
Naruto: One piece of Bleach

Grew up with normal parents. Not rich, not poor but able to help other people. But that was just them, my parents. Me? I am nothing but a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things. If and when I die, it won't even matter but to my family only, maybe some real friends not the fake ones and maybe, just maybe. it might matter to my dog hahahahaha... so, here I am, drowning with a smile on my face. Don't ask how cause like I said, I'm just a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things. I am not that important for the storm to stop so that the ship I'm on also stops sinking... Some had gone to fetch the life boats, life jackets and life I don't know paddles? While I am in the kitchen eating my last meal. After eating, a few minutes later, water came to greet me and I welcomed it with open arms and a bright smile... Hello death! Then I died. That's it ^_^ yeah no, that was probably a prologue. Synopsis would be short like. A simple guy died. Woke up in the Naruto world and discovers powers from the big 3 anime. (Naruto, One Piece and Bleach) How will he change the Shinobi world? Will he even change it with his personality? I don't know... read and find out... then drop at the middle if you want but I will tell you right now that it's fast paced Wahahahahahahaha

I_am_Dumb_Iknow · アニメ·コミックス
37 Chs

Chapter 20: Awakening~~~

Konoha, the night before Osamu returns

Yago Residence

Dinner time

The family of four only has 3 persons currently inside the house as they all gathered and eat for dinner.

Contrary to the knowledge of Osamu when he eats dinner with them where his parents were listening happily to his Shinobi life, right now they were too quiet than normal.

All of them, including his younger sister are all worried about him after knowing that he was going on a solo mission.

What's more is that it's a double mission so it might take more time for him to return home than the last time he took missions together with his team.

"I told you he shouldn't have pursued that dream of his to become a ninja, look at us worrying about him and when he's going to return."

"Nonsense, my son is a Genius he won't easily be harmed." Hideyoshi immediately defended his son's honor.

"That's right, my big bro is the strongest!" Shiori supported his Father.

"You two, sigh." Himari could only give up.


"Hmmn? Who would visit us at this hour?"

"I'll get it!" Shiori volunteered as she opened the door.

What came to view was a girl, short black hair with, and white eyes, wearing a jacket and standard ninja pants and sandals.

There was no forehead protector on her indicating her to be still in the academy.

This was of course Hyuga Hinata whom Osamu saved one time and since then he was sponsored in his studies with sealing arts.

"Who are you pretty onee-chan?" Shiori asked.

"Um, I am Hinata Hyuga. I came looking for Osamu-kun."

"You're looking for big brother?"

Hinata nodded.

"Who is it Shiori?" Her mother asked.

"She said her name is Hinata Hyuga and she's looking for big bro!" Shiori replied in a shout.

As soon as she finished her sentence there was a bit of noise in the background and the couple came to the door where Hinata was.

"Lady Hinata, it's our honor for you to visit our humble home. We thank your clan for providing support to our son all those years." Hideyoshi started as he bowed with his wife while trying to get Shiori to bow too.

"What can we do for you today? Or would you like to get inside first?"

"Not really, I only came here to visit Osamu-kun. Is he around?"

The couple looked at each other before answering.

"Actually, our son has been sent to a double mission few days ago, we expect him to return by 3 days later or tomorrow at the earliest."

"I see. Then I shall visit again tomorrow."

"No problem Lady Hinata, you are always welcome to visit us."

Soon Hinata left.

As soon as she did, shadows moved for the family of 3. They didn't even have time to know what happened as they all lost consciousness.

Their bodies were sacked and brought to the location assigned to the perpetrators when they will offer Osamu a choice.

And just like that, the Yago residence became silent and the people inside nowhere to be seen, no one would've ever guessed it was all planned out by the very elder that's supposed to do everything for the betterment of Konoha.





The next day

Osamu POV

On the way back to Konoha

When I've successfully integrated Shuchu state while in Sage mode. Who would've thought that doing that would let me unlock how to use Kenbushoku Haki or Observation Haki.

Now begs the question, why is it that coating my body parts with spiritual energy and nature energy allows me access to Armament Haki, a power unique only to the One Piece world?

Why is my body capable of producing skills not normally seen in this world.

Haki, schuchu state, and ki blast(formerly ball of energy).

Even if I asked myself the same question over and over. No one can really answer it.

Moreover, that was just a combination of nature energy and spiritual energy. What if I use physical energy?

Chakra and Nature energy surprisingly does none unless I add spiritual energy to enter sage mode. If I change that to physical energy, will I still enter sage mode?

I guess I will have to explore it once I get home!

I miss my sister, mom's home cooked meals and dad's bread. Hehehe... Can't wait to get home.

All this power, to protect them and see their smile. Nothing could make me happier. Unlike in my last life, in this world I have a capacity to become more than a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things.

End of POV




A few moments later

Osamu was within Konoha's border as he walked back leisurely.

He even greeted the assigned Ninja's in charge of guarding the border as he further went inside Konoha's vast land.

Once he entered the forest however, a kunai appeared headed his way but he didn't bother to dodge since it's direction was in front of him. It was probably thrown to halt his steps.

Then he saw 5 individuals wearing the same outfits as he recently dispatched. Danzo's root Anbus.

They were all genuine Jonin level as he sensed through Shuchu state which has been on since traveling, that's he knows they were waiting.

This was the reason no one can surprise attack him since he would have already sensed, see , hear or smell them from a certain distance.

3 of them were holding sacks each that reeks of blood. Probably dead bodies as he can clearly see blood dried from those sacks.

The moment he saw those, the faces of his family flashed in his mind. But he immediately put it aside, as Shinobi, emotions must not affect him.

This is the time and moment he must trust his great great grand master's will of fire. His family is within konoha, nothing wrong can happen to them.

"Yago Osamu." One of them called him.

"As per our Lords offer, you are still given the choice to join the root. Since nothing binds you to this world anymore."

The moment that person said those words, Osamu's heart beat so loudly he couldn't hear anything else of what that person was trying to say.


A very silent whisper inside his mind, he just can't comprehend this to happen, this wasn't happening.

Maybe those are just his friends.

Fuck, he doesn't have friends.

Former teammates?

He only has two and it's impossible for the third one to be Kakashi, he's way too significant to the village and strong.

"Hey!!! Are you even listening?" The person brought him out of his thoughts

"Why don't we show you, maybe you will reconsider then." He gestured his companions to open the sack.


Osamu's world spun slowly

No noise registered.

Not even the laughter of the Anbu roots.

As his eyes were looking at his family.

Hideyoshi, Himiko and Shiori.

All three of them, looked peacefully asleep, if not for the obvious pale bodies and dried blood.

They were probably killed some time now.

'Dad's delicious bread, Mom's homecook, my little sister's smile. Protect, I-'

"Son? Do you still want more? This father of yours will bake any request from you."

"Osamu!!! I told you to wait for the rest of the family!" Osamu's hands that was reaching for his mother's home cooked meals was swatted away.

"But I'm hungry and it smells too good!"

"Still, wait for the others. They shouldn't be long." Himiko told him as she turned.

He saw his little sister coming towards him.

"Big bro!!!! When I grow up, I'm gonna be like you! I'm gonna be a super strong ninja and I will also protect mom and dad, hihihi."

'I Failed.'

If tears could flow like a river, it has.

If nails could dig flesh, they did.

If a heart could hurt more than a chidori plunged through, it did.

He felt pain he's never felt before, not even in his last life.

He felt disappointed to himself as he gritted his teeth until his gums bled.

He felt,












Everything within a mile turned black and white as an aura of a king descended!

Every animal within the vicinity lost consciousness.

Birds dropped like rain.

Rabbit and the their hunters.

Squirrels dropped with their nuts.



Not a single living thing escaped the power that exploded from within Osamu.

The five Anbu root, stood rooted.

Although they weren't unconscious like the rest of the animals within the forest.

They felt something watching them as sweat traveled down their backs. It felt like, if they so much as blink or breath too loud, or lose focus, then they will definitely lose consciousness too.

Too bad.

Osamu doesn't care about that as 3 more of him appeared and he vanished from their sight.

His family's bodies already in his clone's arms while he the original, plunge his arms through the chest of one of the root anbu, chidori chirping like birds as lightning flickers to life on his hands.

When the rest realized what happened, they started to react but another one received the same treatment.

Osamu simply threw 3 kunai with explosive tags to what seems to be rando, but soon each of them hit a foot, it was like the root anbu put their their foot each on the kunai's line of shot, all 3 escaping root anbu were incapacitated as they drop to the ground.

Osamu plunged chidori to the two, however the last one whom he recognized as the one who spoke earlier, he didn't immediately killed.

Using the still active chidori, he separated the man's hands and legs from his body first before plunging chidori to the man's chest.

As if still not enough, he plunged it once more this time with more chakra supplied to the jutsu!


And again.


And again


Even when the already dead man's blood covered his entirety.

He still did it even as blood and tears flowed through his face.

Until he depleted his chakra...


He didn't feel any relief.

His family didn't return.

It didn't get better.

It still hurts.




Powers of emotions?

Cliche moments of MCs powering up through loss?

Or just plain old character development?

Call it however you like.

Call it cliche.

Call it predictable.

You can even say, "I knew it."

But to Osamu. Once again.

This was not a fanfiction.

This was not a story of reincarnation.

This wasn't a fairytale.

To him.

This is real life as he was grieving over his family's lifeless bodies in front of him.

And right now,

Osamu's thoughts are these.

'The butterfly can flutter it's wings for all I care, Hiruzen, Asuma, Jiraiya, Itachi they can all die just like how they should but Sasuke, will not be the one killing Danzo. No.'

"He WILL fucking die by my hands!" Osamu shouted as his eyes became pure white and he passed out due to extreme emotions.

[Insert, Luffy losing Ace]

End of Chapter

Words: 1700

Cried a bit while writing. Not sure if I did it justice.

I_am_Dumb_Iknowcreators' thoughts