
Naruto rebirth of the Undertaker

mr_Baptiste · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

the return......

The world has long forgotten my plague the world has long forgotten by Darkness this planet has changed ever since the bombs drop and ever since that strange woman came to this world.... nothing has been the same ever since many things have passed since the day of the dark birth the dead man he has seen many things he has learned many dark secrets powers that existed long before or the Earth became as primitive as it is long forgotten knowledge of a civilization that once expanded the entire galaxy only to be abandoned by those that once lived on the planet as well as knowledge of the very Planet life Essence and how is more powerful than just what the youngsters today call chakra a pity for them that they will never know until it's too late....

The former Prince knew his time would come though his old vessel has long passed and his body nothing but ashes that remain in the urn that even his former helper Paul Bearer is long gone he refuses to rest in peace he has waited a long time for this moment...

All he had to do was seal the fox into the child for the very seal they thought would summon the God of death it was just a summon his worst nightmare this time he would not only regain his power a body and a Kingdom Once more but he would have an Air to the throne Though he will never truly physically take over the world his descendant will Though The boy takes after the descendant of his wife more than himself the dark side is still connected to his bloodline meaning that this child though being the sun of 2 very powerful Ninja's And after they have sacrificed themselves to give him a power that he may not truly be able to control that is the least of the ninja world's worries for they will face a purity of evil a darkness from which there will be no mercy no hope no escape.....

All We'll tremble before the Lord of darkness what's more funerals will be made sacrifices sacrifices and impalements all the same count Dracula will eat his heart out once more for the phenomenon has returned to settle the score with the world once more he told them before and he'll tell them again.....

Be not proud for the spirit of the Undertaker lives with the soul of all mankind the eternal flame of life that cannot be extinguished the origin of which cannot be explaimean the answer lies within the everlasting spirit soon all mankind will witness the rebirth of the Undertaker..... I will not rest In peace...

In the shanobi world a world where if you are not for the system you are the enemy of the system this system is so dark and cool that no one is safe children are forced to find War Women with special traits are used as reading stock and men are just another Soldier even Women are not Safe From The Fires of wand the fires of the corrupted system that is the system those that originally Wanted peace end up forsaking it for the sake of the system But the time of these institutions destruction will be at hand soon....

If you can guess from the description I nor to zamaki have been banished after years of service busting my ass for the leaf I was banished simply because I was too dangerous for everyone in some way when the fact of the matter is I was simply now I'm traffic control of the fox's chakra the stupid Fox wouldn't let me use it so by all accounts the only time he lets me use it is when I'm in a state of pure emotional turmoil or I start demanding it for the sake of our survival now despite what everyone thinks I am not stupid I know the reason why I was banished it was because those fools thought that I was a danger to them because of the Akatsuki since their goal to collect all the nine would have some ramifications such as damage to the village and to anyone that tries to protect the containers of the tailed beasts and that is what really sucks so right now I am going out to the Village but the catch is I did not go through the main gate and I did not leave in the light of day where everyone could see me and make it a spectacle I would not be worthy of the title of the most unpredictable knucklehead ninja if I left like that so the night before the day I leave the village I did tons of crap I practically created my magnum opus if you could say of pranks so that whenever someone goes into my apartment there will be just one simple wire done in such a way that they would not notice until it was too late or they would trigger my trap my apartment would explode and let's just say they will know exactly who they were messing with if I was intending to kill them no lives will be lost but the damage will be staggering and hopefully get that Village to make there security if you can even call it that much more useful than what it was before I was able to steal the sacred Scroll of seals again and find out that it had another section to it where it hold a secret compartment of Uzumaki seals as well as Uzumaki ceiling education which gave the information that the scroll that they have was actually stolen from the village of whirlpools thanks to the old man 3rd ceiling the whirlpools sacred Scroll after it's fall but that's just me rambling now back to what I was doing after I had practically set up my magnum opus I had escaped The Village through the forest death because the deeper you go the darker the forest becomes it's like it was a sort of portal to another world which so happened it was except this portal was practically on the outskirts of the village thanks to the forest of death the Ninja's thought that they had the full scope of the forest when the forest was actually bigger and more connected to something even more anomalous the village of death in my opinion is the perfect place to find all types of crazy shiz this place could be a Bermuda of sorts but then again if anyone were to hear me talking the way I talk thinking the way I think and acting the way I act they would assume I was some spy and not the knucklehead that they wanted don't get me wrong I can be a knuckleheaded I am who I am but I was not so stupid to be completely knuckleheaded that would have to be in Another Universe but as I was saying that's what's going through the 4th of death I practically ended up near a cave a cave that felt different it had a wind going through it like it was sucking and pushing out the air at the same time like you could go in and end up somewhere else the air felt different from the rest of the forest and so I stepped through the entrance of the cave and went deeper deeper and deeper until I tripped on something and fell instead of falling to the ground I fell through the ground into the darkness then suddenly I felt like I was falling through a wormhole with several colors of purple black dark blue and red blood red in the end I ended up in what looked like a desert but the sky was completely black with just the moon in the sky and the Stars while they were there were different instead of being as white as the Moon they were shades of red shades of blue mostly dark blue and different shades of dark and purple as I was walking through the desert it was actually a small desert cuz I end up walking into a forest but this forest trees were pure black with the leaves being purple mixed with dark blue I would hear sounds but not sounds of just creatures but of animals I never got to meet before some sounded what I can only assume as the ancestors of the innazuka dogs the wolves along with the sounds of bats crows vultures Falcons the creatures of the night I could hear and these creatures of the night I end up seeing as I saw would look like a bat just looking at me the thing with this bad is that it looks normal except the fact is that it was big as a bird so either I have tooken something hit my head so hard that I'm hallucinating which I don't believe I am cuz it felt nothing like what I was hallucinating when I get drunk especially since I can't get drunk I end up seeing this creature looking at me and then I end up sensing an intent kind of like killer intent but different it was more like it was communicating through that type of emotion projection but it was more controlled a way of communication it was like this creature was using the chakra technique of Ki and use it as a form of communication instead of the intent being to kill it was an a feeling of asking me to follow it or demanding me to follow it and so I did I hadn't really nothing else better to do as the creature was guiding me it led me to a very big castle I knew it was a castle because it was kind of similar to the ones you would see the dimeo palace in Spring country extend of it being constructed the way it was at Spring country except it was more of stone with the roofs being more pointed innocence the place looked abandoned except I could see lights in the Castle and The Presence by Kami the presents the very feel I could get with the place was dark mysterious almost evil but more free than evil it was more like the sense of pure Wild Darkness as of the darkness was free of the taint of evil but different but that's not what I should be talking about what I should talk about is that as this bat was leading me to the entrance of the castle it flew up over the wall which blocked anyone from going inside since it seemed like they built a moat around the castle except instead of the mode containing something like regular water it was surrounded by a river of black water very dark water there was a lot of this dark water and I was about to put my hand in it just to see what it could be despite my instincts telling me otherwise only to be stopped by a voice it said do not touch unless you want to join the lake of Tears I pulled my hand up and looked up to see that the drawbridge fell down onto the ground even though I didn't hear it fall and I saw a man standing at the entrance of the drawbridge from one part to the entrance to the castle there was a man wearing a black cloak in a suit white bow tie a medallion and wearing something that the Nobles would wear except from a culture I have never seen before his eyes were a sheet of red that reminded me of current I Sensei but different his eyes held something dark yet neutral as if whatever caused it to Glow kind of like the foxes which was pure malice and hatred was more tame actually completely devoid of that emotion and would only appear if he was angry and I thought would be best not to make him angry he looked at me as I looked at him almost done steering until he bowed his head and erased it up again in greeting as I about my head as well in Reading I noticed that his skin was pale healthy looking yet pale in a way that I've never seen before as I was looking at him he stated I am Dracula welcome to Transylvania what brings you here young one he asked with a questioning gaze me being somewhat nervous and yet interested at the same time stated my business saying that it was brought here by a bat with some type of way of communication that I have never seen before he looked at me with a smile turned back to the castle called out saying the name Al and then flew down the bed I saw before it landed on the man's shoulder as the man went to his pocket and gave him a slice of red meat with blood still in it I was looking at it interested and yet intrigued as I wonder why would he feed a bat something like that when I'm pretty sure they usually eat on fruits he looked at me with amusement and said he must really like you and Found You worthy of coming to my doorstep who are you boy he said with the intent to get to know me and so I introduced myself I am not his monkey I am a former resident of the leaf Village of konaha located in the land of fire in the elemental countries I was banished after doing my duty and was designated too dangerous to be allowed in service or to live in the village because of a tenant I had I stated bitterly and disappointed the man looked at me with sympathy and stated ah yes I know of you kind you are the containers of those tale beasts that showed up a long time ago it's been a long while since I have her news of your land recently I knew there was an attack on that very same Village by a nine-tailed fox I can assume that you are his jailer stated Vlad I looked at him surprised with a hint of concern as I said I didn't think it would be news of being like us outside the elemental Nations but then again I don't think the elemental Nations have ever been attacked by anyone outside looking for the power of the Biju I stated any concerned tone he looked at me with a smile and said I heard Whispers from my little friends telling me of the history of your nation I find the one that you're people's Ninja called The Sage of Six Paths to be nothing but a fool to give Humanity access to a power that would just be another tool for them and their nature to use how they see fit it is sad that another time like this in Humanity's life cycle would go down once again in Bloodshed chaos and tears it is disappointing he said in a tone as if he had lived so long to see it all I looked at him with surprise and Intrigue asking you speak as if you're not human but I can clearly see that you are so what are you then if you're not human I said being realistically accepting of someone not human over human after how many times I've been treated like an idiot despite what everyone says it was funny for a certain amount of time now it's just annoying I know myself better than that and I don't like being called something that file accounts has been something people have not only been saying out of habits but to a point where it's practically trying to brainwash me I thought in annoyance he looked at me and said