
Naruto: Pawns are merely sacrifices

Alex grew up in a wealthy family with parents who were both successful businesspeople. From a young age, he was taught to view the world as a series of strategic moves and counter-moves, where success was measured by power and absolute dominance. get it absolute dominance oh and now I'm in naruto great

_Lunar_ · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Civil Unrest

As their conversation came to an end, Alex emerged from the pocket dimension, his body radiating with chakra. he knew that sealing the tailed beast inside him was a risk but that was a risk he was willing to take.

"Captain we got a problem here" an Anbu yelled before getting pierced by a Chidori in the back

Alex and his team of ANBU operatives sprung into action. being caught off guard. Alex quickly signaled to retreat

"We got what we came for, let's go" Alex commanded to the rest of the ANBU

Kakashi, with his Sharingan activated, assessed the situation and quickly formulated a plan. He signaled to Obito to go after Rin, while he engaged in battle with Alex.

Without any further delay, Kakashi Charged at Alex, their chakra flowing like a river. Kakashi was quick to make the first move, throwing a kunai at Alex, which he dodged with ease.

Alex countered with a series of hand signs and unleashed a powerful gust of wind [𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞: 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡], which Kakashi barely managed to dodge. The force of the wind sent him flying back, but he quickly regained his footing using the cave wall as a launch pad he activates his [𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢] launching towards Alex. but Alex was quick to counter, coating his Chakra blade with Wind he meets the attack creating a shockwave as the Chidori meets Wind, The two sides continued to exchange attacks, neither one gaining a significant advantage over the other.

Meanwhile, Obito had managed to find Rin and set her loose carrying her on his back and quickly retreated back to the safety of Konoha

"So, you're the famous Copy ninja," Alex said, a smirk playing on his lips. "I've heard a lot about you"

"Thanks for the entertainment but now it's my time to leave," Alex declared, before disappearing into the mist as well as the rest of the ANBU

2 hours later~

Alex sat in his room, sipping his tea, and staring at the window. He had been thinking a lot lately about the civil unrest between the Land of Water populace and the kekkei genkai users/clan. The tension had been building for a long time, and he knew that it was only a matter of time before it boiled over into something more dangerous.

He took another sip of his tea and glanced over at Kazu, who was sitting across from him. "What do you think about the situation with the kekkei genkai users?" Alex asked.

Kazu paused for a moment, thinking. "I think it's a complicated issue," he replied. "On the one hand, the kekkei genkai users have a unique ability that gives them an advantage over others which will help us in war. On the other hand, if left uncontrolled could easily jeopardize our home as a whole.

Alex nodded, considering Kazu's words. "It's a delicate balance," he said. "But I think we need to find a way to address the issue before it spirals out of control."

Kazu leaned forward, his eyes focused on Alex. "What do you propose we do?"

"We either need to gain their loyalty so they won't start a war in our own country," Alex replied. "or we need to cut them off like a tumor."

"Intel suggests that the civilians/shinobi have been going on manhunts for anybody with a kekkei genkei". Alex said before being interrupted by a loud siren

The sound of an alarm echoed throughout the village, alerting all Jonin to gather at the Mizukage's office. Alex and Kazu quickly finished their tea and made way to the meeting spot.

As he arrived, he saw Kuwasa, the Jonin commander, standing in front of a group of gathered Jonins. "Listen up, everyone," Kuwasa said, his voice grave. "The Mizukage is dead."

There was a collective gasp from the Jonins, and Alex felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. The Mizukage was the leader of the village and the protector of its people. Without a strong leader, the village was vulnerable to attack and instability.

"What happened?" One of the Jonin asked.

"We're not sure yet," Kuwasa replied. "But we suspect foul play."

The group fell into a tense silence, each person lost in their own thoughts. Alex's mind raced as he considered the implications of the 3rd Mizukage's death. If the village fell into chaos, the civil unrest between the populace and kekkei genkai users could quickly escalate into something much worse its already bad enough we don't want it to get any worst.

"We need to act fast," Alex said, breaking the silence. "We can't let the village fall into chaos."

Kuwasa nodded in agreement. "We need to investigate the circumstances of the Mizukage's death and select a new leader quickly," he said. "I suggest we split up into teams and start gathering information."

Alex nodded in understanding as Kuwasa relayed the information about Yagura Karatachi being a candidate for Mizukage. "Thank you for informing me, Kuwasa," Alex said. "I'll keep an eye on the situation."

Kuwasa nodded in acknowledgment before turning back to the other Jonin to discuss their next course of action.

Alex made his way out of the Mizukage office, deep in thought. The news of the 3rd Mizukage's death and the looming election of a new leader was a concerning development. With tensions already high between the Land of Water populace and the kekkei genkai users, the election of a new Mizukage could either quell the unrest or exacerbate it further

He knew he needed to keep a close eye on the situation and be prepared for any potential outcomes. As he made his way back to his quarters, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of his stomach.

Once he reached his room, Alex sat down at his desk and began to go over the information he had gathered about Yagura Karatachi. He was a skilled shinobi.

But there were also rumors about his mental state, with some saying that he suffered from a severe case of paranoia due to the blood tradition of the academy. If Yagura were to become the Mizukage, it could potentially have disastrous consequences then again before he was controlled by Madara(Obito) he was actually making the Mist a more livable place.

"But then again becoming the fourth Mizukage would prove to be quite beneficial. All I need to do is use my Geass on the council". Alex mused to himself

The next few weeks would prove to be critical for the future of the Hidden Mist village, and Alex knew that he had to be prepared for whatever may come.

Alex and Kazu were deep in their search for information on the assassination of the Mizukage. They had been traveling from village to village, questioning civilians and gathering clues, but so far, they had come up empty-handed. As they made their way through a dense forest, a barrage of Shurikens made of ice quickly headed toward the duo

Alex and Kazu, both drew their weapons, quickly deflecting the Ice shurikens

Alex quickly sprang into action, using [𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞: 𝐀𝐢𝐫 𝐁𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬] Alex shoots out multiple bullets of air towards the bush creating a small explosion kicking up dust and debris as each bullet hit the ground.

Kazu drew his sword and charged at the hostile ninjas, his chakra-infused blade slicing through their ice attacks. Alex followed close behind, launching a barrage of Wind bullets attacks at the enemy.

The Yuki clan members were skilled fighters, their ice-release jutsu packing a powerful punch. Alex uses his wind-style jutsu to create openings in their defenses. Alex was momentarily caught off guard by an Ice spike appearing underneath his feet, and he managed to dodge in time but was grazed in the side by a Water Bullet at the same time

Kazu noticed his friend's injury and quickly moved to protect him, deflecting incoming ice attacks with his sword. He saw an opening and launched a powerful water-style jutsu, impaling several Shinobi with water spikes.

The rest of the enemies quickly retreated after realizing their more powerful friends have been killed, Alex and Kazu took a moment to catch their breath.

"they really have it out for me," Alex said, his voice strained as he clutched his injured side.

"huh must be because of Isobu that I've healed already? guess being a Jinchūriki has some perks

As Alex and Kazu left the scene of the ambush, Alex couldn't help but think about the power and influence that came with being the Mizukage. He knew that if he became the next Mizukage, he would have the power to shape the future of the Land of Water into his own customized chess board.

Alex knew that he needed to act quickly if he was going to have a chance at becoming the next Mizukage. He began to use his [𝐆𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐬] on influential figures in the Land of Water. He knew that due to being born in the lower caste system he wouldn't even be considered a candidate and that had to change.

Alex had been working tirelessly for months, gathering support and building alliances within the Hidden Mist Village. He had used his Geass to influence the minds of key figures, ensuring they saw him as the only candidate to take over as the fourth Mizukage.

Finally, the day had come for the selection of the new Mizukage. Alex stood at the front of the Council, He knew that he had done everything he could to secure his position.

Kuwasa, the Jonin commander, took the podium and addressed the assembly. "As you all know, the assassination of our former Mizukage has left a great void in our village. Today, we must select a new leader to guide us through these troubled times."

Finally, Kuwasa called out his name. "And last but not least, Alex, a highly skilled Jonin and strategist and one of the most promising candidates for the position of Mizukage."

The assembly hall fell silent as Kuwasa looked directly at Alex. "Alex, please step forward."

"By the authority vested in me as Jonin commander and the authority of the council, I hereby declare Alex the fourth Mizukage of the Hidden Mist Village!"

The assembly hall erupted into cheers and applause as Alex stood there, He had done it - he was now the most powerful person in the village.

"Thank you," Alex said, his voice ringing out over the crowd. "I am honored and humbled to accept this position. I promise to do everything in my power to lead our village to a bright and prosperous future."

As the crowd continued to cheer, Alex was presented with the hat sewed on the hat was the Kanji for water which represents his position as the 4th Mizukage
