
Naruto: Maelstrom

This is an AU starring Uzumaki Naruto as a Jedi Padawan. It starts around the time of Episode I: The Phantom Menace and will continue from there.

Thayerblue1 · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Saving a Senator

Blanket disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Star Wars


This chapter is a little lighter and was more fun to write. There is a time skip here. It happens during the two years before Episode II: The Clone Wars. On that note be aware that parts of this chapter are a bit of a nod towards the movies. It is intentional. Here is Chapter 4. Enjoy!

{ } Signifies an alien language

Last time:

Year 26 BBY

Jedi Ambassadorial T-6 Shuttle

The Jedi Council on Coruscant was speaking with Master Swan and Naruto about their mission…

"So it would seem Master Rena Fenn is apparently alive as well…" said Master Mace Windu. "This could be more serious than we originally thought."

"Yes Master, the one which Naruto killed said as much." replied Bultar. The two I captured weren't available for us to question. The Eriadu authorities seized them and Governor Wilhuff Tarkin already had them scheduled for execution. We had no say in the matter."

"Respect planetary judicial authority; we must." said Master Yoda. He sighed. "Works against us sometimes."

Ki-Adi-Mundi asked, "What about the other one with a blaster? Was he deeply involved?"

"The investigators say he was a dissatisfied Security Guard that was a hired gun." answered Naruto. "Unfortunately they would not divulge more other than that. It has been assumed the three Acolytes' second attempt was enabled by his help as the place was locked down very tightly."

"You believe there is more to it Padawan Uzumaki." stated Mace Windu.

Naruto nodded and said; "I feel there is much unanswered Master. Had Fenn and Atlee truly wanted to eliminate Garoche Tarkin they wouldn't have left without making an effort. The three Acolytes that came after us were sacrificed for some reason and due to the fact they are being executed we may never know what that reason is."

"That is assuming they even know." replied Master Windu. "Finding the truth probably will require capturing Rena Fenn."

Grandmaster Yoda said, "Done well; both of you have. Return to Coruscant."

Master Swan and Naruto both bowed and Mace Windu said, "May the Force be with you…"

Chapter 4

Time skip

Year 24 BBY

Outer Rim Territories, Subterrel Sector, Planet Subterrel

Jedi Master Bultar Swan and her Padawan Naruto Uzumaki were answering a distress signal from Planet Subterrel which was a mining world in the Outer Rim. The locals were many varied species but most of the laborers were clones called shovel handed miners.*① The Subterrel government needed a delivery of vaccine from Planet Kamino to solve problems the miners were having and the two Jedi made several trips hauling loads of vaccine between the two worlds. Their emergency job done; the two Jedi landed on Kamino in their T-6 shuttle in hopes of taking a break before heading back to the Core Worlds…

Beyond Outer Rim, Planet Kamino, Tipoca City

Naruto and his Master were treated well by their Kaminoan*② hosts and both Jedi were puzzled when a Kaminoan named Taun We*③ came to visit them. She said to Bultar, "Master Jedi; The Prime Minister Lama Su*④ is expecting you."

"We're expected?" asked Master Swan.

"But of course." replied Taun We. "He is anxious to meet you. After all these years, we were beginning to think you weren't coming."

Naruto and Swan were both puzzled when they found out a clone army was being grown for the Republic and were even more confused when they found out the late Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas*⑤ had ordered them in the name of the Galactic Republic. As confused as they were; the Jedi Pair inspected the clone facilities and couldn't help but be both awed and impressed…

Naruto looked at a fully formed clone that was dead lying on a table. Judging by the Kaminoans around the stand and their tools around the body; they were performing an autopsy on the clone. "What happened here?" asked the blonde.

"As embarrassing as it is; that particular clone was defective and had to be terminated." explained Lama Su.

"How was it defective?" asked Master Swan.

Taun We pointed to the wall at a chart showing the defective clone's body. "This clone's behavioral modification chip was faulty and it turned upon us. The other clones terminated it however so as you can see they are obedient without question."

Bultar's brown eyes widened. "Behavioral modification chips are forbidden in sentient beings within the Republic."

Taun We smiled gently. "But we are outside of Republic Space Master Jedi. Your own Master Sifo-Dyas ordered them installed to safeguard against the betrayal of rogue Jedi."

Naruto and Bultar glanced at each other. Naruto said, "Master Sifo-Dyas was mistaken. Can the bio-chips be removed? I fear they could be hacked or worse. Sifo-Dyas did not understand these things well."

Lama Su sighed. "To remove them would destroy the existing clones and would cause a prohibitive loss of time and money."

"Can future clones be produced without these chips installed?" asked Master Swan. "The Republic will accept the initial batches of 50,000 with chips if this can be done."

Perking up; Lama Su said, "Well; the customer is always right as they say. That we can do. It will also save expenses in the long run as behavioral modification chips are quite expensive to install. There will need to be some waivers signed of course…and legal fees."

Master Swan smiled and replied; "The legal fees are not an issue. With the money saved on the bio chips not being installed; I'm sure the losses will be recouped in no time. This will only be seen as a fine tuning rather than a moral matter to the Republican Senate."

"I see we understand each other." said Lama Su amiably. "The bio chips come from an outside source Master Swan. What do you want done with the excess?"

"Can you recycle them into useful materials?" asked Naruto.

"Of course we can." replied Taun We. "We still have millions of them though."

"Then break the bio-chips down into something of use." said Naruto. "We will contact their manufacturer to cancel future production. That contract is an entirely separate issue so simply dispose of them as they come in."

"In that case let us proceed with the paperwork after we complete the inspection." replied Lama Su.

It took hours to get everything discreetly signed over but once the work was done; Naruto and Bultar reported into the Jedi Council without further delay. They had no idea that they had defused a ticking bomb planted by the Sith Lord Darth Sidious that might just change the future of the Galaxy…

Time skip

Year 23 BBY

Core Worlds, Planet Coruscant, Galactic Senate District, Senator Amidala's Penthouse

Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo was assessing her situation. She'd been a Senator for four years now and was facing a crisis. The Separatist Movement started by Count Dooku was a threat to the Republic and Padmé had been very vocal about it. She'd already had one attempt on her life as a Senator and now was getting threats of another. The question was who was behind the threats. The Trade Federation came to mind but they were part of the Separatist Movement and weren't involved directly in Senate Politics any more. Senator Amidala spoke to Chancellor Palpatine earlier that day about it and the Supreme Chancellor was alarmed.


Sheev Palpatine said to Padmé; "My Lady; for you to be exposed to such dangers is unthinkable to me. I feel that you've been put in danger for being on the Loyalist Committee.*⑥ Master Yoda and the Jedi Council have long been friends of mine. Let me call upon them. I'm sure with their considerable wisdom they can solve this problem. Let us seek their expertise on the matter."

"After losing Master Qui Gon on Naboo I doubt the Jedi would want to touch an issue involving me." replied Padmé.

"Qui Gon Jinn was a hero that died for what he believed in." stated the Supreme Chancellor. "I'm sure he wouldn't hesitate to help you if he were here."

Senator Amidala was torn on the matter. "What about our own Security Forces?"

"My Lady, this is the sort of battle that that we of the Senate simply cannot fight in." implored Palpatine. "Let the Jedi Knights fight in their own arena. I assure you that if anyone can solve this mystery it is them."

Flashback end…

Now the Jedi were involved and Padmé hoped it could all be resolved peacefully…

Jedi Grand Temple

It had been a year since Naruto and Master Swan visited Kamino. The twenty one year old blonde had passed his trials and was now a full Jedi Knight. He was walking together with his Master discussing their next mission. "So in essence we are babysitting yet another politician with a price on their head." said the blonde. She's pulled magical political strings and here we are. This is the reason I distrust politicians of all kinds."

Master Bultar Swan shook her head and grinned at Naruto's ranting. "You are wrong on several points my apprentice. First of all, you will be babysitting Senator Padmé Amidala while I go investigate who is after her." She chortled at the look of horror on Naruto's face at his guard duty assignment. "Secondly, there is no magic is these political strings. The Senator is close to the Supreme Chancellor who is close to the Jedi Council. Lastly, there are a myriad of reasons not to trust politicians. Open up your imagination to the possibilities. You still have much to learn Naruto."

The blonde cried, "Please tell me we can switch jobs. Let's make a wager on it."

Bultar smiled wickedly and said, "Not a chance. I've never seen anyone win a bet against you. Besides, you are more than capable of handling this alone… On an unconnected note I'm very proud of you Naruto. You are turning out to be a splendid Jedi Knight..."

Senator Amidala's Penthouse

The Master and apprentice arrived at the Naboo Senator's residence and were welcomed by her head of Security, Captain Gregar Typho*⑦ and a handmaiden named Versé.*⑧ The handmaidens Cordé*⑨and Dormé*⑩ were also there attending to the Senator. Captain Typho said, "Welcome Master Jedi. I'm Gregar Typho; the Captain of Senator Amidala's Security. My Lady has received some serious death threats and we all hope you can deal with this issue quickly."

The two Jedi lowered their hoods and Bultar replied, "It is our pleasure to make your acquaintance Captain Typho. I'm Jedi Master Bultar Swan and this is my apprentice; Jedi Knight Naruto Uzumaki. We will do everything in our power to find out who is behind this and stop them."

Padmé came out of her room and saw the two Jedi. 'They look so young.' she thought. 'I was expecting someone older like Master Qui Gon.' "I bid you greetings." Padmé said cordially. "I am Senator Padmé Amidala of the Chommell Sector.

The two Jedi bowed in respect before continuing. Bultar said, "Please tell us about the nature of these threats Senator Amidala…"


"…I understand your situation. My apprentice Naruto will be guarding you Lady Senator." explained Master Swan. "In the meantime I will be investigating the threats to your person. I sense this issue will be resolved very quickly."

At that point a high penetration blaster bolt shot through the transparisteel window aimed at the back of Padmé's head. The two Jedi moved as one with such speed that Padmé was in the floor with Naruto atop her while Master Swan deflected blaster rifle bolts out of the penthouse and back towards the shooter. The shooting stopped as suddenly as it started and Bultar deactivated her light saber.

"Right." said Master Swan. "I'll be off then. Naruto; help the Senator and her party to safety." 'And so help me; if you start motorboating Senator Amidala like you did the Queen of Alderaan-'

'Awww, you're no fun Master!' thought Naruto with a mental giggle. Hearing a mental growl from Swan that would have made any Sith Lord proud; the whisker faced blonde pulled his face out of Padmé's lovely assets and said. "All right; everyone stay low and crawl quickly towards the hallway! Hurry now."

Senator Amidala and her party were too shocked to completely realize what was going on and regrouped in the hall. "Where's Master Swan going?" asked Cordé.

"She's off after the shooter." explained Naruto seriously. "We need to call security and get Senator Amildala to safety. Let's take the elevator down."

Roof of Padmé's Penthouse

Master Bultar Swan emerged on the roof of the Apartment High Rise and reached out with the force to feel around her. She sensed the great pain the sniper was in as well as anger and homed in on it. Walking out to the edge of the high rise; the Jedi Master leapt off the rim and landed on the back of a transport only to use it as a springboard to flip over to a speeder and then another and another. With a combination of parkour; acrobatics and death defying grace she hopped through traffic and landed on the building the sniper was still on. Bultar was smiling at the adrenaline rush as she closed on her target…

Stuck in traffic below was none other than Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker. They saw Bultar vault over some speeders above them and Anakin said in awe, "Was that Master Swan…?"

Obi-Wan looked up and chuckled. "That was Bultar Swan alright. Graceful isn't she?" Then his face turned grave. "You and I won't ever be doing anything like that so banish those thoughts from your head Anakin."

Skywalker looked sullen. "Yes Master…should we follow her?"

Master Kenobi shook his head. "If she needed help she would have called us mentally when she waved hello to us."

"I still think leaping through traffic like that would be wizard Master!" said the eighteen year old Padawan.

Obi-Wan looked a bit green. "It would also be tantamount to suicide…"

Up above the wounded Muun*⑪ sniper finished bandaging his injured side. "I can't believe that damned Jedi woman deflected the rifle bolt back and hit me." he thought aloud. He hobbled over to his speeder and saw Master Swan land on the building behind him in disbelief. He pointed his blaster at her and screeched, "Not one step closer!"

She had a gleam in her eyes as she ignited her green light saber. Swan said smiling, "You don't seem so eager to fire now. Good choice. Are you going to surrender?"

"Never!" he yelled as he slammed the throttle forward on his speeder. He didn't notice Bultar dart a tracking device on the back of his armored jacket as he put as he roared off.

"He ran away…" she said. 'I guess I'll have to pursue him.' The Jedi Master looked at her tracker and thought; 'He won't get too far away wounded like that. I guess I'll just call a taxi…'

Senatorial High Rise Building

'Taking the elevator down seemed like a good idea at the time…' thought Naruto wistfully as he bypassed the sabotaged control panel circuits on the lift. Normally he would have enjoyed being stuck on an elevator with four beautiful young women but having Captain Typho there was a definite turnoff. That and they were plunging deaths of course…

The blonde could sense the surface thoughts and emotions of those around him through the Force. Captain Typho was keeping a cool demeanor but was concerned that they were all going to be reduced to some sort of pâté.

As for Dormé; her primary concern was keeping her Lady safe. Her security training kept her level headed. The Jedi thought she was most admirable.

Cordé was praying to any god that would listen so that she wouldn't throw up and make a fool of herself before she died. The whisker faced blonde decided not to dwell on that…

Being as slicer; Versé was more analytical and was focusing on Naruto's work. She wondered if he could actually pull this off. 'Oh ye of little faith…' thought Naruto.

When it came to Padmé; she was set in stone to be brave for her friends and companions. She couldn't let any of them down by giving into fear. Naruto felt a little better about her despite his views on politicians in general…

"Ah. There we go." said the blonde. "Hang on everybody!" Suddenly the lift's emergency failure brakes kicked in and they were all pushed to the floor by the sudden slowing. The brakes were overheating rapidly and the smell of something burning reached their nostrils as wisps of smoke leaked in. Naruto reached out to use the Force to slow the speeding metal coffin even further. The sound of shrieking from the brakes was getting unbearable when the elevator screeched to a halt. Forcing the door open the small group found that they had ground to a stop at Basement Floor Ninety Seven…

"Well; that was an interesting little ride." quipped Naruto as he and Captain Typho helped Padmé and her handmaidens off of the lift.

"I think you are taking this far too lightly." replied the Senator with disapproval in her eyes.

'The sass is strong with this one.' thought Naruto. "I find that a little levity helps calm the nerves Senator. Believe me when I say the safety of you and your party are foremost in my mind."

The blonde looked for communications terminal and found the floor was old enough that it was abandoned. The group saw several old droids lying about in various states of disrepair when an old Astromech droid woke up and it slowly came on line making beeps and boop noises that seemed slurred together. Naruto understood the binary language and looked very puzzled. He said; "This droid is damaged or impaired in some way. It claims we are intruders."

Versé added, "It almost sounds like it is drunk."

"Is that even possible?" asked Captain Typho.

Nodding, Versé said, "A damaged motivator unit could have that effect. Let me look at it and-"

A slot with a plasma torch came open and unleashed a burst which the blonde Jedi pulled Versé clear from. He activated his orange light saber and the droid squealed in fright before it quickly rolled/staggered off.

Typho uttered, "What in blazes?" as the droid retreated shrieking.

It was then that they heard moans of mechanical talking and the dragging of metal feet as droids of all shapes and sizes came crawling out everywhere with weapons of all kinds pointed at Naruto and the Senator's group.

"This… is not good." said Naruto as he ushered the others away from danger.

Padmé said, "I have a bad feeling about this…"

…Soon the droids randomly were taking potshots at the group and Naruto was deflecting the oncoming bolts away as the others fired their blasters at the horde of mindless metal attackers. The blonde soon realized they were being pushed back into a corner and that the whole situation was a trap. Naruto's eyes blazed blue with chakra and he said, "Get behind me and cease fire!" As they did a glowing orange chakra field shaped like a fox's head blazed into existence. It surrounded Naruto, Padmé and the others like a force field and soaked up the torrent of blaster fire coming from the herd of zombie like droids closing in on them.

'Just like I showed you Naruto.' said Kurama. 'Keep absorbing the energy until it is at the limit and then release it!'

Naruto was sweating under the strain of absorbing the blaster fire and nodded mentally to his partner. Senator Amidala watched as the blonde drew his hand back and then thrust it forward releasing both a mighty Force push and all the stored blaster fire at once on the unprepared droids. What machines weren't totally destroyed in an instant were crushed into scrap or blown apart by the fusion of chakra and Force energies unleashed upon them…

When the smoke cleared it was over. Naruto was kneeling in exhaustion on one knee panting and the conglomeration of droid types was demolished. The blonde took a deep, calming breath and said; "It seems that threat has been dealt with. We need to get to the upper levels in case more hostile droids are loose."

'Wow…' thought Padmé. "Who do you think sent them after us Master Jedi?" she asked.

Naruto slowly stood up and dusted himself off. "I would surmise that those droids have been down here on their own for years Senator. They probably would have attacked us regardless of who we were. Unfortunately I have no proof either way." He pointed at the smoking pile of debris that was once a mob of haywire droids. "There is no way that a slicer is going to get much evidence out of that."

"What about the Trade Federation?" asked the Senator. "They often use droids."

Naruto looked deep in thought. "It's possible but it seems a little too obvious to me. Regardless; getting out of here is more important at this juncture."

Captain Typho was forced to agree. "The best thing we can do is get you to the safety of the upper levels My Lady. The Chancellor's Security Forces will no doubt investigate this for us."

Naruto frowned. 'That's only if it serves the Chancellor's own self interest.'

Senator Amidala noticed the look of distaste on whiskered Jedi Knight's face and she asked, "Is there a problem Master Naruto?"

Naruto looked at the fiery woman and said, "No, it is as Captain Typho says. Getting you and your handmaidens to safety is paramount. The rest can be dealt with later."

InterGalactic Banking Clan Headquarters

Jedi Master Swan tracked down the Sniper at the InterGalactic Banking Clan Headquarters that was also in the Senate District on Coruscant. Arriving via robo-taxi she hopped out and entered through the main entrance. A secretary stopped her before she could get on the elevator up and said, "I'm sorry Ma'am but I'll need to see your Banking Clan Membership Card to let you use the elevator."

Bultar turned to the woman and said in a commanding voice, "You've seen my Membership Card."

"I've seen your Membership Card" parroted the secretary.

"Please carry on and have a nice day." said Master Swan smoothly.

The woman droned, "Please carry on and have a nice day." She motioned towards the elevator and Bultar got aboard with no further trouble.

Using her tracker, the Jedi Master proceeded to floor fifty seven, Suite C and carefully listened through the locked door. She heard two voices; the sniper and another male.

"Why did you come here you idiot?! The Jedi is probably following you!" asked the male voice.

"What was I to do?" asked the sniper. "Go to a hospital and try to explain how I was shot with my own rifle?!"

"I hired you to take out Senator Amidala; not make excuses for your failure!" ranted the male. "You came highly recommended as one of the best by Lord Tyranus. I should sue you for breach of contract!"

"Breach of contract?!" growled the assassin. "I'm sure failing a hit on a member of the Republic Senate would hold up well in court!"

Having heard all the evidence she needed; Master Swan used a Force push to pry open the door and said, "Jedi business. Do not move." in a commanding tone.

The assassin just held his hands up in surrender but the other male (a Muun banker) pulled a small blaster and fired three shots at the Jedi.

Bultar deflected the bolts with her hand before pulling the blaster away from the banker using the Force. "Are there any other acts of stupidity you want to commit before I take you in…?" she asked.

The Banker screeched; "You can't prove anything! I want my lawyer!"

The Jedi Master rolled her eyes. 'This kind of idiocy I can do without. I wonder how Naruto is doing…'

Senatorial High Rise Building Basement Levels

Naruto led the others along using the Force to guide him an eventually came to a lift that led back to the upper levels. In front of the lift's entrance stood a single individual; a bone white Dathomirian female who was sworn to Count Dooku personally as a Sith Assassin. This was Asajj Ventress.*⑫ It was her first mission for Darth Tyranus since completing her training under him and she was determined to bring Senator Padmé Amidala's head on a platter to the Count. Ventress was confident in her new skills and planned to make an example of the upstart Senator and anyone else who interfered.

The blonde Jedi could feel the sheer hatred radiating off Ventress and said, "Captain Typho; it appears we have an issue I will have to deal with alone. Take the Senator and her handmaidens to the lift and go to the surface. Don't look back."

Padmé immediately spoke up. "We will not leave without you Master Jedi. We can support you with blaster fire."

She was immediately reminded of Qui Gon Jinn when Naruto shed his outer robes and said. "For your safety Senator; please do as I say. Typho; attend to your Mistress's safety above all else." He turned to Ventress and asked; "I don't suppose you'll let my charges pass freely will you?"

Ventress activated her twin red light sabers and snarled, "You are dead Jedi."

Naruto activated his orange light saber and said; "You are straightforward. I like that." He slid into his Kyuubi style and bared his lengthened canines. Then he exclaimed, "Let's get wild!"

The last thing the Sith Assassin was expecting was a peace loving Jedi to use the Juyo style and attack her with a ferocity second to none. After recovering from her initial shock; Ventress took the offensive only to find she was being battered back. Her ice blue eyes widened as she felt the tempo increase and started trying to push Naruto back with a blade lock. Then Asajj felt herself sliding back on the smooth floor…

Captain Typho whispered, "Let's go My Lady." as he ushered Padmé and her three handmaidens passed the vicious Jedi duel going on.

They made it safely into the lift and her handmaiden Dormé was about to press the buttons to take them to the safety of the upper floors when Senator Amidala raised her hand. "We will wait for Master Jedi Naruto to join us." said Padmé.

Gregar Typho replied; "But my Lady-" but was cut off by Padmé's glare.

"We will wait." repeated the Senator in an imperious tone.

The Security Captain deflated and he thought; 'She never took orders too well.'

Meanwhile; Naruto and Ventress were engaged in a violent dance of death and Asajj found herself getting more and more angry. The collateral damage was racking up quickly and Nauto cut a platform between them out meaning she would have to leap up to his level to reengage him. Worse still; Naruto had been thrashing her with Teras Kasi whenever they locked blades. She was bruised and hurting and now sported a massive shiner from being punched in the eye. 'Damn it; that hurt! What a cheap shot!' she thought angrily. '…And now he has the high ground…'

Naruto's blazing blue eyes were glaring down at her and beckoning Asajj to come face her death. She was of three minds on the matter. 'I'm gonna get you sucka!' was her first thought. Her second thought was, 'How would you like a job? Come to the Dark Side! Count Dooku is hiring and we have great benefits!' Her third thought she actually went with though. "Savor your victory while you can Jedi…you've won this round."

The blonde watched Ventress stalk away steaming in anger and decided it was best to leave well enough alone. He had to bite his tongue to keep from saying; 'Let's do this again sometime!' or 'You're cute when you're angry.' but Naruto figured that might throw her into an even more homicidal rage which he didn't want to deal with right now. He telekinetically grabbed his robes and put them on before turning towards the lift where the others were still waiting. He wanted to face palm as Captain Typho did his best to look apologetic.

Naruto rounded on Padmé and asked, "Why did you not follow my orders Senator? If I had fallen you would not have survived her onslaught. This isn't a game you know."

Amidala's eyebrow twitched in anger. "Why are you Jedi so set on making martyrs of yourselves? I ordered the others to wait in case you needed help. You should be grateful!"

The Jedi sensed a migraine coming on. He noticed the floor they were on was still close one hundred floors below ground. Hitting the button to go up to the ground floor; Naruto said; "Now see here Senator…"

…Basement Floor Eighty

"No; you listen to me Jedi!" said Padmé. "I'm not about to have my life dominated by some mystic knowledge of the Force. You Knights can be so haughty!"

"Haughty? I've spent most of my life training to protect others!" growled Naruto. "When I say it's dangerous; your person is in danger!"

…Basement Floor Fifty

Now the blonde was steamed. "…So suppose you had opened fire with your blasters. That dark acolyte was quite powerful. She would have deflected the blaster bolts back at you or into me. It would have been to her advantage!"

"Surely we could have provide adequate cover fire for you to escape." retorted the Senator.

"Not if I was dead!" roared the Jedi.

…Basement Floor Thirty

"Is she always so… obstinate?" Naruto asked the others.

Captain Typho just cringed while the three handmaidens Cordé, Versé and Dormé all nodded rapidly from outside of Padmé's peripheral vision.

"OBSTINATE?!" shrieked the short brunette Senator. "Look in the mirror if you want to see obstinate!"

"You're projecting." hissed Naruto.

Ground Floor

The Senator and the Jedi were both glaring at each other as if daring one another to utter one. single. word. Everyone else was on needles and pins. That's when the lift door opened and Master Yoda and Master Mace Windu were standing there waiting for the lift.

Yoda said with a twinkle in his eye; "Ah; fortuitous timing we have. Senator Amidala; unharmed I see. Good it does my heart."

Master Windu asked; "Did anything of note during your watch; Naruto?"

Naruto looked at Mace Windu and Yoda with fatigue in his eyes and thought, 'What a woman!' as he glanced at Padmé. Carefully choosing his words; Naruto said, "Masters; the suspicions that someone is after Senator Amidala are correct. Several bolts from a blaster rifle were fired at her this morning in her apartment. Then the lift to her room was sabotaged and dropped to the ninety-seventh basement floor level. We were then attacked by a zombie droid army which I was forced to obliterate. Then a dark acolyte attacked us on the way to the lift we rode up to the ground floor. I was able to fend her off fortunately. Luckily we came out relatively unscathed."

Padmé looked at Naruto for a split second and thought, 'Either I'm going to love him or kill him, whichever comes first.' "Jedi Knight Naruto did an excellent job of protecting us from harm."

Mace Windu retained his stoic look but his eyes widened a bit. "…A zombie droid army..?"

Grandmaster Yoda's eyes also widened and his ears rose in alarm. "A dark acolyte; you say? Much we have to discuss."

About that time Jedi Master Swan arrived having dropped off her prisoners and said with a bow, "Masters; it is good to see you well. So what did I miss?"

Naruto just sweat dropped…


①*: Shovel handed Miners: The Shovel-handed miners are a type of clone created by the Kaminoans. They were first purchased and created to be used on the planet Subterrel, known for its vast mining operations. The cloners created the miners sometime between 4500 BBY and 32 BBY.

②*: Kaminoans: Kaminoans are a tall, thin species with pale skin from the isolated watery planet of Kamino. The Kaminoans live in large stilted cities that rise above the ocean surface, such as Tipoca City. They are known for their cloning techniques. See Wookieepedia.

③*: Taun We: Taun We was a Kaminoan female administrative aide who served Prime Minister Lama Su.

④*: Lama Su: Lama Su was a Kaminoan male statesman who leads the Ruling Council of Kamino.

⑤*: Sifo-Dyas: Sifo-Dyas was a human male Jedi Master from Minashee who commissioned the Kaminoans' creation of the Grand Army of the Republic. See Wookiepedia to sort out his background. It's pretty crucial.

⑥*: Loyalist Committee: The Loyalist Committee is a political committee created by Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine as an advisory body to himself to handle the Separatist Crisis and promote loyalty to the Republic.

⑦*: Captain Gregar Typho: Gregar Typho is a human male and a Captain in the Royal Naboo Security Forces. He serves as Senator Padmé Amidala's head of security, ensuring her safety at all costs. See Wookieepedia.

⑧*: Versé: Versé, formerly known as Versaat, is a human female who serves in Senator Padmé Amidala's cohort of Handmaidens. She is a top-notch slicer. See Wookieepedia.

⑨*: Cordé: Cordé, formerly known as Cordyn, is a handmaiden who serves Senator Padmé Amidala. She often acts as a decoy for the Senator due to their resemblance. See Wookieepedia.

⑩*: Dormé: Dormé, formerly known as Dorra, is a human female handmaiden in the service of Senator Padmé Amidala and is her most devoted aide. Her specialty is security. See Wookieepedia.

⑪*: Muun: Muuns were a thin, tall humanoid species who ran the InterGalactic Banking Clan. See Wookieepedia.

⑫*: Asajj Ventress: Asajj Ventress is a Dathomirian female who, at various points throughout her life, was a slave, a Jedi Padawan and an assassin of the Sith, See Wookiepedia for her full background.

Gods, I wanted less footnotes this chapter, not more! This chapter pretty much sets things up for Episode II: The Clone Wars which will feature more of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. See you next time. Blue Out. 11/25/23