
Naruto: Lovelife

He wakes up, to only realize that he is no longer in his own body, but instead in the body of a 19-year-old Naruto Uzumaki. For more Chapters: patreon.com/amonk

Amon_Kai · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 6: Test

Naruto was sound asleep, his chest rising and falling steadily. The early morning light filtered through his window, casting a soft glow over the room. He was lost in a peaceful slumber, blissfully unaware of the world outside.

Suddenly, there was a knock on his door, jolting him awake. Naruto groaned and rubbed his eyes, trying to shake off the grogginess. He stumbled to the door and opened it to find Shikamaru standing there.

"Hey, Naruto," Shikamaru said, stepping into the room. "I hope I'm not waking you up too early."

Naruto yawned and scratched his head. "No, not at all. I'm used to waking up early. Come on in."

Shikamaru hesitated for a moment, scanning the messy room. "Actually, it can wait," he said finally. "You look like you need some rest."

Naruto nodded, feeling his eyes droop again. He shuffled towards the bathroom, still in a daze. "I'll be right back," he mumbled.

Shikamaru waited patiently, taking in the cluttered room. "Hey, Naruto," he called out. "I delivered the letter to Sasuke."

Naruto's eyes lit up at the mention of Sasuke. He quickly finished washing up and joined Shikamaru in the main room, his hair still damp. "What did he say?" he asked eagerly.

Shikamaru rolled, his gaze wandering around the room. "He'll probably be on board. It should reach him by the time you leave for your trip."

Naruto let out a sigh of relief. "That's good news. Sasuke's always been reliable."

Shikamaru nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's a relief. Speaking of the trip, I have some news for you. Several disabled shinobi injured in the war are going to the s name place, and the nations are funding their travel expenses."

Naruto's uninterested in any of that. "That's news! It won't be a bother for us, so should be fine."

Shikamaru smiled. " Anyway, I'll get going. I don't want to be late for the meeting."

Naruto nodded. "You're a busy man, Shikamaru."

"It's a drag," Shikamaru replied with a lethargic expression before heading out.

Naruto's gaze flickered through the empty streets, as he stepped out of his apartment, feeling the cool breeze brush against his skin. He pulled his hoodie over his head and laced up his running shoes, his eyes sparkling with determination.

'Let's see how good this body is compared to mine.' He thought.

As he lept, Naruto's muscles began to warm up, and he relished the feeling of his heart pounding faster and faster in his chest.

But as he jogged through the deserted streets of the village, Naruto couldn't help but feel a tinge of boredom. He needed more of a challenge, something to really put his body to the test.

"Let's see!" Naruto looked towards the rooftop, remembering again he was a Ninja.

With a burst of energy, he focused on his chakra and leaped onto the roof of a nearby building. Using his chakra to run along the rooftops, Naruto felt the wind whipping through his hair as he darted and weaved through the city skyline.

The thrill of the chase was intoxicating, and Naruto felt his body come alive with excitement. With each leap and bound, he felt his muscles stretching and flexing and jumping long distances he never thought was possible.

Naruto stood in the dense forest, his chakra pulsing through his body as he prepared to test his power. He closed his eyes and focused, feeling the energy gathering in his palm.

"Rasengan!" With a grunt, he thrust his hand forward and summoned his signature jutsu.

The ball of swirling chakra spun in his hand, crackling with power as he examined it. It was small, barely the size of a marble, but it was a good start. He had been trying to create it for an hour, trying to get it right and make it stronger, and now was the time to see if his efforts had paid off.

"That was easier than expected. I have Skills inside me, I need to practice to bring those out." He was someone from another world, so Chakra was a new concept though he had gained the skills of Naruto.

"Shadow-Clone jutsu!"

Naruto summoned a shadow clone and stood back, watching as the clone mimicked his movements and summoned a Rasengan of its own.

"Check out the power!" He ordered, and the shadow clone began to blast the trees around them, the sound of splintering wood echoing through the forest.

As he continued to practice, Naruto experimented with different sizes of Rasengan. He summoned a larger one, the size of a baseball, and then a basketball, each one requiring more chakra and concentration than the last. Finally, he pushed himself to his limit, summoning a Rasengan the size of a car.

"Super-Massive Rasengan!"

The massive ball of chakra spun in his hand, crackling with an almost deafening amount of energy. Naruto gritted his teeth and forced himself to maintain his focus, trying to control the wild and untamed power. With a fierce battle cry, he unleashed the Rasengan, sending it hurtling toward a nearby tree.

Baam…. Thump….!!

The impact was like a bomb going off, the tree exploding in a shower of wood chips and debris. Naruto stood there, panting and covered in sweat, feeling the rush of adrenaline and power that came from mastering such a difficult jutsu.

As he looked around at the devastation he had caused, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. He was getting used to his power.

Naruto stood panting, his body drenched in sweat and his breaths coming in short gasps. He looked around at the destruction he had caused with his Rasengan, and couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had been training for hours to get used to chakra, and it was finally paying off.

But as he stood there, his mind turned to the idea of going into the Nine-Tailed Chakra Mode. The thought made him uneasy. The Nine Tails was a powerful force that he had only just begun to understand, and the idea of unleashing it made him feel like he was losing control.

"Come on," he muttered to himself. "You can do this. You've trained for this. You've got this."

But his mind kept going back to the stories he thought about the Nine-Tails being able to connect to him. Nine tails weren't some weakling or pushover. Naruto shuddered, thinking about meeting him and the possibility of him getting inside his memories.

'Don't overthink it! Better stop thinking, I am too tired anyways.'

Naruto took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "I will think about it later, Geez."