
Naruto: of Shadows and Sharingans

"Life is but a dream... and now they expect me to work? What a drag." Hey there, Nara Shikakuro in the house! Yeah, I know, super original name my new parents came up with, right? But hey, let's not dwell on that. Just call me Kuro. Truth be told, I didn't really choose to be reincarnated. I thought death would bring some well-deserved relaxation, but nooo, they just had to send me to this godforsaken world... sigh It's not exactly what I had in mind. But hey, there's a silver lining—I was born a Nara. And if you know anything about us, you know we've got a reputation for being masters of laziness. So maybe, just maybe, I can get away with slacking off, right? Here's hoping! ---------------------------------------------- Hey friends! I am back with another Naruto fic. Do stick around and follow the story of one new Lazy Nara. Do note, that this story is AU and a PoV oriented story, where the story is told from different perspectives but ultimately focusing on the MC. ---------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Please note that I do not own Naruto, its storyline, or any of its characters. They are the creative works of their respective owners. However, if I post an image with my signature claiming that I drew it, then that particular artwork belongs to me. Speaking of which, the cover isn't mine, I just edited a bit. I will add a cover of my own drawing when I have the time. ---------------------------------------------- Update Schedule: Geee, I will upload as much as I can. But no fixed schedules, as I have a real life job. Join the fun and discuss fanfics and more on our Discord server! Don't miss out on the excitement and camaraderie. Hop in and let's geek out together! Link: https:// discord. gg/ncrYddTrH8 (remove the spaces), or you can DM me on discord: Asura#6727 If you enjoy my writings and would like to support me in my creative journey, consider subscribing to my Patreon. Your support will enable me to write more freely and passionately, without worrying about the financial side. Let's embark on this adventure together and bring more stories to life! Link: https://www. patre on.com/ LuminouShadowBooks (remove the spaces)

LuminouShadow · アニメ·コミックス
36 Chs

Chapter Three: Shikakuro I

A/N: First Chapter from the MC's PoV.


August 30, Year 63, A Banyan Tree beside Training Ground 23, Konohagakure


I glanced around once more, making sure I was still alone in my secluded spot beneath Benny. Oh Benny is the name of the massive Banyan tree in the 23rd training ground. With a lazy sigh, I stretched out and settled into a comfortable position.

Peering up through the canopy of leaves, I watched as specks of light filtered through the small gaps, casting a gentle glow on my face. My mind wandered back to the peculiar circumstances of my new life.

Can you believe it? Reincarnated in the Naruto world of all places!

All I wanted was some peace and quiet after death, but nooo, did the Gods listen to my plea? They just had to throw me into this chaotic realm where people learn to throw shurikens before they learn to tie their shoelaces.


Well, at least I lucked out being born into the Nara Clan. With that as my cover, I can embrace the art of laziness like never before. Finally, I have a chance at the relaxed life I've always craved.

I mean, in my previous life, I busted my hump day in and day out just to scrape together enough money for the future. All I wanted was to retire and enjoy some well-deserved relaxation. But did that ever happen? Nope. Instead, I ended up sick from overworking, my health took a nosedive, and eventually, I kicked the bucket. Not a single moment of true relaxation in my entire life.

But this time, things will be different. In this life, I've got a strong family, rich vaults, and some dependable minions who are more than happy to do my bidding. And to top it off, it seems I've been blessed with an absurd amount of chakra. Although, there's more to it than meets the eye. You see, I've got this mysterious seal on my ears, and my parents refuse to spill the beans. So troublesome.

I've come up with a couple of theories too.

Either I'm some kind of Jinchuriki, which seems highly unlikely, or my chakra reserves are so massive that my body would spontaneously combust if left unchecked. I'm leaning towards the latter, but deep down, I sense there's something more to the story.

To my surprise, I found solace in the embrace of darkness. With my rebirth and heightened intelligence, I initially thought that I might possess some sort of power related to darkness. It would have been pretty cool, you know? But after conducting a few experiments, it became apparent that darkness manipulation wasn't really it. It was more just shadows. Instead of the whole darkness thing.

During the rare lectures that my mom managed to trap me in, I discovered that my inclination leaned more towards the Yin Nature. In simple terms, it's the aspect of chakra associated with imagination and spirituality. Yin Release is all about giving shape to the intangible, using spiritual chakra to manifest illusions and such. It's the cornerstone of genjutsu, and our clan's secret techniques rely heavily on Yin Release.

As a Nara, I'm naturally predisposed towards the Yin Nature of the chakra spectrum. But this felt different somehow. Well, whatever it was, I couldn't be bothered to dwell on it. It's much more appealing to just let go and relax.

With a casual shrug, I closed my eyes and allowed the darkness to envelop me. The shadows cast by the tree seemed to wrap around me like a protective shield, easing my mind and lulling me into a peaceful slumber. I let myself drift away, surrendering to the tranquility of sleep for a few blissful hours.…

As I awakened, the sun had already started moving towards the west, signaling that it was already afternoon. With a sigh, I sat up and took in the serene sounds of nature. My gaze shifted to the left, where a family of rabbits hopped around, their playful antics bringing a smile to my face. Thoughts of my new family naturally flooded my mind.

You know, I don't have some tragic orphan backstory from my past life. When it came to family, things were pretty normal. I had a hardworking father who gradually grew distant over time, not because of any conflicts or disagreements, but just as it often happens in Asian families. And then there was my affectionate yet overbearing mother, constantly pestering me about how I should live my life well into my early thirties. Hahaha.

So, yeah, I can say that I had a decent family life in my previous existence. I wasn't really longing for a family when I was reborn. But the Naras... were a welcoming sight nonetheless.

Nara Yoshino, my new birth mother, is both affectionate and strict, much like my previous life's mother. As for my new father, he's mostly out in the field due to the ongoing war. Although he mentioned in his letter that he managed to secure special permission to be home today, so he should be returning soon. He tries to be a role model, but let's be real, I've witnessed him cowering in front of my mom enough times to know who wears the pants in this household. Hahaha!

My days have been pretty alright. Apart from dodging my tutors and their boring lectures on "important village knowledge and ninja theories," and putting on a perfect little angel act in front of my mother to avoid getting beaten to a pulp, I've been enjoying my time exploring the village and leading my cute little group of minions. And, of course, taking care of the deer in the Nara Forest.

Sigh... for now, life has been quite relaxed...

I managed to gather some information about the timeline. The Third Great Ninja War is still ongoing, and there's no fourth face on the Hokage wall yet. So, I'm pretty sure this is all happening before the incident with the Nine-Tails.

Which is all well and good, I suppose. Not like I can do much about it anyway.

Sigh... I should at least try to do something, I guess... Such a drag...

With a resigned sigh, I decided it was time to get up and head back home. I had a feeling they'd send people out to search for me if I lingered any longer on a day like this. Time to face the music, I suppose.

I leaped gracefully, allowing the shadows to guide me through the forest, swiftly navigating the fastest route. I had to admit, the shadows were undeniably useful. Even though I had no aspirations of becoming the greatest Hokage or ninja master or whatever, it was nice to know that I wasn't some mediocre loser.

It didn't take long for me to reach the compound, where I spotted the two guards lazily acknowledging my presence.

"Kuro-sama, Yoshino-sama was looking for you," one of them said, nonchalantly poking his ear with his pinky.

As soon as I heard those words, every hair on my body stood on end, and I hurried towards the source of my mother's call. And as I feared, there she was, looking like a demon incarnate, while my father desperately tried to calm her down.

I took a deep gulp and entered, performing a ninja salute. "You called for me, your highness Oka-sama! I, your dutiful child, have arrived with utmost haste!"

At the sight of my entrance, my father let out a sigh of relief, attempting to make himself as inconspicuous as possible to avoid any further trouble, while my mother's glare pierced through me. It was almost as if my shadows themselves were ready to emerge and shield me, but they seemed to possess the ability to distinguish between friend and foe. Or perhaps it was just my instinct at play... or maybe it was the shared innate fear my shadows and I had of my mother.

My mother approached me with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes as she crouched down to my eye level.

"So, my darling Kuro-chan, where have you been all day?" she asked, her voice dripping with a saccharine sweetness.

In response, I put on my best innocent boy act, an Oscar-worthy performance. However, instead of earning me praise, it only resulted in my ears being firmly pulled and twisted.

Ouch! That hurt like a bitch!

"Enough with your excuses!" she shouted.

But... but I haven't even made any excuses yet!

"I already heard from Toru-san that you somehow managed to escape his history lessons, and you even had the audacity to skip Grandma Sumire's etiquette lessons. Is this how a future clan heir is supposed to behave?"

"Ouch, Mom! I'm sorry. I just went to meet my friends. Yeah, that's it. I went to meet my friends because they really, really wanted to see me," I replied, mustering the utmost conviction in my voice.

Sorry, my minions, but your leader's precious ears must be preserved at all costs.

"So, you were with your little friends, were you?" My mother's smile widened, if that was even possible, and a chill ran down my spine.

She opened the sliding door, revealing the inner courtyard adorned with various decorations and my minio- I mean, my friends were running around, attempting to assist the adults with the preparations.

I gulped.

"So, which friends were you with, my dear Kuro-chan?"

Well... I guess I had this one coming. Mother escorted me back to my room and gave me a thorough earful instead of the usual beating, considering it was my special day. She warned me that next time she would hang me upside down over the pond if I dared to skip another lesson.

Although I was pretty sure she was just kidding... I hope... maybe?

Anyway, after the customary scolding session, my mother got me ready and took me to where everyone was eagerly waiting to wish me a happy birthday.

""Happy birthday, Kuro-san/kun/sama/niichan,"" everyone chimed as I blew out the candles.

You know...

Whatever I may have said about wishing for death and eternal rest? Well, I still wouldn't mind having that. But truth be told, this warm feeling from my family and friends... I wouldn't mind experiencing it a while longer.

Huh? Wait!... Would that count as a birthday wish? Nooooo, I take it back. Give me uber awesome Sage powers instead, so I can continue to laze around as much as I want!

"You are allowed to only make one birthday wish, Kuro." Said my dad who had a smirk on his face.

Was I that easy to read?

Dammit… What a drag…


Lumi: Well that was a glimpse into a slice of life of our poor Kuro-kun. Stay tuned to learn more of our little MC and how he interacts with more people. and slowly uncover the secrets of his powers.

Also, do join us in Discord, the link is on the synopsis. And if you want to support me please consider subscribing to my p@treon. You don't really have to but it helps and opens up more time for me to write.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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