
Naruto: My Shadow World

Yami spent his life living in the shadows of others despite his talent to excel at anything. He had influenced colleagues and politicians, even serving as the Prime Minister of Japan for two consecutive terms before retiring. As he spent his final days on his sofa, he reflected on how he had lived his life in the shadow of others when he could have achieved something on his own. With bitter memories haunting him, he closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he realized he had been reborn into the cruel world of Naruto as a member of the Nara Clan. --- I wrote this fanfic back when I used to watch Naruto. I have quite a few chapters, so give it a try. But before reading it, keep a few things in mind: 1. The main character (MC) would be the same age as Shisui Uchiha. 2. For now, I won't be involving romance, but you can suggest some female main characters (FMC). No harem. 3. His mentality is that of an old man, but his young self sometimes emerges, so be prepared. 4. The MC doesn’t know everything; just some bits and pieces. He will spend his time finding things out and dealing with the butterfly effects of changing events. 5. His powers will involve manipulation of shadows. Nothing like Solo Leveling BS, though. But I'm open to suggestions on how to develop his abilities. 6. There will be politics. If you want to read in advance or support me, visit: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 13: An illness?

Kenjutsu, literally translating to "sword technique," is the foundation of swordsmanship in the Naruto universe. Most ninja receive basic training in it, even if they don't become masters. While the dazzling ninjutsu and genjutsu take the spotlight, kenjutsu remains crucial for several reasons.

Firstly, it's a fantastic backup plan. When a ninja runs out of chakra, the energy needed for most jutsu, they can rely on their trusty blade. Kenjutsu offers a reliable combat option in any situation.

Secondly, it can be lethally effective in skilled hands. While not all characters specialize in kenjutsu, those who do can be incredibly dangerous. Their techniques can overpower even formidable opponents.

Unlike taijutsu, kenjutsu boasts numerous users throughout the series. Killer B, for instance, wields multiple swords simultaneously. Then there are the legendary Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, though Yami only remembers a few, like the infamous Zabuza Momochi. Even Kakashi Hatake, during his time as an Anbu, was known for his swordsmanship. Speaking of Anbu, kenjutsu mastery is actually a requirement for joining their ranks.

And last but not least, how could we forget the undisputed kenjutsu master and Naruto's homie, Sasuke Uchiha? Despite Yami's distaste for his emo personality, Sasuke's voice and combat style are undeniable. He was a true sword prodigy. Without the whole "being nerfed" thing, he probably would've been the strongest ninja alive with all his eye powers unlocked.

Anyway, three months had passed since Yami's training began. His new teacher was none other than Sakumo Hatake, Kakashi's father, who, in the original timeline, had tragically died. But thanks to Yami's intervention, his fate had been altered. Yami, however, remained blissfully unaware that he'd unknowingly saved someone so closely connected to a major character. Although, the thought of "making him suffer more" did hold a certain dark appeal.

From Yami's perspective, however, it was a brilliant choice. Sakumo wasn't just a master swordsman; he was also a highly respected figure within the village. By training under him, Yami not only gained knowledge from a legendary blade-wielder but also secured the valuable recognition of a powerful figure, which could prove beneficial in the future.

Initially, Sakumo harbored beef towards Yami for his past transgressions. Let's just say he gave Yami a thorough "ass whooping." However, after some rigorous training, Sakumo grudgingly forgave Yami. As a teacher, Sakumo proved surprisingly effective. While their sessions were limited to once or twice a week, it was enough for Yami to grasp the fundamentals of Sakumo's fighting style.

"Sloppy!" Sakumo Hatake smirked, deflecting Yami's every wooden-sword attack with effortless ease. "Hold that weapon tight, kid!"

"Hai!" Yami grunted, redoubling his efforts. Unfortunately, his attacks were child's play to the Sanin-level Jonin.

"Use both hands," Sakumo instructed, a hint of frustration flickering in his eyes. Yami's stubborn one-handed grip wasn't just decreasing the blade's power, it was throwing off his entire body balance.

Yami dropped his wooden sword with a groan, landing on his backside. "Sorry... but I don't know why... I feel way more comfortable wielding it one-handed."

Something about the single grip felt intuitive, natural to Yami's body.

"Hmm, interesting," Sakumo mused, settling down beside Yami. "Well, as long as it works for you. Speaking of which, why not ditch the wooden sword and use a real blade?"

Yami blinked. Was Sakumo seriously suggesting a three-year-old carry a katana? Then again, this was a world where teenagers could obliterate entire countries.

He hefted his trusty wooden sword, emblazoned with the words "Lake Toya." Subtle, right?

"It's the grip," Yami sighed, rubbing his temples. "I tried picking a real one, but none of them felt right."

Yami had the same thought: why not just practice with the real thing rather than carrying a wooden replica? It wasn't like he would be carrying a wooden stick in real battles. However, not a single blade appealed to Yami when he tried to explore some weapon stalls. And yes, shinobi families could simply buy weapons from weapon shops. They were all over the village, somewhat akin to the U.S.

"Seems like you might not be a huge fan of kenjutsu," Sakumo observed, a hint of amusement in his voice. "The way I see it, you're more interested in flashy ninjutsu than the elegance of the blade."

Yami offered a weak chuckle. "Haha, it's not like that, Sakumo-sensei. I just... wouldn't mind learning some cool stuff, like throwing fireballs or something."

For months, Yami had thrown himself at every jutsu he could find, but aside from his family's signature shadow technique, nothing stuck. This gnawed at him, fueling a growing suspicion that his chakra reserves or flow might be subpar.

Sakumo stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm," he muttered, then gestured. "Follow me."

Yami trailed after him, curiosity piqued. They arrived shortly at a serene lakeside clearing, a place that sent a strange shiver down Yami's spine. It looked suspiciously familiar, like something out of a future history lesson.

"Before you start throwing jutsu around like firecrackers," Sakumo said with a wry smile, "you need a firm grasp on your chakra control. You might have stumbled onto the Shadow Technique by accident, or maybe you have a natural talent for it. But for other elemental jutsu, mastering chakra control is the first step."

Yami's eyes widened. This was a fundamental flaw in his training! He'd been so focused on flashy techniques, he hadn't realized possessing chakra and controlling it were two very different things. He should've focused on building a solid foundation first.

"There are several ways to refine your control," Sakumo continued, "but two basic methods stand out. The first involves walking on vertical and horizontal surfaces, defying gravity." He casually demonstrated by walking upright on the trunk of a nearby tree.

Yami had seen this in the anime, but witnessing it in real life was a whole other story. It defied everything he knew about physics. Einstein, he was sure, would be rolling in his grave if he saw this.

"The second method," Sakumo said, hopping from the tree and landing gracefully on the surface of the lake. However, instead of sinking, he stood there, feet dry. "Is walking on water."

Yami stared, jaw agape. Einstein wouldn't just be rolling in his grave; he'd be actively trying to rewrite the laws of physics.

"The logic behind it is simple," Sakumo explained. "A ninja continuously emits a small amount of chakra, which can be adjusted to manipulate gravity around your feet. The constant fine-tuning strengthens your control automatically."

"Lets do this." Fueled by an unyielding determination, Yami gritted his teeth and mirrored Sakumo's tree-walking feat.

However, his attempt ended with a resounding "Wah!" as he landed with a thud on his backside.

Shamefaced, he met Sakumo's gaze and immediately scrambled to his feet for another try. This time, he managed a few shaky steps before his center of gravity betrayed him, sending him tumbling back to earth. The sting of disappointment was sharp, and Yami avoided eye contact with his teacher.

"Don't get discouraged, little guy," Sakumo offered with a gentle pat on his shoulder. "Now, try the water walking method."

Yami nodded hesitantly and trudged towards the lake. After a moment to gather himself, he concentrated, channeling chakra towards his feet as he attempted to walk on the water's surface. Just like his tree-walking attempt, his feet splashed into the cool water with a disheartening plop. Defeated, Yami didn't even bother with a second attempt.

"Sakumo-sensei," he mumbled, shoulders slumped, "I don't think I can do this."

Sakumo gestured for him to climb out of the lake.

"Come here," he said, ushering Yami to sit in a meditative pose. As Yami complied, Sakumo placed a hand on his back, and for a fleeting moment, Yami felt a surge of new chakra flow. But it was like a shooting star, vanishing as quickly as it appeared. After a while, Sakumo withdrew his hand, his forehead glistening with sweat.

"This is a bit tricky to explain," he began, scratching his cheek in contemplation. "But it seems you might have some underlying issues with your internal chakra flow."


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