
Naruto: No one knows that I can use Wood Release!

Araki unexpectedly crossed over to the world of Naruto and became an unknown child in Konoha Village. He had no prestigious clan background, no assistance system, but he had obtained a Bloodline Limit of Wood Release that he couldn't control. In order to survive in the cruel ninja world filled with slaughter and pain, he diligently trained his body, accumulated chakra, and quietly developed himself. Before he had enough strength, he would never expose his Wood Release talent, fearing being treated as an experimental subject for research, just the thought of Orochimaru's eyes sent chills down his spine. He thought he could practice peacefully and fully master Wood Release before revealing himself to the world. However, just before graduating from the ninja academy, he unexpectedly encountered a troublesome roommate... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 chapter per day For Advance 40 chapters:- patreon.com/Novel782

Translator_Lich · アニメ·コミックス
60 Chs

Chapter 55: The Essence of Physical Techniques Lies in the Body, and the Foundation of the Body Lies in the Core!

Araki understood a principle even before he transmigrated: speak according to the person you're dealing with.

Unless one has become powerful enough to disregard others' opinions.

Otherwise, it's best to keep a low profile.

It makes things easier.

Araki now hopes to receive help from Might Dai. He realizes that his own diligent training over the past three years has not yielded great results.

Speaking of taijutsu...

Might Dai is an expert!

"You... You... You..."

Might Dai stared at Araki, his eyes filled with intense shock. He could hardly believe his ears.

You see...

In the ninja world, taijutsu is at the bottom of the hierarchy. Almost no one specializes in it. Bloodline limits are considered the most amazing!

Only those children without exceptional bloodline talents would choose the path of taijutsu training. However, due to its extreme difficulty, it's challenging to persevere.

After practicing for so many years, Might Dai is still a mere genin. His social status within Konoha is very low. His daily livelihood depends on completing low-level missions like catching cats and finding lost dogs.

Nevertheless, he's content. He has enough to eat, and his family isn't hungry. He doesn't have much to worry about, and life is still good.

But recently, during some lonely days of training, he occasionally thinks it would be nice to have a son who could inherit his knowledge of taijutsu.

However, what he didn't expect was...

That a ready-made child would suddenly appear before him, saying all these passionate words, making him feel the essence of youth coursing through his veins.

"I'm willing to take you as my disciple!"

Might Dai immediately raised a thumbs-up, his thick eyebrows and curved mustache forming a smile, revealing a set of gleaming white teeth. He agreed almost without hesitation.


This time it was Araki's turn to be astonished.

When Araki met Might Dai, he tailored his words to match Might Dai's preferences.

But he didn't expect things to progress so smoothly.

It's even easier than dealing with Tsunade!

"Might Dai, are you serious?" Araki cautiously asked. He didn't want to misunderstand, so it would be better to clarify.

"Of course, I'm serious! How can we let the vibrant youth pass us by without regrets!" Might Dai smiled again, his gleaming white teeth shining, and his gesture of raising his thumb remained unchanged.

"Thank you, Sensei Dai!" Araki immediately showed an extremely excited expression, similar to when Naruto chats with Rock Lee. Then he also raised his thumb, instantly immersing himself in the role. Whether his expression was exaggerated or not, the atmosphere had to be just right.

"I don't even know your name yet!" Might Dai's tone rose, appearing even more excited.

"I'm Araki," Araki replied.

"Great! Araki! From now on, you will train with me!"

At this moment, the emptiness in Might Dai's heart was instantly filled, and he was ecstatic. He couldn't even remember the last time he felt this excited.

Right now.

Might Dai stared intently at Araki.

In his eyes.

Araki was not just a disciple.

He was also a like-minded companion!

As a taijutsu ninja, Might Dai immersed himself in passionate training every day, enduring more hardships than others. His constant efforts and improvement filled him with positive energy.

Often, the more positive a person is, the more they enjoy working with other positive people!

After hearing Araki's words, Might Dai already approved of him in his heart, feeling that he had found an exceptional disciple.

In an instant.

The two were in complete agreement.

Araki had a strong interest in learning from Might Dai.

Setting aside the extent to which taijutsu training could enhance his strength, it would at least make his body stronger, enabling his chakra to become more robust.

"Araki, if you want to learn taijutsu, you have to start with the most basic physical conditioning. All the techniques of the Konoha-style Strong Fist are built upon a strong physical foundation. Techniques aren't the core; strength is. Without enough strength, all the techniques are just for show!"

Might Dai stared at Araki, not knowing how many years he had hoped for this moment. Finally, he had a precious disciple, and he cherished the opportunity to teach him.


Araki immediately answered loudly.

He strongly agreed with this point. Only with sufficient strength could even a simple punch unleash devastating effects.

With the same technique, posture, and skill level, the difference in strength would result in different levels of destructive power.

The essence of taijutsu lies in the body, not the technique!

Skill and techniques are merely keys to unlocking the body's potential and better utilizing its abilities.


Might Dai nodded in satisfaction, his gaze never leaving Araki's body.

In this young boy, he saw a reflection of his own childhood.

The same youthful passion!

The same arduous struggle!

It made him feel that his years of training had not wasted time, nor had he disappointed the expectations of his youth.

"Araki, you must always remember..."

"The essence of taijutsu lies in the body, and the body's core lies in the abdomen!"

"The core of our body is a triangular area around the waist and abdomen, representing the source of all energy!"

As Might Dai spoke these words, he gestured towards his navel and then drew a downward-pointing triangular area.




"Explosive power!"

"And more..."

"All these qualities are fundamentally based here!"

After Might Dai finished speaking, he spread his legs apart, slightly bent his knees, and semi-squatted, resembling a horse-stance.

However, despite the simplicity of this posture, it was not easy to do.

Under this stance, Might Dai's tall figure caused his muscles to tense up, and his hands slowly lifted forward, aligning with his shoulders, assuming a punching position. His whole body exuded a sense of power.

"Araki, watch as I punch or kick. In these movements, don't think that the power comes from the arms or the legs. Ultimately, it originates from the power of the core!"

Might Dai smiled and spoke loudly.

As soon as these words were uttered, Araki felt as if he had awakened from a dream.

He stood there, stunned.

Power from the core!


That's it!

Araki suddenly realized that he had overlooked core training, which had hindered his progress in physical conditioning.

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