
Naruto: My Unique System

Sakamoto Tatsuma found himself transmigrated as a war orphan in the world of Naruto, where he quickly realized his seemingly limited potential to become a ninja. Just as hope began to wane, an unexpected invitation arrived, inviting him to join the ninja academy, accompanied by a surprising sound. [Ding! The system has awakened!] Upon careful experimentation, he discovered that his system bestowed him with attributes through challenging and defeating others, be it in training, consuming food, or engaging in games. Victory allowed him to continually enhance his potential and even extract unique talents from those around him! Space-time talent! Ninja Tool Throwing talent! Sensory Talent! Gradually, the once seemingly untalented boy, destined for a bleak future, started unveiling boundless potential! ---- You can get advanced chapters on my Patreon patreon.com/HellGolt

Cloe23 · アニメ·コミックス
175 Chs

Chapter 27: Mito's Advice

Unfortunately we didn't reach 200 votes :/ But still, today will be a double release anyways! Enjoy


Fortuitously, Minato Namikaze continued to be the shining beacon of the ninja world, and Kushina's demeanor did little to dim his benevolence. As the clock struck noon, Minato's concern flared when he observed a group of male classmates encircling Kushina.

Instinctively, Minato reached for Tatsuma's sleeve and whispered, "Tatsuma, should we intervene?"

Tatsuma cast a discerning gaze at the situation, where Kushina found herself amidst a group of male classmates. He responded, "Intervene for whom?"

"The new student."

Caught off guard by Tatsuma's unexpected question, Minato paused briefly before comprehension dawned. Tatsuma shook his head and remarked, "That girl appears to possess more strength than any of us. If you genuinely want to assist, ensure those guys keep their distance from Kushina. Otherwise, they might find themselves grappling with psychological repercussions."

At this juncture, the boys enveloping Kushina hailed from ninja lineage, yet lacked the prestigious background of a specific ninja clan. It appeared they were oblivious to Kushina's true worth.

'whar are individuals like InoShikaCho, Inuzuka, and Aburame, or even the typically haughty Uchiha Tenko and Hyuga Sento, all currently occupying their seats obediantly as if nothing is happening?'

Despite lingering concern, Minato, heeding Tatsuma's counsel and recalling Jiraiya's earlier advice, opted to remain seated and observe.

"Tomato~ Tomato~ Red hair, round face. Henceforth, I dub thee Tomato, hahaha!"

"Hahaha~ That nickname suits you perfectly, you're the pesky Tomato!"

"Agreed. Whenever I have a salad with tomatoes, I always make sure to pick them out."

As these comments echoed from the group of boys, Kushina lowered her head, her fists tightly clenched, her face turning a shade of red. Minato furrowed his brow, ready to rise and intervene.

However, just as he was about to stand, a boy extended his hand and grabbed a handful of Kushina's hair, pointing at her flushed face, jeering, "Look at that, the tomato is ripe and ready for picking!"

In a surprising turn, Kushina raised her hand and seized the wrist of the boy who had grabbed her hair. She frowned and fixed a determined stare at the somewhat bewildered boy, retorting, "Who are you calling a tomato? Just so you know, I absolutely detest tomatoes!"

Upon uttering those words, the force in Kushina's grip surged unexpectedly. The boy winced in pain, attempting to retract his hand, but Kushina afforded him no reprieve. With a swift motion, she seized his hand and swung it, connecting with several boys encircling her.

Without hesitation, disregarding the presence of the others, Kushina promptly seated herself directly on the back of the boy who had grasped her hair. Both hands raised, she unleashed a barrage of punches, reducing the boy to pleading for mercy.

Observing that Kushina was in no way at a disadvantage, Minato's tension eased, a smile gracing his face. Yet, at this very moment, Kushina seemed to catch sight of Minato, glared at him, and demanded, "What are you finding amusing?!"

Upon hearing her words, Minato's smile vanished. He anxiously straightened his posture, his peripheral vision remaining fixed on Kushina.

The boy, thoroughly thrashed and still whimpering, departed with ongoing mutters about "blood-red chili peppers."

Come afternoon, the absentee from the earlier skirmish failed to show up in class. After a cursory inquiry, Atoma-sensei chose to remain silent. Given the limited number of classes on the first day, the decision to attend or skip had minimal repercussions.

As school dismissal approached, Minato observed Kushina leaving without even bothering to pick up her textbooks, his thoughts drifting to the midday incident. Turning to Tatsuma, he remarked:

"Tatsuma, I won't be attending training tonight. I'm concerned that Kushina might run into some trouble."

In response, Tatsuma nodded. Minato's perceptiveness is remarkable, no wonder he managed to capture Kushina's heart at the tender age of fourteen.

"Go on ahead then. I'll help you gather your books."

"Thank you so much."

Minato expressed his gratitude with a appreciative smile before swiftly departing the classroom.

Later that evening, in the Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen employed the Crystal Ball to execute the Telescope Jutsu. He observed Kushina entangled in a conflict with the Genin brother of the student from noon. Alarmed, he turned to Uzumaki Mito beside him and inquired:

"Mito-sama, is this approach truly suitable? If Kushina perceives Konoha's actions as rejection, fostering a sense of belonging might prove difficult for her."

Uzumaki Mito shook her head and replied, "Hiruzen, don't you see? To integrate Kushina into Konoha, we must regard her as one of our own. If not for today's events concerning Kushina, would you have even taken notice?"


Sarutobi Hiruzen harbored lingering concerns; after all, Kushina held a pivotal role in the village's future. However, Mito interjected, "Love and hate are like peace and war. To attain peace, one must endure the pains of war. To gain love, understanding hatred is imperative. In comparison to what Kushina faces now, her future burdens will be even weightier. Just look at that blond kid over there; he seems more composed than you. The boy's name is Minato Namikaze, correct?"

Uzumaki Mito shifted her gaze to the Crystal Ball, where Minato observed the unfolding events from behind a sizable tree. A trace of admiration glinted in her eyes. Prior to Kushina's arrival, she had implored Sarutobi Hiruzen to select individuals who could be suitable companions for Kushina.

Among the recommendations put forth by Sarutobi Hiruzen, Uzumaki Mito held the highest regard for Minato Namikaze and Sakamoto Tatsuma. However, it appeared that the white-haired boy exhibited minimal interest in Kushina.

Observing through the Crystal Ball as Kushina forcefully tugged at her own hair and proceeded to deliver a resolute beating to the Genin, Uzumaki Mito felt a gratifying sense of vindication witnessing the Genin's struggle to fend her off.

Yet, she chose not to linger and remarked, "I'm heading back. Please ensure my directives are well accommodated in the future."

"Of course, Mito-sama. Have a safe journey. Keep us informed of any further instructions," replied Sarutobi Hiruzen with utmost respect.

Sarutobi Hiruzen escorted Uzumaki Mito as she took her leave. Upon her return home, Kushina had also arrived, though she remained elusive to Uzumaki Mito. Instead, she had sought refuge in her room, engulfed in incessant tears.

Uzumaki Mito patiently waited, and as the hour for the evening meal passed, she ventured into Kushina's room. Gently opening the door, she discovered Kushina swiftly concealing her tear-streaked face beneath the covers.

Rather than rushing to inquire, Uzumaki Mito approached the bedside and settled herself. After a moment of silent companionship, as Kushina's emotions gradually found stability under the covers, she spoke, "I'm aware of today's events."

Upon hearing this, Kushina beneath the covers lapsed into a momentary silence before timidly poking her head out, her expression marked by distress. "Grandma Mito, why do they all bully me? Just because I'm an outsider?" she queried.

Uzumaki Mito tenderly tousled Kushina's vibrant red hair, its texture finer than that of ordinary strands. Shaking her head, she reassured, "No, Kushina, they're not bullying you because you're an outsider. It's more like they're afraid of you. It's akin to having cats at home; when you introduce a new one, the resident cats might join forces to tease the newcomer. It's not because they enjoy tormenting the new addition, but they fear the newcomer might challenge their established position."

"Just as you mentioned, aspiring to become the Hokage is quite similar. There's only one position for the Hokage, and if you succeed, it implies others may perceive it as their failure, thus, they become fearful," Uzumaki Mito elucidated.


After wiping away her tears, Kushina inquired, "So, what should I do?"

"What should you do?" Uzumaki Mito tenderly ran her fingers through the hair behind Kushina's head, squinted her eyes, and suggested, "Find the fattest cat in the group, give it a good beating, and the other cats will start listening to you."

"You're referring to..."

"The blond fellow you're not fond of and another white-haired kid – they're the cream of the crop. Best them, and you'll be the undisputed champion."


Check out my patreon for more advanced chapters up to 50 at patreon.com/HellGolt