
Naruto: Maelstrom

This is an AU starring Uzumaki Naruto as a Jedi Padawan. It starts around the time of Episode I: The Phantom Menace and will continue from there.

Thayerblue1 · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Ryloth's Sith Academy

Blanket disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Star Wars


This chapter we'll see things like robbery, murder, death, extortion and betrayal. Welcome to the Galactic Republic Senate! Here is Chapter 15. Enjoy!

{ } Signifies an alien language

Last time:

Year 22 BBY

Hyperspace, Republic T-6 Shuttle Night Mission

It wasn't long before Naruto Uzumaki, Barriss Offee and the shackled Monz'phylo were aboard the T-6 Shuttle Night Mission. The whiskered blonde used that particular T-6 for diplomatic purposes because it lacked the nose art that the other shuttles had. After making sure their guest was comfortably fettered in a restraining cage; the Jedi Master and padawan took off for the Grand Jedi Temple…

Naruto let Barriss handle the flying as he sat beside her in the cockpit. The young Mirialan Jedi looked over at Naruto and said, "Master, is greed that powerful? Our prisoner betrayed his home world for money. Thousands and thousands died so he could live comfortably. I know you taught me to gamble as a tool but I can't imagine someone equating lives to material things…"

The blonde turned to his padawan and said, "Barriss, we of the Jedi Order are raised without material things but most people aren't. You are correct that I taught you to gamble as a tool for your skillset. However, there are people out there that gamble away fortunes, freedom and lives to sate their lust for material things."

"Remember how I got the Intrepid?" asked Naruto. "Admiral Terrel had a reputation as a high stakes gambler. I used his excessive greed against him. The High Jedi Council was less than thrilled that I swindled a Fleet Flagship but the truth was no one was harmed."

"The Hutts entire culture is based on materialism." continued the Jedi Master. "If they were to look at our prisoner most of them probably say the only thing he is guilty of is getting caught… I guess they equate lives to material things every day. Greed is powerful Barriss. It can also be a powerful ally. Just remember to never fall under its spell."

Barriss smiled. "Gee, you really sounded wise Master Naruto." Seeing his exaggerated look of shock, she laughed. "Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret." That's when the shuttle's navigation computer beeped. "Hmmm… We'll be dropping out of hyperspace soon. Thank you for helping me clear my mind on the subject Master. I really do appreciate it."

The whiskered blonde smiled. "Anytime, my apprentice."

Chapter 15

Year 22 BBY

Core Worlds, Planet Coruscant, Galactic Senate Building, Senator Gume Saam's Quarters

Senator Gume Saam of the Techno Union and Lot Dodd*① of the Trade Federation were in a meeting with Count Dooku via holographic image. "Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan and Senator Amidala of Naboo are pushing for a peace initiative. Peace is an obstacle to our plan. We need fighting to feed the machine and our profits." said the Ishi Tib.

Lot Dodd added, "If we pass Senator Saam's bill to open new lines of credit, we will gain access to the needed funds. I personally think most of the reason the bill not passing is Senator Amidala."

Count Dooku replied, "You need not worry Senators. Fighting will increase as will the profits of all concerned. The Trade Federation and the Techno Union will all get their fair share. And then some."

"Have we considered assassinating Senator Amidala?" asked Gume Saam. "She has proven to be a thorn in our sides time and again."

Senator Dodd shook his head. "We tried before and proved to be too difficult. Besides, she might end up becoming a martyr for the peace movement which would be an even worse scenario."

"After our next attack, all chances of peace will disappear." said Dooku. "If you wish to eliminate Senator Amidala then do so."

Republic T-6 Shuttle Night Mission

The Night Mission dropped out of Hyperspace above the Planet Coruscant and they quickly signaled the Coruscant Space Traffic Control for permission to land. "Corurscant Control, this is T-6 Shuttle VN21015 requesting docking clearance at the Grand Jedi Temple." said Barriss.

"Coruscant Control to T-6 Shuttle VN21015 confirmed." said a female voice. "Docking clearance at Grand Jedi Temple Docking Bay 127 is authorized."

"Docking Bay 127 confirmed." replied the padawan.

"Confirmed VN21015. Welcome to Coruscant." said the controller.

Naruto sat back as his Mirialan apprentice deftly maneuvered the shuttle down to the docking bay at the Grand Jedi Temple. They say four Temple Guardians with Force pikes and Master Mace Windu come out to meet them. "Looks like we have a welcoming committee Barriss. I'll do my best to act studious and behave."

His padawan grinned and replied, "I'll endeavor to do the same then."

The two Jedi came out of the shuttle and bowed before Master Windu who greeted them each in turn. "Master Uzumaki; padawan Offee. Welcome home. Is the prisoner safe?"

"He is." answered Naruto as he handed over the keys to the leader of the four Temple Guards. A moment later, Monz'phylo was let out of his restraining cage and brought out in Force manacles. Naruto said grandly, "Master Mace Windu, may I present our honored guest Monz'phylo. Monz'phylo, Jedi Master Mace Windu. Thank you for flying Intrepid Spacelines and welcome to the Grand Jedi Temple."

Mace Windu commanded, "Take the prisoner to a holding room until further notice." As they marched Monz'phylo away Mace turned to Naruto and said, "Force Manacles and a restraining cage Naruto? Isn't that a tad overkill for a civilian?"

"I didn't want him to get lost on the shuttle." quipped Naruto.

Master Windu sweat dropped. "The High Council will hear your report now you two. Come."

Both Naruto and Barriss dutifully followed Master Windu up to the High Council Chambers and bowed before the Council from the center of the round room. Grandmaster Yoda said, "Your report we will hear now Master Naruto."

"Yes my Master." replied Naruto. He related the events on Ryloth with Jedi Master Aayla Secura to the High Council. Yoda's eyes grew wide and finally the diminutive Grandmaster could contain himself no longer.

"Found the Sith Academy on Ryloth you say?" asked Yoda. Seeing Naruto nod he said, "Investigate it we must. Hidden within; dark and powerful secrets."

"With all due respect Master, it's full of doashim that have a decidedly unfriendly nature." said Naruto. It would mean exposing many to the influence of the Dark Side. It was almost as bad as Korriban."

Yoda said, "Nevertheless, report this to Master Jacosta Nu you must."

Naruto sighed a tiny bit, "Of course I will report this matter to the Temple Librarian."

Yoda frowned a tiny bit, "See that you do young Master Naruto; mend broken bridges, you must."

Few on the Council had an inkling of Naruto's relationship with Master Jacosta Nu but they could all tell it was a touchy subject. Yoda nodded. "Your report on Monz'phylo; continue now Master Uzumaki."

The blonde picked up where he'd left off and said, "As I previously described Masters, Senator Amidala was able to describe Senator Gume Saam's political outlook. It seems that he is doing his best to profit from this war by selling weapons to both sides in this conflict. I believe we should move in and arrest him immediately for high treason."

Master Ki-Adi-Mundi spoke up, "I wish it was that simple Master Naruto but it is outside our sphere of influence to police the Senate. I suggest we defer to the Supreme Chancellor and let him handle this matter."

Naruto retorted, "The Supreme Chancellor will defer to the courts on this matter. His way could take decades."

Master Plo Koon said, "Perhaps you could help speed up the process Master Naruto. Both you and Senator Amidala have the Chancellor's gratitude. You saved his life remember? I'm sure he would listen to you and Amidala. She is his successor as the Senator of Naboo after all."

Mace Windu added, "Naruto, you are a Master Jedi but you are young and still have much to learn. As one of your mentors I ask that you defer to the wisdom of the council."

Naruto nodded slowly. "I will follow the will of the Council of course. It is not my place to judge. What would the Council have me do?"

Yoda said, "Convene on this subject the Council will. Master Jacosta Nu you will see in the meantime. May the Force be with you."

Naruto and Barriss bowed realizing they were dismissed and the whiskered blonde headed for the Temple Library with his Padawan in tow.

"I sense conflict within you Master." said the young Mirialan. "You are usually so at peace. Is there any way I can help?"

Naruto smiled and said, "You are a good friend Barriss Offee. I am simply frustrated to see the Council so fettered by politics. It's not our place to second guess the High Jedi Council but I wish I could do something other than defer to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine."

"Given the evidence involved; wouldn't it be the Chancellor's duty to deliver swift justice to Gume Saam?" she asked.

The blonde raised an eyebrow. "Only if it would benefit him politically. I don't trust him."

"But you do trust Senator Amidala." said the young Mirialan. "Why is that?"

He smiled and said, "She and I get along well. I was on extended guard duty protecting her so I do trust her to some degree… I suppose that goes against my own views on politicians doesn't it Barris?"

She replied, "I think it is good to have friends Master. You taught me this. Ahsoka Tano became a good friend during our training on Planet Almas. So did Master Skywalker."

Naruto had amusement in his blue eyes. "They are quite a pair. I worry about Anakin though. He tends to get a little carried away at times… not that I have much room to talk."

"I'm surprised you aren't excited at the prospects of going back to that Academy on Ryloth Master." said the padawan. "It seems like the kind of place you would be ideal to explore. I'm sure Master Nu would be thrilled to appoint you to lead a research team."

Naruto said, "Perhaps she would but I saw inscriptions on the wall of that cave of some of the blackest of Sith magics. I foresee great pain and misery in that Sith Academy. I firmly believe that place should be ignored until this war is over… but I know that the Temple Librarian will disagree."

Jedi Temple Library

Naruto and Barriss entered the Jedi Temple Library and Master Jacosta Nu came over to see them. "I've been expecting you." said the Elderly Master. "Please come and talk with me. I am anxious to hear what you saw."

"...You actually saw the Sith Runes for Reanimated Dead?" asked Jacosta. "That's incredible! To think that such a place exists intact… It needs to be explored Master Naruto. You are just the person to head up such an expedition. It is the very era you specialize in. Padawan Offee could learn so much from you!"

Barriss said, "Forgive me Masters but what is this Reanimated Dead that you speak of?"

Naruto sighed. "The ancient Sith were capable of twisted an evil magics that could even bring the bodies of the recently deceased back to fight for them. The Sith phrase on the wall was Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut" he hissed out. "That translates into Reanimated Dead. It is quite literally a Sith magic curse I have little doubt that the instructions to perform that rite lies within that accursed place."

The padawan looked confused. "You sound like you are talking about zombies Master Naruto."

Jacotsa smiled. "That's a very good analogy Barriss. Essentially a Sith magician could control dead bodies like puppets… or so the legends say."

Looking affronted, the Mirialan said, "That's just wrong to tamper with the bodies of the dead… Is it true?"

"All legends have some basis in fact." spoke the blonde sagely. "It could have been a fluke but ancient Sith magics were very real. The question is whether or not such a spell would even be practical other than to inspire revulsion."

"It's still sickening…" thought Offee aloud.

The Renatasian Jedi nodded in agreement and Master Nu said, "You must go back to the Sith Academy on Ryloth Naruto. We need to secure the knowledge there so it can't be used for evil purposes."

"I don't know." said Naruto. "I believe that sealing it off for now might be the better choice. The darkness there is corruption itself."

"The young man I knew as a child would have given his left arm to explore such a place." said Jacosta.

Naruto was about to say something acidic when Grandmaster Yoda arrived. He smiled and said, "Of your thoughts, be mindful young Uzumaki." Seeing the blonde reel in his irritation; Yoda asked, "Master Nu, your view on the Sith Academy on Ryloth?"

"I think it's a wonderful opportunity Master Yoda; especially since one of the most learned Jedi in the Order on the subject is right here." said Master Jacosta.

"And what say you, Master Naruto?" asked the diminutive Grandmaster.

Naruto reached out through the Force and said, "I foresee pain… strife… death if a party goes there. Some would kill for the secrets in that Sith Academy. It would be like Planet Onderon when I was a child all over again and lost Master Jiraiya…" The blonde went silent.

Master Nu was shocked and Barriss wondered about Jiraiya and what truly happened on Onderon all those years ago…

Yoda said to Naruto, "Reflect upon this, I shall. Rest you need. Summon you tomorrow, the council will."

The blonde nodded and said to his apprentice, "I will be in my quarters meditating Barriss. Use today to further your studies here in the library. Look up the Dark Lord of the Sith Skere Kaan and his apprentices Githany and Bane. That should give you some insights into the Sith Academy on Ryloth."

Naruto's padawan looked worried but replied, "Yes Master."

Jedi Temple, Naruto's Quarters

The blonde Jedi Master was meditating on the force when his holographic communicator beeped. Activating it he saw Padmė Amidala's lovely visage appear. He smiled at her softly and said, "Good evening Padmė. I've been tied up with the Jedi Council all day today and haven't had a chance to talk to you. Are you doing alright?"

The Senator smiled back. "I am doing fine. Are you moving up among the Jedi? If the Council needs you then maybe it's a sign."

Naruto shook his head, "Anything but. I'm a full Jedi Master but there is no way that I'd ever sit on the Jedi Council. They couldn't make me. I have too much to do around the galaxy to be stuck in a chair."

She laughed. "Why does that not surprise me..? So tell me, What is the truth of the matter with Senator Gume Saam? You seemed eager to discuss it last time we talked."

"The Jedi Council is deliberating what the best course of action should be regarding Senator Saam." answered the whiskered blonde tiredly.

"What do you mean?" asked Padmė.

"They are debating whether or not the investigation should be turned over to the Supreme Chancellor." said Naruto. "We Jedi aren't supposed to tamper with the Senate you know. The Council considers the matter a bit delicate. And I'm a bit too blunt for political matters anyway."

"You know I'm more than willing to help Naruto." she said. "Any citizen of the Republic should have a right to be heard."

"But I am a Jedi Knight. The Senate has their sphere of influence and we have ours." explained Naruto.

"What if the Jedi Council doesn't want you involved then?" asked Amidala.

The whiskered blonde replied, "Then they will turn it over someone with a more delicate touch than I… like a rancor."

"Pffft!" laughed Padmė. "I can see a rancor at a Senate meeting now causing mass destruction and consuming delegates...Hahaha!"

The Jedi grinned. "Methinks my Lady is enjoying this a little too much."

"Only you would put such a thought in my head Naruto." she said.

Naruto replied, "I do my best Padmė."

High Jedi Council Chambers

Naruto was standing alone before the Council bright and early the next morning. Yoda spoke first. "Decided, the Council has. Your friend Senator Amidala will provide guidance on this matter. Go to her, you must."

"She contacted you, didn't she?" asked Naruto in a flat tone and dreading the answer.

Yoda nodded. "Gave me an earful, she did."

The blonde could barely contain his laughter. 'Snort' 'That conniving vixen!' thought Naruto. Then he thought about a rancor rampaging through the Galactic Senate Building and chowing down on a smorgasbord of overripe political fat cats before getting sick and dying of a heart attack from eating too much saturated fat and cholesterol…

The High Jedi Council's collective view on Naruto's demented thought processes was 'SAY WHAAAT?!'

Master Yoda was slightly shaken as were the rest. "How feel you..?" asked the short green Grandmaster with a sweat drop.

"I feel as fresh as a Dagobah swamp!" replied the blonde. Then everyone face faulted. Naruto scratched the back of his neck and added, "Never better."

Mace Windu remembered Jiraiya's similar thought patterns a decided, 'It really isn't worth it. I have a migraine already.' "Very well Master Uzumaki. See to it that you cooperate with Senator Amidala to apprehend the traitorous Gume Saam… and try to keep it legal."

Naruto bowed and dismissed himself by saying, "May the Force be with you Masters…"

…After he left Yoda said, "Much of Jiraiya I see in that one…"

Everyone else just nodded in agreement…

Naruto stopped in and instructed his padawan Barriss Offee and told her to continue in her studies under Master Jacosta Nu for the time being. After they bid each other farewell he went to see Padmė Amidala…

Senate Apartment Complex

The Renatasian Jedi Master went to the Senate Apartment Complex's front desk and said to the human woman manning the station, "I'm here to see the Senator of Naboo, Padmė Amidala. Can you direct me to her Office?"

"Senator Amidala's Apartment is the penthouse suite sir." said the woman in a surprised tone. "Is she hosting some sort of party? Four others came to see her just a few moments ago."

Naruto frowned. 'Something isn't right.' "I'm here by invitation. I'm not aware of any party."

"Take Elevator 4 sir; it's express." she said.

"Thank you." replied the whiskered blonde.

Naruto went over to Elevator 4 before entering and hitting the top button. As he travelled up he began to feel tenseness and fear in the air. Brushing his robes aside; Naruto rested his hand on his light saber hilt. By the time he made it to the top floor he could clearly hear blaster fire beyond the door.

When the doors opened with a loud ding; he saw blaster bolts everywhere and thought, 'So much for the element of surprise.' The blonde saw a person turn towards him with his finger on the trigger and Force pushed the man out in the lobby where he was shot both in the front and the back by the crossfire.

The firing suddenly stopped and Naruto stepped out in the lobby. He said, "This is Jedi business; drop your weapons." He glanced to his left and saw Padmė and her bodyguards. On his right he saw a woman and two men. Naruto turned to the three hostiles and smiled widely before commanding, "Surrender. I have you three vastly outnumbered."

Both of the men opened fire only for Naruto to hold up his hand and deflect the blaster bolts back into the assassins killing them instantly. The woman charged to engage Naruto hand to hand. Naruto fell into his Teras Kasi stance to engage her. "This is going to hurt…" warned Naruto as she came at him.

The woman was fast and skilled so Naruto took her seriously. "You are good but you aren't Bultar Swan." he said. Then he demolished the would-be assassin with a four hit combo followed by a roundhouse kick that snapped her neck.

Seeing the assassins were dealt with; Naruto turned to the lovely Padmė and said, "We have to stop meeting like this Senator, people will talk."

Senator Amidala smiled and hugged Naruto unexpectedly which he gently returned. "It's so good to see you again Naruto." said Padmė. "I've missed you."

The blonde replied, "It's good to see you too Padmė. Are all of you alright?"

After checking themselves over, everyone was introduced Naruto had met Captain Gregar Typho before but hadn't met Teckla Minnau*② or Moteė*③ who were newer handmaidens of the Senator.

"We are all uninjured thanks to you Master Jedi." Moteė.

Teckla said, "We heard about your bravery from Senator Amidala. She wasn't exaggerating."

Captain Gregar Typho was glad to see Naruto again and the two men shook hands before Typho called in additional Security to deal with the mess in the lobby.

After moving to the more secure sections of the apartment; Naruto sat down with Padmė and revealed the events surrounding Monz'phylo and his connections with Senator Gume Saam. "So in short, Senator Saam of Tibrin sold out the Ryloth System long before the Separatist Crises became a real issue. This has been going on for at least a decade. The money trail leads directly to him and the Techno Union."

Padmė was appalled at the situation. "If that's the case who knows what else Senator Gume Saam has done. We need to speak directly to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine about this immediately. I assure you we will bring the traitor to justice!"

Galactic Senate Building, Office of the Supreme Chancellor

Darth Sidious was having a bad day. The Bill to deregulate the banks and extend the war had come to a screeching halt thanks to Senator Bail Organa's eloquent speech and Amidala's attempt at a peace initiative of all things. 'For the love of all that is evil, what else could possibly go wrong today?' lamented the Sith Lord.

A page came up and said, "Supreme Chancellor Palpatine; Senator Padmė Amidala and Jedi Master Naruto Uzumaki are here to see you on a matter of importance. The Senator says it is urgent."

Palpatine face planted on his desk, 'Oh no! It's the spitfire and the enigma. Combined they equal total chaos!' Taking a kindly tone, Sheev Palpatine said, "Please show them in."

The master manipulator saw the pair walk in and cringed at the possibilities. He said, "My Lady, Master Uzumaki; what a pleasant surprise to see you both! I was just stepping out for some tea; won't you join me?" '…So I don't get another advisor killed in my office?'

The three were soon sitting out in the Supreme Chancellor's private dining area drinking some relaxing tea as Palpatine was fresh out of the poisonous stuff. "Senator Gume Saam of Tibrin is a traitor to the Republic my Lady? Those are very strong words. We can't go about making such accusations without ironclad proof."

Padmė chose her words carefully. "I wouldn't have believed it myself without the undeniable proof that Master Uzumaki brought before me. Please share what you've discovered with the Supreme Chancellor Master Jedi."

Naruto carefully explained the situation to the Sith Lord describing recent events starting with the lack of long-range scanners in the Wrea, Ryloth and Gaulus Systems and how the entire Gaulus Sector could have fallen had they not been fortunate enough to catch Monz'phylo's doings.

Palpatine saw another grandiose plan unravelling as another plan of he and Dooku's got flushed down the galactic toilet. He praised Naruto and said, "Well done Master Naruto; you've done a splendid job of capturing a traitor to his own people. Monz'phylo is a turncoat and won't stand a chance in the courts."

Naruto's eyes narrowed slightly and he said, "Yes, the court system… Here's where things get interesting…"


"…And as you can see, if this was to go public the entire Republic would realize that Senator Gume Saam and his Bank Deregulation Bill could be seen as a direct support for the Separatist cause."

"To see such corruption surface shocks me Supreme Chancellor." said Amidala. "It makes me wonder if Senator Gume Saam hasn't been in contact with Count Dooku himself."

'Getting a little too close to the truth for comfort here…' thought Darth Sidious. "I will see to it that the courts deliver Senator Gume Saam's actions to light. To think this has been happening under my very nose. I am shocked and appalled. As the leader of our democracy; I have to take a stand against this corruption!"

'Gume Saam is an acceptable sacrifice. I'll have to veto the Bank Deregulation Bill… for now at least. Damn. What a setback.' thought the Master of the Dark Side…

Senate Apartment Complex. Senator Padmė Amidala's Penthouse

A week later, Padmė was watching her news feed:

"…And in tonight's news, Senator Gume Saam was pronounced dead of apparent suicide today. The recent allegations of corruption and direct veto of the Bank Deregulation Bill by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine as a result led to an evident overdose of highly illegal Sansanna Spice*④... In other news…"

"This can't be a coincidence." said the Senator.

Moteė said, "I'm not entirely surprised. After Jedi Master Naruto found out those four assassins were from the Techno Union… Senator Saam was probably eliminated by his own people. He was potentially a huge leak."

"I hate to think that way but you are probably right Moteė." said Padmė. "In the criminal circles he ran in it's little wonder."

Outer Rim Territories, D'Astan Sector, Planet Serenno, Count Dooku's Palace

Count Dooku was speaking to his Master Darth Sidious via hologram. "While the loss of Gume Saam is inconsequential; the impediment of the Bank Deregulation Bill is not."

"Lot Dodd will present a new version of the bill next session." said Sidious. "I will see to it that it goes through legally this time. The rumors of corruption died with Senator Saam ."

The Sith apprentice asked, "How did Saam get caught in the first place? He was so good at covering his tracks."

Sidious hissed, "He was foiled by Jedi Knight Naruto Uzumaki. I'm sure you remember him well."

"How could I forget that boy?" growled Dooku. "He is a monster and drove me off Planet Ambria and scarred for life."

"Young Uzumaki will be dealt with soon enough Lord Tyranus." said Sidious. "We must have patience."

The Count of Serenno bowed, "Of course my Master…"


*①: Lot Dodd- is a Neimoidian male politician who served as the Senator of the Trade Federation going all the way back to the Naboo crisis.

*②: Teckla Minnau- is a human female who serves in Senator Padmé Amidala's cohort of Handmaidens. She often acts as a serving girl and is a close friend of Padmė's. See Wookieepedia.

*③: Moteė- is a human female who serves in Senator Padmé Amidala's cohort of Handmaidens. She is a bodyguard and is very discreet. See Wookieepedia.

*④: Sansanna Spice- is a type of narcotic spice found throughout the galaxy sought after by many criminals. Unlike some spices, it was ingested directly into the mouth, resulting in the staining of addicts' face and hands.

Another chapter in the books. Now the question is whether Naruto and Barriss should be digging around in the bowels of Ryloth's Sith Academy ruins or heading back to the war. See you next time. Blue out. 2/10/24