
Naruto: My Unique System

Sakamoto Tatsuma found himself transmigrated as a war orphan in the world of Naruto, where he quickly realized his seemingly limited potential to become a ninja. Just as hope began to wane, an unexpected invitation arrived, inviting him to join the ninja academy, accompanied by a surprising sound. [Ding! The system has awakened!] Upon careful experimentation, he discovered that his system bestowed him with attributes through challenging and defeating others, be it in training, consuming food, or engaging in games. Victory allowed him to continually enhance his potential and even extract unique talents from those around him! Space-time talent! Ninja Tool Throwing talent! Sensory Talent! Gradually, the once seemingly untalented boy, destined for a bleak future, started unveiling boundless potential! ---- You can get advanced chapters on my Patreon patreon.com/HellGolt

Cloe23 · アニメ·コミックス
173 Chs

Chapter 166: Empty houses age faster than those often disturbed

"Shikato, what's your take on this?"

Inside the Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage, along with advisors Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura, strategist Shikato Nara, and the recently returned Sakumo Hatake, all wore solemn expressions.

After listening to Tatsuma's analysis and the proposed response plan, Shikato let out a long breath upon hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's question. He looked at Tatsuma with some surprise and admiration in his eyes.

If the village could have a Hokage like this, perhaps he, as a strategist, wouldn't be so exhausted? Maybe he won't have the chance to work under Tatsuma, but if his son Shikaku became a strategist...

He probably had a laborious life, but maybe his son could really face a lighter burden?

Though his mind was filled with various thoughts, he still reserved a portion of his mental capacity to review what had just been discussed. He nodded and said:

"Hokage-sama, I believe Tatsuma's reasoning is sound. I will allocate additional manpower to investigate the movements of both Cloud Ninja and Iwa-nin, prioritizing the locations indicated by Tatsuma.

Additionally, I will coordinate with Mifune and the Land of Frost to prevent them from making irrational decisions out of panic. As for other matters, I will gather more intelligence, assess the situation, and then provide you with a comprehensive report."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded. The slight recovery in his mood, which had been achieved after the decisive victory following the defeat on the Land of Rain battlefield, was now completely gone. However, his admiration for Tatsuma grew stronger. At this moment, he could fully trust that Tatsuma was the most excellent individual of this generation. Previously, his talents may not have fully matched this evaluation, but now it was undeniable.

Onoki, that guy, may not be good at many things, but his judgment is really quite sharp. He hasn't even interacted with Tatsuma once, but he can already see Tatsuma's promising future. No, Onoki's judgment is still lacking. Tatsuma isn't just promising for the future; he's already excellent.

The more excellent Tatsuma became, the happier Sarutobi Hiruzen felt. After all, this was a talent who had risen under his educational guidance. Tatsuma had the potential to surpass Sarutobi Hiruzen's three disciples by a significant margin.

Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade each had their strengths and weaknesses.

Jiraiya had decent talent, possessing both battlefield command and political acumen. However, he lacked dedication and had a history of mischief since childhood, which prevented him from gaining the respect of many elders.

Orochimaru's talent was similarly high, and he had both ability and ambition. However, his inner fire was not as strong. While he might have enough light for himself, it remained uncertain if he could illuminate others. Further observation was necessary.

Tsunade's talent was undeniable, and any slight shortcomings in ability could be compensated for by her status. As a top medical ninja, she had the support of the people and the respect of the elders. However, she lacked maturity and was too easily swayed by emotions.

The recent attack on the Sand Ninjas forces highlighted this. Without Tatsuma's support, Jiraiya's timely discovery, and his intervention as their sensei, the situation wouldn't have been as perfect.

But this kid Tatsuma's talent can be described as astonishing. Although he's only ten years old, he's already showing the potential for greatness in the future.

Regarding his abilities, others might not know, but Sarutobi Hiruzen remembers well. Last year's scheme to lure the Hidden Sand Village into a trap was inspired by Tatsuma. And just recently, poisoning the Rain Ninja sto frame the Sand Ninjas, and being able to manipulate the entire Sand Ninjas army with just a few soldiers and supplies—such strategic talent and resourcefulness. If it weren't for his lack of strength and experience, he could probably be directly promoted to command a battlefield.

As for political talent, there are no issues in his interactions with others. Although they haven't interacted much, Sarutobi Hiruzen can already see that he's a smart individual who won't disappoint anyone who approaches him with good intentions.

His diplomatic and adaptable personality is more than enough internally. As for external matters, one only needs to look at the map placed prominently in the Hokage's office and Tatsuma's recent explanations to see that.

Suddenly, Sarutobi Hiruzen has an idea. If none of his three disciples are willing or capable of succeeding him, perhaps directly promoting Tatsuma to the position might not be a bad idea.

It's just unclear how long it will take for Tatsuma to grow into sufficient strength. Twenty years? Fifteen years? Or could it be shorter?

"Danzo, this child, absolutely cannot be entrusted to you."

Just imagining Tatsuma's future, Sarutobi Hiruzen's body and spirit, which had been somewhat weary, revived once again. He smiled and nodded, saying, "Tatsuma, with talents like yours emerging in the village, the future looks promising."

Upon hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's successful praise, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura, who had been looking down at their notes, suddenly raised their heads. They had never heard Sarutobi Hiruzen give such praise to anyone individually.

There were no one praised like this among the major ninja clans, not even Sakumo Hatake. Even the three disciples, including Orochimaru, had not received such praise.

Of course, when it came to addressing individuals, Sarutobi Hiruzen had never said such words before. But when addressing groups, he would almost say similar things twice a year, once during the new student enrollment and again during the graduation ceremony.

However, saying it to an individual like this, Tatsuma was definitely the first, which also showed how highly Sarutobi Hiruzen regarded him.

But Tatsuma seemed unaware of this. Upon seeing him, he simply nodded with a shy smile and stepped aside. Utatane Koharu and Mitokado suddenly had a thought: perhaps this young man isn't very bright.

However, there was a hint of increased admiration in Shikato's eyes. He had been watching Tatsuma closely and thus noticed that Tatsuma only revealed his shy smile after a brief moment of contemplation.

This kid understood everything; he just knew it was best to feign ignorance at the moment.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also nodded in satisfaction, then looked at the two advisors, asking, "Do you have anything to add?"

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura shook their heads. They were not primarily responsible for this matter. If it were in front of others or in a large meeting, they could say a few words based on their differing information and positions.

However, in this situation where Sarutobi Hiruzen was leading, their positions didn't support that, and in terms of information asymmetry, it was evident that Tatsuma and others held more information. They only had doubts in their minds and nothing to add.

However, they wouldn't voice their doubts to Tatsuma. After all, they were the village's elders. Asking a child about the progress of war or the situation in the ninja world would only make them appear incompetent.

So, even if they had doubts in their minds, they would wait until later to figure it out on their own.

Sarutobi Hiruzen withdrew his gaze and looked at Tatsuma and the others, saying, "You've had a long journey. Rest up now. I'll inform you when there are new results or any new arrangements."

"Yes, Hokage-sama!" x2

"Yes, sensei!" x3

After bowing, the group left. Tatsuma felt a bit disappointed. He hadn't expected Sarutobi Hiruzen's stingy nature to remain unchanged.

He had thought that with this mission, he could negotiate for a better reward than before. He had even planned it out. If Sarutobi Hiruzen asked, he was ready to boldly request to learn the Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

But unexpectedly, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't even ask a single question. It seemed that the contents of that forbidden scroll were not so easy to obtain after all.

He wore a slightly crestfallen and troubled expression, which, in the eyes of others, seemed like the helpless feeling of being unable to meet expectations and deeper contemplation. Sakumo Hatake rubbed his head and said, "Don't worry too much. The village will find a way. You've already done great."

Clearly, Sakumo Hatake thought that Tatsuma was agonizing over the matters concerning the Land of Earth and the Land of Lightning. When Tatsuma snapped out of it, he nodded and was about to head towards his own home when Tsunade stopped him.

"From now on, you'll live in Second Grandpa's old house. Of course, you'll have to take care of it yourself. Take the time to renovate the electrical circuits over there. And my place, too, needs some refurbishing."

After Tsunade finished speaking, she pointed in the direction of the Senju clan's land. Tatsuma smirked slightly but still nodded. Though Senju Tobirama's house was quite old, it was spacious enough.

Compared to his small one-bedroom apartment, it was obviously much better, although cleaning it would be quite a task.

But when he arrived at the Senju clan's land, he unexpectedly found that the set of houses left by Senju Tobirama had already been renovated, at least judging from the doors and windows.

With a sense of curiosity, he didn't immediately enter but instead followed Tsunade further into the Senju clan's territory. Soon, they arrived at Tsunade's residence, where Uzumaki Mito sat in the veranda listening to Nawaki recount his heroic deeds on the battlefield.

Although such deeds were already familiar to Uzumaki Mito, having heard, seen, and even experienced them, she still listened with a smile, fully engrossed.

Meanwhile, Kushina had dragged Minato to a distant place to listen to different battlefield stories, probably finding Nawaki's experiences less interesting.

Seeing Tsunade and Tatsuma return, Nawaki stopped speaking. Uzumaki Mito nodded at the two entering, asking, "Are you feeling better?"

"It's nothing serious, I'll be fine soon," Tsunade shook her head. Her body wasn't fully recovered yet, and she knew she couldn't hide it from her grandmother. Uzumaki Mito looked at Tatsuma, who shook his head and said, "Mito-sama, I'm fine."

Tatsuma had only been unwell for a couple of days. Now, he was fine and didn't want to worry Uzumaki Mito any further. Uzumaki Mito smiled and said, "From now on, both you and Minato can call me grandmother. Using 'sama' feels distant, and I've never held any important position in the village, not even as a Konoha ninja. So, 'sama' doesn't suit me."

Tatsuma smiled and corrected himself, "Grandmother Mito."

"I heard that you'll be living in Tobirama's house from now on. We had it cleaned up. It's been over twenty years since anyone lived there, ever since Hashirama left and Tobirama moved to the Hokage's residence. But I believe Tobirama wouldn't want to see his house left deserted like that. You can live there in peace from now on."

Although she didn't actively seek out information from the outside world, Uzumaki Mito's status destined her to know many things that others didn't. Even minor matters on the battlefield would reach her ears. Therefore, Tatsuma wasn't surprised, just nodded in understanding.

At this moment, Tsunade kicked Nawaki, who was squatting in front of Mito, on the butt and said to him, "Go on, I need to talk to grandmother."

Nawaki, feeling a bit disgruntled, stood up and was about to leave, but Mito spoke up, "No need, Tsunade. You've done well. That's enough. Go rest for a while. Don't push yourself too hard."

Upon hearing this, Tsunade fell silent for a moment before nodding. She had initially wanted to ask about the Senju lineage, but since Mito didn't want to discuss it, she decided not to bring it up.

Watching Tsunade leave, Mito sighed softly and murmured, "Ah, the rise and fall of glory in the blink of an eye."


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