
Naruto: Pawns are merely sacrifices

Alex grew up in a wealthy family with parents who were both successful businesspeople. From a young age, he was taught to view the world as a series of strategic moves and counter-moves, where success was measured by power and absolute dominance. get it absolute dominance oh and now I'm in naruto great

_Lunar_ · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Peace Talks

A year has passed and what was once a land littered with corpses and blood it is now filled with the cries of birds and life has begun to bloom

Alex had witnessed the devastation caused by the conflicts between the Hidden Mist and Konoha firsthand. He knew that if this continued, both villages would suffer more losses, and it would be a never-ending cycle of violence. That's why he made a difficult decision to pursue peace talks with Konoha.

With the help of his advisors, Alex drafted a peace treaty that would end the hostilities between the two villages. It took a lot of effort, but eventually, both parties agreed to the terms.

Alex sat in the large chair in the meeting room, across from him was Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage of Konoha. The two leaders had finally come to an agreement to end the ongoing war between their villages.

The room was quiet, save for the sound of the occasional page turning from the two scribes who were taking notes. Alex had to admit, he felt relieved. The war had taken a heavy toll on his village and he was sure that the people of Konoha felt the same way.

"I'm glad we could come to an agreement, Hiruzen," Alex said, breaking the silence. "I think it's time we put an end to this senseless fighting."

Hiruzen nodded in agreement. "I couldn't agree more, Alex. The people of our villages have suffered enough. We need to find a way to move forward and work together to create a better future for our people."

The two leaders spent the next several hours discussing the terms of the armistice. They agreed to a ceasefire, with both sides withdrawing their forces from the border regions. They also agreed to exchange prisoners of war and to begin negotiations for a more permanent peace agreement.

Alex knew that the task ahead was daunting. He had to rebuild the village, reunite the people and strengthen the economy. but he already had a plan brewing in his mind

The newly appointed Mizukage smiled to himself, knowing that the future looked bright for the village hidden in the mist.

Over the next few months, Alex worked tirelessly to rebuild the Hidden Mist village. He used his connections and influence to bring in new resources and technology, and he made sure that his people were well taken care of.

As time passed, the relationship between the Hidden Mist and the kekkei genkei users were no longer regarded with suspicion. Alex was proud of what he had accomplished as Mizukage. He had brought his village out of darkness and into the light

As he sat in his office, looking out over the village he had helped to build, Alex knew that he had made the right decision. He had used his power and influence to create a better world, and he would continue to do so for as long as he lived. Alex's efforts to rebuild the village began to pay off. The Hidden Mist started to become more prosperous, and its citizens began to feel a sense of pride and loyalty to their village. Alex's leadership and dedication to the village were becoming increasingly evident, and he was gaining the respect and admiration of his people.

Alex read the emergency letter from Kuza with concern. It stated that their commerce ships were being attacked by pirates in the sea. The situation was becoming critical, and they needed his help immediately. Alex knew that he couldn't ignore the situation and had to act fast. He made a shadow clone to take his place so he can leave without leaving the village unprotected

Alex decided to lead a team to provide aid to Kuza, realizing that it was his duty to protect the commerce of his village. He gathered his gear, including his unique blade, which he could use to provide support during the mission. He also carried a scroll containing explosive seals just in case something needs to be blown to pieces.

As Alex and his team reached the shores of the land of mist, they could see the smoke rising from the harbor that was being attacked by the pirates. The scene was chaotic and intense, and they needed to act fast to prevent further damage.

Alex quickly ordered his team to split up and take different ships to prevent the pirates from concentrating their forces. They had to move strategically and cautiously to avoid being ambushed. Alex himself took the lead ship, which was the largest and the most vulnerable.

As they approached the ship, they could see the pirates attacking with ferocity. They were using a mixture of different jutsus and explosives to cause maximum damage. Alex immediately took action and told his squad to take them by their ass.

The pirates were surprised by Alex and the mist ninja's sudden appearance and quickly launched an attack. Alex dodged the attacks and countered with his own swift strikes. His blade glowed with chakra as he infused it with his elemental release, the water style. He unleashed a devastating wave of water that sent the pirates flying.

As the battle raged on, Alex could sense that the pirates were becoming more organized, and their attacks were becoming more coordinated. He knew that they had to change their strategy and act fast to prevent further damage.

His eyes started darting around the field trying to locate the leader of the pirate's and immediately targeted him. The leader prepared for the sudden attack blocks it with his arm made of steel, and summoned flying rebar to impale Alex. He had to admit, he was impressed with the pirate's quick reflexes and skill in combat. But Alex was not one to give up so easily.

He quickly pivoted to dodge the barrage of rebar that came flying toward him. His agility as a Jinchuriki made him faster, but he was not invincible. A few of the metal rods grazed his skin, drawing blood, but Alex gritted his teeth and ignored the pain.

Summoning his chakra, he created a massive water dragon that rushed toward the pirate leader, intending to crush him. But the pirate was quick to react, as he jumped high into the air, avoiding the attack. He then unleashed a barrage of metal spikes from his arms towards Alex.

Alex barely had time to react as he dodged and weaved around the spikes. He tried to create another water blade, but the pirate was too quick for him, and he blocked the jutsu with his metal arm. Alex sighed under his breath,

He needed a new strategy. His eyes flicked around the battlefield, trying to locate any weaknesses in the pirate's defenses. And then he saw it - anytime he used his kekkei genkei it takes 5 secs for the metal to appear.

using this newfound information, Alex charged toward the pirate, aiming for the time window. The pirate started to turn his arm into steel, but Alex feinted and cut the pirate's right arm clean off.

The pirate leader stumbled backward, his left arm laying uselessly on the ground. Alex didn't waste any time, he quickly followed up with a slash to the abdomen before following up with a roundhouse kick to the stomach sending the pirate straight to a wall, leaving a human-shaped imprint as the pirate fell to the floor creating a crater as he did.

The other pirates, realizing that their leader had been defeated, quickly retreated. Alex watched as they dispersed into the water

He looked around at the destruction that had been wrought upon harbor. The once bustling harbor was now in ruins, the buildings destroyed and the people fleeing for their lives. Alex knew just how much paperwork he'll have to do when he got back

Alex stayed in the town for a few more days, gathering more intel as to what type of group these people were they were to well-equipped to be your average pirates

With the pirates defeated, the medic-nin immediately started providing medical support to the injured and securing the ships. After several days of investigation, they finally found the location of the pirates' base of operations - a hidden island fortress in the middle of the ocean. Alex and his team set out to take down the pirate base.

As they approached the island, they were greeted with a barrage of boulders from the fortress. Alex and his squad used water bullets to get rid of the Pirates shooting out boulders at them. The team successfully made it onto the island and split up to take out the various sections of the base.

Alex encountered the pirate leader, a fierce woman with fiery red hair and a menacing grin. She wielded a large sword and was surrounded by a group of pirates. Alex engaged in a fierce battle with the pirate leader, their swords clashing with a metallic ring.

The Blindfolded pirate opened her mouth and let out a piercing shriek as Alex takes the brunt of the force smashing him through the wall, his body feeling the impact of the collision. He quickly regained his footing and turned to face his opponent

The pirate chuckled, "You're quite tenacious, 4th Mizukage," she said, her voice laced with amusement.

Alex didn't reply, instead opting to charge forward with a water dragon jutsu. The pirate countered with a wave of sound, knocking the dragon off course and causing it to dissipate harmlessly.

As Alex closed the distance between them, the pirate produced a pair of metal rods from her sleeves and swung them at him with blinding speed. Alex barely managed to block the blows with his sword, gritting his teeth against the force of the attack.

The two combatants traded blows back and forth, neither able to gain a clear advantage. Alex was fast and skilled, but the pirate's sound-release abilities made it difficult for him to land a solid hit.

using his Water Release jutsu to create a water shield around him. The sound waves collided with the water shield, creating a loud explosion. Alex emerged from the blast unscathed, his body now surrounded by a layer of water. He charged forward once again, this time piercing the pirate leader's stomach with his wind-infused fist, the pirate spitting out blood before going limp on his hands.

After Alex had defeated the pirate leader, the remaining members of the pirate group surrendered to the Hidden Mist village, knowing that they were no match for the power of the Mizukage and his forces. Alex ordered his team to kill the rest except for one.

Once they arrived back in the Hidden Mist, Alex immediately called a meeting with the intelligence bureau to determine how the wildfire pirate group was able to get such advanced weapons and equipment. It quickly became clear that they had been receiving funding from a wealthy merchant.

He started by gathering as much intel as possible about the network's operations, locations, and key members. Alex and his team conducted a series of raids on the network's hideouts and safe houses, taking out any resistance and capturing key members for interrogation.

Through careful investigation and analysis of the information gathered, Alex was able to identify the main players in the network, including their leader, a shadowy figure known only as "Typhus". Alex knew that he needed to take down The Typhus to send a warning to any unfortunate souls who believe it'd be wise to rebel.

Alex made the decision to send a team of ninjas to infiltrate the merchant's home and gather more information. After a few days of reconnaissance, the team reported back that the merchant was indeed the one funding the Wildfire pirates and that he had ties to other criminal organizations in the region.

Alex spent the next few weeks dismantling the criminal network that had been established by the pirate leader. He ordered his ANBU and other specialized ninja teams to gather as much intelligence as they could about the group and its operations.

Using the information gathered, Alex and his team launched a series of coordinated attacks on the various hideouts and safe houses used by the criminal organization. They took out key members of the group and confiscated large quantities of contraband, including weapons, drugs, and stolen goods.


A/N: given that the timeframe of the end of the 3rd shinobi world war was anywhere from 3 to 7 years. With 5 being my best guess. so I chose 5 years

I'm going to go into basically reforming the hidden mist so were not going to go into cannon territory just yet

Alex was 14 when he became Mizukage a year has passed since then so he is now 15