
Naruto: Paws and Whiskers

In the hidden village of Konoha, After waking up in body an ordinary cat named Takeshi, he finds himself bound to a strange new reality – "Bully System" after a strange transmigration. Suddenly, his peaceful life takes an unexpected turn as he discovers that embracing his mischievous side is the key to gaining incredible abilities. Join Takeshi on his unconventional journey as he bonks ninja dogs, has fun smacking toads, and even goes on adventures that inadvertently boost Konoha's economy, all while becoming the village's most unique feline spectacle. For supporting us and reading chapters in advance ( upto 50 Chapters) please visit (remove space) https://www.pat reon.com/8Ashes8 your support in whatever form would help us continue dedicating time and effort to this project and future projects. disclaimers: This work of fiction is based on Naruto universe created by Masashi Kishimoto, it is intellectual property of his and Shueisha, all rights reserved. This fanfiction is created for entertainment purposes only. Readers are encouraged to support Official Naruto series. Oc-Author: Maishen zang jiecao MTL name: Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

8Ashes8 · アニメ·コミックス
117 Chs

Chapter 33

Even if there is a delay in eating, there is still some time before class. Obito has to wait so long because he got up early. In the past, Obito would wake up late and help out on the road, so he would naturally be delayed and late.

Ever since he got together with Guy, with Guy helping to share the burden, his pressure has been reduced a lot. In addition, the probability of meeting the old lady on the road is much smaller if he runs fast, otherwise, he will definitely not be able to arrive at this moment.

When we arrived at the Academy classroom, everyone was almost there. Takeshi looked around. Not long after, it saw Kurenai and Hana standing together. They waved when they saw Rin, but Rin was obviously thinking about other things and didn't notice at all.

"Meow~" Rin reacted to his call. Takeshi was thoughtful. It seemed that Nohara Aizawa's mission worried her, otherwise, she wouldn't have been so distracted.

"Rin... wow, Takeshi has passed the test and became an official ninja cat!" Kurenai walked over and immediately saw the forehead protector on the cat's neck.

"I'm so envious." Hana held Haimaru in her arms, so she didn't reach out to explore Takeshi's head, while Haimaru stared at Takeshi with sourness and fear. Some of the animal's senses are stronger than those of humans, and he can feel that the cat has become stronger again.

'Damn it! he is less than eight months old. How can any cat in the world make such rapid progress?' Haimaru was desperate. He probably would never be able to surpass the cat in front of him in this life, and he could never avenge his previous hatred...

Takeshi showed his teeth.

"Woof woof!"

"Takeshi, don't scare Haimaru, he's still so small..." Rin stopped abruptly mid-sentence.

Because she remembered that Haimaru seemed to be several months older than Takeshi, maybe twice as old, but it was hard to say "small".

"It's so embarrassing for me to take this coward everywhere." Hana covered her face and hugged Haimaru unless he ran away faster. Since the Inuzuka clan joined Konoha to raise dogs, it was the first time that they had bred a dog that was afraid of cats. Fortunately, she was called a talented girl of the Inuzuka clan. If word spread, others would laugh at her.

"By the way, dont forget to learn the Summon skills." Kurenai pointed at Takeshi and reminded her of her previous words.

Rin hesitated for a moment and whispered: "There is no hurry for now."

Summon art is not a popular product, it is a space and time ninjutsu that can channel creatures and objects, but no matter which one has a very important link - the scroll. Summons are precious, but they can be learned through the friendship of comrades. The problem is that the scrolls are also very expensive. Nohara Aizawa is only a Chunin. If they want to buy a scroll, that may put a big dent in the Nohara family's wealth.

"I'm sorry." Kurenai realized this and immediately apologized to Rin.

Takeshi stretched out his paw and patted her shoulder affectionately. He glanced at Asuma. This guy seems to have been numbed by the stimulation. He is not jealous when he sees himself and Kurenai being intimate. Oh yeah... He is about to graduate, so he doesn't need feel bad about draining him of more points.

At this time the bell rang and the teacher arrived. Today is the test, but those with elders who are ninjas understand that today's test is actually just a formality. Now Konoha needs a group of Genin, so all students will pass.

Certainly, Obito didn't know it. He was still sitting upright, waiting for the teacher to start the exam so that everyone could see his achievements during this period, but in the end, he only waited for one test paper.

Written examination! Obito thought it was extremely ridiculous. How could the final assessment be a written test? Takeshi was very happy next to him, and even rolled over on the table - How bad is Obito's luck? After preparing for several months, the final test turned out to be theoretical. 'You used to hang out with Guy all the time, and even catch me running together. This is retribution.'

Obito was about to cry. He knew nothing about the test theory. If he were to take the test like this, he would have to wait until next year, so he could only lower his voice and ask for help from Rin.

But there was a table between Rin and him, so she could only shrug her shoulders to show that she was helpless.

"The test papers are handed out and will last two hours. It is a graduation exam so it is more difficult, but I hope everyone can answer independently and don't look around. Whoever wants to cheat will be caught... hum hum hum." Shiranui Sensei sneered his eyes like a falcon. Scan the whole place. We were all children and immediately fell silent upon hearing this threat. How could we dare to cheat?

When the paper was handed out, Obito glanced down and then took a deep breath. Very good, others are also not prepared for this. He was panicking in his heart, his legs and feet were weak and trembling, but even so, his face remained calm, and he whispered to the cat next to him: "Help me." Takeshi looked up at him, then turned around again.

Haimaru is above Hana, with his eyes and ears listening in all directions. He is obviously helping his master to gather information... This is so obvious! He stared a few times. The Hyuga clan is the most convenient, but you can still find clues if you look carefully, followed by the Aburame clan. As for people like Obito, their methods are too clumsy.

"Help me." He remained unchanged and begged softly.

The little black cat moved to the side and glanced at Rin's test paper. Then he walked upright to Obito and pressed his paw on the paper.

Bang~ There is no sound, but the classroom is quiet. No matter how soft the sound is, it can attract the teacher's attention. Shiranui Sensei stared at Black Cat, then looked at Obito. Obito also raised his head, and the atmosphere was extremely awkward for a moment.

"Obito!" The teacher shouted his name sharply and then sighed softly. This child is not bad at all in terms of talent, but he is so hard-headed, that he has been with the little black cat for so long and still doesn't know Takeshi's character. The little guy's heart is as black as his fur, so asking him to help may only cause more problems.

After being shouted at, Obito didn't dare to make any more small moves. Takeshi laughed secretly in his heart. That move frightened Obito half to death, and it suddenly rose to nearly three hundred. He could only do this with Obito.

Thinking about it this way, the exam is also a good opportunity. So, Takeshi simply jumped off the table, trotted all the way to Shiranui Sensei, and then jumped on the podium with everyone's confused eyes.

"What are you doing?" Shiranui Sensei was a little confused and confused.

"Meow..." Takeshi raised his paw and pointed at Haimaru, who was looking around behind him. The meaning was self-evident. Haimaru heard the sound and looked over. The two beasts looked at each other, and then the puppy jumped down from Hana's head and squatted down at the edge of the podium in dejection.

Hana was confused at first, and then she gritted her teeth and lowered her head to answer the questions. Without Haimaru, her speed in answering the questions suddenly slowed down.

Next, the little black cat waved its paws in conjunction with the meowing warning, pointing in the direction where someone was cheating. Both the students below and Shiranui Sensei on the stage had very confused expressions.

Why is he doing this? Ebisu looked pissed, stood up, and said righteously: "Teacher, I request that he be kicked out of the classroom. It has seriously interfered with our exams."

"Yes, yes..." The rest of the people immediately nodded, including Rin and Kurenai both complained. The cat was "meowing" here, so how could they answer the questions calmly?

"The enemy interferes with your seal formation on the battlefield. Do you still ask the enemy to wait until you finish using your ninjutsu before attacking? Write quickly and hand in the paper when the time is up." Shiranui Sensei replied angrily.

Although Takeshi was trying to disrupt the situation, this exam happened to be a formality, and it was good to take this opportunity to hone the character of these brats.

After hearing this, Takeshi immediately jumped down excitedly and went straight into the venue to "catch people." Anyone who cheated with crude tricks would be caught.

The examination room was in a state of chaos, and even Rin regretted bringing this guy there. Looking at the pile of hate-filled eyes below and the increasing points that can be seen in front of his eyes, he is extremely happy. All enemies will make me stronger, and now...

I am the enemy of everyone in the world! However, education in Konoha cannot be guaranteed. After Shiranui Sensei said those few words, everyone got through the initial irritability and panic and gradually began to use their own advantages. Although Takeshi continued to interfere, it was of no use. Points are not going up. Tsk... Forget it, let's go out for a walk.


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