
Naruto:Nara Shadow

My rewrite of this story is by Chapter 10. Please change to my other story The Nameless Angel in Naruto in the meantime, if you don't like my old writing style. I'll update the novel version after I'm done with the fanfiction version

Animaniak · アニメ·コミックス
41 Chs

#40 The big lie for victory

Some time passed and I slowly got used to the duties of Hokage.

And that's why Hiruzen held my official appointment as Hokage.

Thousands of people came and I had to give a speech.

Hiruzen: The people of Konoha have gathered here today to appoint a new Hokage.

My successor is called Shikaharu Nara and will take over my position with immediate effect.

But there is more good news for our village, as many of you have probably noticed, the old Hokage's have also miraculously returned.

I know that many of you are now confused and wondering how it can be that some long-dead villagers are here again.

The truth is, they never really died.

They all had a secret mission and they didn't age because the mission was in another dimension, where time passes more slowly.

However, their mission was successful and the rift to the other dimension was closed.

They had to fight powerful enemies to close the rift that threatened to destroy our entire planet.

So today I welcome our heroes, who saved us all by sacrificing their lives, back into our village.

The people started cheering loudly and the old Hokage's entered the stage.

Hashirama: We are pleased to be with you again, but none of this would have been possible without the help of Shikaharu Nara, who also contributed great deeds in this war against the enemies of our world.

We fought together in the final battle against the Bug Troopers and were only able to win thanks to his skills.

He killed the Brainbug and as a result their entire swarm died.

They threatened to destroy our world, but we won the final fight.

And yet i know, only a dead Bug is a good Bug.

I saw many great fighters die in this war and we should remember them all here and today.

Let us all have a minute of silence for the unknown heroes to commemorate their deeds.

The audience became quiet and everyone closed their eyes to remember the fallen.

I let a minute pass and began my speech.

Haru: Konoha saved the world and we will continue to defend our world in the future using all means possible.

I am now the 5th Hokage, but I will not rely on wars like my predecessors to protect Konoha from dangers.

But the battle against this powerful enemy is not yet 100% won, we must prepare for them to return stronger.

The fight against the Bug Troopers has shown me that our world only has a chance against dangers from other dimensions, if we work together and that is why I am calling for the 5 Kage conference in the near future to create a common front with the other Kage's against these invaders.

And I hope that this will help our countries achieve greater unity.

May the will of the fire be with you, that we may defeat the evil Bugs forever.

Of course we will also erect a statue to honor the fallen who lost their lives in their fight with the Bugs.

With this I end today's speech and wish us all of us much success against future dangers from other worlds.

Be the fire with you.

I left the lectern and went back to the office with the other Kage.

Hashirama: They really bought our shit.

Tobirama: I wouldn't have thought that was possible either.

Hiruzen: Some even started crying.

Haru: I told you they'd buy it from us.

Tobirama, what about the production of false files on the war?

Tobirama: I faked them as best I could, so no one should doubt their authenticity.

Haru: Well then send copies of it to the other nations and call them to a meeting, anyone who doesn't join will be dealt with and badmouthed with propaganda.

Minato: Why haven't we done something like this before?

Hashirama: Because Konoha has never been as strong as it is now, we'll imprison the other Kage and Haru will then target the Daimyo's next, because we also need funds to fight the evil bugs.

Everyone started laughing loudly.

A while passed and Karin brought me a report that Akatsuki attacked and captured the Six-Tails.

Haru: So they've finally started again.

Karin: It looks like we should hurry up with the next steps, before they become a danger.

Haru: They'll probably target Goku and Choumei next, since they already have Kokouo and Saiken.

I think they won't want to fight the Kage directly and will try to attack the outsiders first.

I'm going to send a shadow doppelganger to Fuu and as far as Roshi is in danger, I can't do much for him, this guy doesn't even listen to Onoki, what big difference am I supposed to make?

How is the conference going?

Have we received any answers yet?

Karin: Three of the Four Nations said yes, only Onoki is still hesitant.

Haru: Maybe he'll only see the problem when his second Jinchuuriki is also missing.

We wait for his answer otherwise we remain passive.

I've already convinced the Fire Daimyo with my father's help, if only that old man Onoki wasn't so suspicious.