student are made genin every year at maximum, Three classes for every year.

The academy is divided into 6 part based on year A to F, while A being the final year, each class into two or three subsection.

Opening the gate I saw some familiar face of my classmates, there were only 8 children now

with a total strength of the class being 24 children. Some were sitting in group and talking about something, while the other were alone.

I was also the part of alone group. I greeted the one sitting in my row with a simple greeting and got a nod in reply.

After seating on my seat which was 5 from the front row and there were 2 more behind me, I closed my eyes and started daydreaming about my future plan. My dreaming broke from the noise of the teacher who entered the classroom.

The person in front of me was a chunin of the hidden leaf village. He is a chunin for 6 years. 28 years old. A best example of average ninja, from my perspective he can defeat a new chunin level ninja but will be killed in front of a proper jonin with even having the chance of fighting back.

" Okay everyone!!, take your seat!"

As he finished his words, everyone sat on their seat without making any noise.

" Today we will talk about trap, how to make them and find them."

" You will be using it in your field test next week"

" The Mark's of every field test from now on will be added to your report card, so be focused"

After that he started explaining the different types of trap, way to make them quickly and how to find them. How to escape them if you are caught in them. Most of these things were already learnt by us in the year before. Now was just a revision session.

It was necessary for the field test which will be held from now on. These are a copy of forest of death. The only difference being that there is no life threatening case and there will be no team.

In these tests you will be given a scroll with your name on it and your task is to collect or steal others while protecting yours.

There are no duels because we already had those in previous years, now only thing happens in last year is different types of outdoor test with revision of previous topic.

I also wanted to get a good score in these tests because it will be helpful for me in future when I try to do somethings, like becoming a medical ninja and making contact and going near clan children to extract some blood and techniques from them. It's not easy to make connections with the clan children while being a normal ninja.

I also have some special targets to hunt… I am not a pedophile!! Absolutely not.. !!. Not..no…..

Shaking my head from those thoughts, I focused on the thing thought now by the teacher, I already knew most from the memories but listening again is not harmful.