
Naruto: My Unique System

Sakamoto Tatsuma found himself transmigrated as a war orphan in the world of Naruto, where he quickly realized his seemingly limited potential to become a ninja. Just as hope began to wane, an unexpected invitation arrived, inviting him to join the ninja academy, accompanied by a surprising sound. [Ding! The system has awakened!] Upon careful experimentation, he discovered that his system bestowed him with attributes through challenging and defeating others, be it in training, consuming food, or engaging in games. Victory allowed him to continually enhance his potential and even extract unique talents from those around him! Space-time talent! Ninja Tool Throwing talent! Sensory Talent! Gradually, the once seemingly untalented boy, destined for a bleak future, started unveiling boundless potential! ---- You can get advanced chapters on my Patreon patreon.com/HellGolt

Cloe23 · アニメ·コミックス
257 Chs

Chapter 115: Sometimes People Don't Know How to Vent

"I have to go!"

To prevent himself from saying anything else, Sakumo jumped up from the ground, intending to slip away. After taking a few steps, he seemed to remember something and turned back to Tatsuma, saying:

"Oh, Tatsuma, Third said that if you promise to visit someone else's house, you shouldn't keep them waiting too long. It's impolite."

Upon hearing this, Tatsuma nodded, his smile completely disappearing, replaced by a look of distress and sadness. He understood what Sakumo was saying.

That was about his promise to visit Sento at the Hyuga Clan. It was something Itsuki had mentioned during their conversation, but Tatsuma hadn't expected Hiruzen to know about it as well.

Whether it was Third's extraordinary means of surveillance on the front lines or if his conversation with Itsuki was also part of the village's deliberations, the latter was more probable.

Actually, during these days back in the village, he had also considered going to the Hyuga Clan to find Sento, but he didn't know how to approach it or what to discuss once there.

So the plan was put on hold. He had originally thought that when Itsuki returned from the front lines, he would visit Itsuki first, and then casually go see Sento. It would seem more natural that way.

But since Hiruzen had urged him, Tatsuma sighed and then said to Minato, "Minato, I won't accompany you for training tomorrow."

"Okay, I understand."

Minato nodded, not asking why or where Tatsuma intended to visit. Duy, still pondering what ANBU was, was pulled away by Nawaki for training.

Duy, unable to figure out ANBU, simply stopped thinking about it and continued to pour his youthful energy into training. However, he still remembered that there was a ninja organization called ANBU, a department even strong individuals like Sakumo-sama served in.

He might not have the chance in his lifetime, but his child, still in his mother's womb, must be trained to enter ANBU in the future, so as not to waste youth!

It has to be said, Nawaki truly stands out. Despite the intense training regimen of Duy, which even Tatsuma and Minato find challenging to complete, Nawaki can keep up effortlessly.

Though he struggles to hold chopsticks at mealtime after each day of training, the next day he's full of energy, ready to sweat it out with Brother Duy, day after day.

The next day, after learning Sealing Jutsu with Mito, Tatsuma returned home, changed into inconspicuous clothing, and headed to the Hyuga Clan's residence.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Tatsuma couldn't shake the feeling of being scrutinized, even though he knew the surrounding Hyuga Ninja weren't giving him the side-eye. It just didn't feel secure.

After stating his purpose, Tatsuma was led to Sento's residence. Before even stepping inside, Tatsuma could hear the sounds of training emanating from within.

"young master Sento is inside, feel free to go in."

After the Hyuga Ninja who brought Tatsuma here said this, he turned and left. Tatsuma noticed his expression was subtle, showing both pity and a hint of jealousy.

"Knock, knock, knock."

Tatsuma tapped on the door, unsure if he was doing it right. After all, he had never knocked on such a large door before.

"Come in."

The training sounds inside ceased, and Sento's voice came through. Tatsuma pushed the door open at the invitation and saw Sento, drenched in sweat, standing by the flowing water in the courtyard, washing his hands, which were red and bleeding.

"Sento, long time no see."

Tatsuma greeted him proactively, and Sento nodded, saying, "Indeed, it's been a while. You've become a ninja and even joined the front lines."

As he spoke, Sento paused, and Tatsuma knew he must have remembered his father again. Tatsuma approached Sento and said, "I'm sorry."

"There's no need," Sento replied.

Sento awkwardly stepped back from Tatsuma half a step, then said "Everyone keeps telling me 'I'm sorry', but I don't know what they're apologizing for. It's clearly not their fault! I don't even know them"

As he spoke, Sento's tone suddenly became agitated, his fists involuntarily clenched, and the wounds on his hands once again oozed blood. Tatsuma didn't know what to say, so he just stood there.


After a while, Sento let out a sigh, loosening his clenched hands and turning to look at Tatsuma. He said, "I shouldn't have said that. The clan leader told me that it was you who risked your life to bring out the information about my father and uncle."

"Without you, my father would have died in vain, and my uncle's eyes would have become trophies for the enemy. I must have been a despicable person. I used to blame you for not rescuing my father and uncle letting them be killed by the Sand Ninja. I should be the one apologizing."

Looking at Sento, Tatsuma felt a bit choked up. He realized that Sento had no idea what had really happened at the time. What he knew was just like what Tsunade had told Tatsuma back then: Hyuga Miyako died at the hands of the Sand Ninja, which was the only answer.

And he, Tatsuma, was someone who prevented the Byakugan from falling into the wrong hands and brought out the intelligence. A hero?

While outsiders knew the truth, Sento, the true victim's family member who was qualified to know the truth, could only, like most people, see the truth that had been tampered with.

"Did you also consider graduating early before?"

Unable to come up with a topic, Tatsuma forcibly brought up a conversation. Upon hearing this, Sento nodded and said, "I applied at the end of the semester too, but it was rejected. They said I hadn't met the graduation requirements yet."

Tatsuma smiled and said, "As a member who graduated early, I do have some understanding of the criteria for early graduation. Can I assess it for you?"

Sento understood Tatsuma's intention; it was to have a fight. His tense expression relaxed slightly, and he nodded vigorously, saying, "Then I'll seek your guidance!"

After speaking, Sento stepped back repeatedly, creating distance between them. With his right hand still stained with blood, he formed the Seal of Confrontation. Unsightly veins appeared around his Byakugan, which was locked onto Tatsuma.

"Speaking of which, we've never truly sparred before. Last time, you couldn't fully utilize the Byakugan. With your talent, you must have mastered its use by now, right?" Tatsuma said, raising his right hand and also forming the Seal of Confrontation. His chakra surged within him, part of it flowing to his legs, ready to activate his muscles at any moment.

Another part served as a guide, refining the hidden energy within him. Tatsuma had a rough idea of Sento's skill level, but he intended to show Sento the utmost respect.

With his Byakugan activated, Sento naturally observed the rapid flow of chakra within Tatsuma's body. He nodded and said, "Sakamoto Tatsuma, let me see how strong the most outstanding peer is!"

Tatsuma felt like Sento had caught his enthusiasm, but he had no reason to refuse. He smiled, and in that moment, Sento strode toward Tatsuma.

In the nearby house, a female Byakugan ninja emerged from a room and sat quietly on the veranda, observing the two in the courtyard.

Sento approached Tatsuma, his hand aiming like a dagger at the pressure points on Tatsuma's chest. Tatsuma's right hand, forming the Seal of Confrontation, deflected Sento's attack, and Sento, in turn, spun around, whipping his hand, while Tatsuma swiftly followed up with an elbow lock.


Their chakra-infused hands clashed, creating a shockwave that rustled their clothes loudly.

"Your progress is indeed remarkable. Is this the level suitable for the battlefield?"

Sento took a step back, shaking his hand to dispel the numbness. He looked at Tatsuma with a serious expression, but Tatsuma shook his head and said, "No, it's now!"

In the moment his words fell, Tatsuma vanished from Sento's sight. Even with his Byakugan activated, Sento momentarily lost sight of Tatsuma.

It wasn't that Sento's speed couldn't keep up with Tatsuma; it was that Sento's reaction couldn't. By the time he finally saw Tatsuma, Tatsuma had already appeared beside him, smoothly shifting his body weight and aiming a blow towards Sento's face.


There was no evenly matched scene; Sento was sent flying directly into the air, saliva spraying as he went. Before he landed, Tatsuma's voice echoed in his ears.

"If that's all you've got, maybe you shouldn't graduate."

"Damn it!"

Sento gritted his teeth, ready to counterattack, but before he could regain his balance, he felt his wrist being grabbed. Tatsuma held Sento's wrist, effortlessly manipulating him like a puppet, moving him according to his will.

The Hyuga kunoichi observing from the veranda was also surprised by the scene unfolding before her. This kind of Taijutsu, manipulating pressure points and joints, should be mastered by their Hyuga Clan. However, Tatsuma, someone who didn't even possess the Byakugan, was using such techniques to control Sento, who had unlimited access to the Byakugan. It was truly astonishing.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Next was Tatsuma's relentless onslaught. Even with the Byakugan activated, Sento not only couldn't anticipate Tatsuma's moves to counterattack but also couldn't break free from Tatsuma's constant control of the rhythm.

Sento grew increasingly desperate, his face turning red with urgency. As his injuries mounted and the pain continued to stimulate his brain, his Byakugan even seemed to evolve towards the direction of the Sharingan.

"Stop, please stop!"

Finally, Sento admitted defeat. But Tatsuma, not hearing the system's announcement, knew that Sento still harbored feelings of dissatisfaction. His punches and strikes continued to rain down on Sento, the accumulating pain gradually clouding Sento's consciousness.


After another strike from Tatsuma landed on Sento's cheek, Sento couldn't hold back his tears, and Tatsuma finally heard the system's announcement as he wished.

"Ding~ [Stamina+5], [Speed+5], [Strength+3], Would you like to claim?"


With a thought in his mind, Tatsuma looked at Sento, whose head had swollen like someone from the Akimichi Clan, and said, "The battlefield will only be crueler than me. Your determination is still lacking."


Sento cried even louder, reminiscent of Kushina, who had her graduation path blocked by Tatsuma and Minato years ago. Their situations and feelings were probably very similar.

"As someone who isolates himself, it's difficult for you to grow into the person you imagine. If you're willing, you can come to the third training ground to train with me and Minato during this time. I won't bother you anymore. Goodbye."

After Tatsuma finished speaking, he intended to leave, but the Hyuga kunoichi who had been watching suddenly spoke up, saying, "Sakamoto-san, please wait."


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