
Naruto: Mixed Heritage(Rewrite)

Question: How would a Uchiha Uzumaki Hybrid fare in the world of Naruto? Ethan A Computer Science student transmigrates into the body of an orphan named Renjiro in Naruto. He soon realizes that the orphan has Uchiha and Uzumaki Bloodlines. Join Renjiro in his journey as he grows and his quest to become the strongest shinobi! Warning : 1. This is a rewrite of my work Naruto: Mixed Heritage. Key components have been changed. 2. No harem (there might be some romance but don't get your hopes high) 3. There will be a lot of killing (maybe gore too, not sure if I can do gore right though) What to expect : 1. Lots of training 2. Cause and effect of our Mc's involvement in the plot Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or its characters (except the original characters I create) Please support me on Patreon: patreon.com/SideCharacter

Sidecharacter1 · アニメ·コミックス
222 Chs

Chapter 84-I want to be a Jinchuriki!

"What do you mean by 'might' are you not sure about it?" Renjiro asked. In a span of a few seconds, he went through a lot of emotions.

First, he was happy with the prospect of him awakening an ability. Any tool that he could add to his arsenal was very much welcomed. Then when he realized that Kushina had used the word 'might' he became unsure.

'Is she not sure of it or was there an issue?' He wondered.

"I am not really sure about it," Kushina began, "When you woke up, I immediately tried to use my chakra to inspect the changes your body has experienced."

"But I only felt like you were trying to infuse your chakra into me. Was that not the purpose?" Renjiro asked with a questioning look.

"No, it wasn't, and that's exactly the problem. As soon as my chakra entered your body, I lost control of it," Kushina paused and gave more thought to it before continuing, "It was more like it dissipated."

"But you use more seals after the inspect one on me, didn't they give you a better look at the situation?" Renjiro asked with an empty stare.

"Yes, the seals did help, but only to some extent. I only confirmed that your regeneration capabilities have increased, but I am sure you have already realized that."

"Yes," Renjiro nodded and began, "I feel like my chakra reserves have nearly tripled, and the rate at which I can regenerate chakra has Increased. I also noticed when you drew my blood that the bleeding almost immediately stopped."

"Yes, while your new regeneration capability is good, you need to take care. You are not able to regenerate muscles and limbs instantly, you just heal faster."

"Alright, got it," Renjiro said with a nod.

"But back to the matter at hand. You said that you weren't able to inspect my body using your chakra. Is this something that you come across before?" Renjiro inquired.

This whole matter had been troubling him for the last few minutes. Yes, he might have awakened an ability, which was great, but knowing about it would be better.

"Now that I think about it, I think I have ever heard about it," Kushina replied.


"I remember when I was young, there was a boy older than me who awakened an ability that heard a similar effect," Kushina said as she scratched her head. It was clear she was trying to recall some of her earlier memories.

"What was the ability," Renjiro asked.

"It was some sort of chakra purification ability. He could purify any foreign substances entering his body. The minute the clan elders tried to examine his body after the Magatama, a similar situation to the one we just had occurred."

"So maybe I have awakened this chakra purification ability?" Renjiro Inquired.

"Yes, probably," Kushina replied.

'Well, that sucks. I thought that if I would awaken an ability it would be as useful as Karin's chakra healing or even Kushina's chains. The best this ability could do is probably ensure that I have immunity to poisons.'

Seeing the dejected look on Renjiro's face, Kushina decided to cheer him up, "Don't worry, Renjiro. It might not seem useful at first, but it could essentially make you immune to poison as most poisons, especially those made from Suna, since they are made using chakra. So you wouldn't have to fear when you encounter anyone from there especially puppet masters."

'I already thought of that. At least now I know that If I ever go against Sasori, his poisons won't be a threat to me. I am not sure if I will be safe from his human puppet jutsu. He does use chakra to turn people into puppets.'

As Renjiro was still thinking, a sudden idea flashed through his mind.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, go ahead,"

"The boy you mentioned, did you ever see him under a genjutsu?"

"No, why?" Kushina asked not knowing where Renjiro was heading with this.

"I feel like if this ability makes one immune to foreign substances invading his system, chakra included, then shouldn't he be immune to any genjutsu?"

"I actually never thought of it. It basically works against the very concept of genjutsu, which is using your target's chakra to entrap them under an illusion." Kushina paused, "But then if this was true, then why did he not tell anybody about it?"

"Why would he? It was a card he could keep up in his sleeve if anyone used Genjutsu to manipulate or attack him." Renjiro answered.

"True. Should we try and see whether Genjutsu can now work on you?" Kushina suggested.

"We don't really need to," Renjiro quickly shot the idea down. Not because he wasn't curious, but because he had trust in his Sharingan to detect instances when someone might try to use Genjutsu on him.

"Come on, if we can prove that you are indeed Immune to Genjutsu, then we will be close to ascertaining if your ability is similar to Chakra purification," Kushina begged.

"As I said, there is no need to. Besides, I have the Sharingan, so I am sure even if it failed, I would still not fall for your genjutsu," Renjiro said.

"Oh really?" Kushina asked as a smirk formed on her lips. A cracking sound was heard followed by a loud noise.

Kushina's chakra flared, as a deep orange, almost red, aura surrounded her, "I think you are severely overestimating yourself Renjiro."

The pressure that exuded Kushina was palpable and near suffocating.

Renjiro even found his heart skipping a few beats while he drew in short breaths.

Kushina then muttered, "False surroundings." The chakra she was flaring all converged around Renjiro as his surroundings changed.

As Kushina focused her chakra, a shimmering veil of illusion began to coalesce around them, enveloping them in a surreal dreamscape of shifting shadows and whispers.

"Wow," Renjiro couldn't help but blurt out as he saw the scene before him.

'This is a whole other level than the one Aiko used on me before.'

The Genjutsu Kushina used was a relatively simple one that Renjiro encountered when he began practicing genjutsu. It was the very first genjutsu he learnt, so of course he recognized it quickly.

'The difference between this and Aiko's is like day and night! It's like hers was 720p, while Kushina's is 4k! Is this the power of a jinchuriki? If it is, then I want to be a jinchuriki!' Renjiro thought.

'He isn't reacting, so he has fallen for it. Hmph! That's what you get for underestimating a jinchuriki.' Kushina thought as she 'Hmph' out loudly.

As soon as she did that, Renjiro changed his focus from the genjutsu to the lady in front of him.

'Does she really think that she has got me trapped in this genjutsu? Let's see how she handles this.'

Renjiro poured half of his chakra, which was more than what he had previously, into a genjutsu he was preparing and muttered, "Mirror Heaven Earth Change."

'Yes, stating out my attacks seems corny, but it is Kinda addictive. Besides, I want to use a genjutsu on Kushina to teach her a lesson, so using half my chakra is not going overboard. She is a jinchuriki, after all.'

'What is he doing? Wait-' Kushina sensed Renjiro focusing his chakra and before she could realize what he was doing, her surroundings changed.

But Kushina was not the only one experiencing a sudden change of surroundings, Renjiro was too.

'Where am I?' Renjiro wondered as all he could see was a dark expanse. No, that was wrong, he couldn't see the darkness he could feel it.

Just as he could feel the darkness, he felt what he could term as a condensation of negative emotions. Fear, Anger, Shame, Sadness, the whole lot of it.

It was like someone took their physical manifestation of it and made a cocktail out of it! The funny thing was that while this was spread around him, He could narrow it down to one direction, which he headed.

'Is that light?'

After what seemed like an eternity of walking blindly, Renjiro finally saw something. As he approached it he realized that it was a huge metallic gate with bars in between. The gate was imposing, its presence casting shadows in the already expanse surrounding it.

Renjiro approached the gate with caution, despite the recent events unlocking a memory. With each step forward, he felt a palpable shift in the atmosphere, as if the very fabric of reality was bending to accommodate presence within this realm.

As he pressed on and neared the gate, a being came into his view. It was Kurama, the Nine-tailed Fox.

"I should have guessed that I was in Kushina's subconscious." Renjro surmised.


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