
Naruto: life of an average reincarnated soul with power cheat

death ☠️ did not even feel it , what is that voice? A baby ... oh wait I am the baby And this world is NARUTO WORLD watch the MC as he gains power and become one of the greatest worrier I don't own NARUTO nor the other stuff I am going to add the only thing I own is the MC I am new to this writing thing and still figuring it out so don't know how it is going to be. English is not my main language. it is a test work of mine in the future I might rewrite it, it is rushed.

Ashish_Patra · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

18 : to the Ryumyaku vains with Naruto and the truth

Somedays after the kazekage rescue mission Naruto returned to activate duty.

I am planning on revealing the truth of his parents to him after all I modified the seal to increase their chakra sealed in it so they can spend more time with him.

So I am going with Naruto to the Ryumyaku or to be exact I am going to the past with him



I told Naruto that we are going to investigate some dangerous shady things.

After reaching their I started working on the seal of Ryumyaku vains and I choose the time when the Kumo ninja were trying to kidnap Kushina.

So I can tell Naruto the truth and unlock the seal so he can talk with them.

After adjusting I released the seal resulting in creating a link between two timelines and if I understand this then I am going to see my younger self too.

Naruto and I got transferred to the timeline,



Naruto did not like it one bit but I convinced him to follow me and we reached just in time to see the action start....

Sure enough I was there on the other side.

When I looked at Naruto I saw him freeze in the place,

I think he recognised their chakra and my Naruto is not an idiot so he might have already joined the links.





After they left I just said that they were his parents.

He broke down right there.

I comforted him, after he calmed down I asked him whether he wants to meet his parents.

He hesitated but nodded non the less.

I touched his Belly and he was out like a light spending happy times with his parents.




At the same time I felt something unusual, my chakra is being focused at my forehead.

And a piercing pain shot through my brain and I also fell unconscious.



POV Naruto.

Upon opening my eyes I say them my parents so I ran and hugged them , after some imotional thing I started to ask about them and after that they asked about me

They were sad when they learnt how the village treated me but got over joyed when I said them for Yuji-nii supported me and treated me as family. Mom got excited when she learnt that I have two children.... For hours we talked, until their chakra ran out, Minato gave me his FTG formula and Kushina gave me her chakra chains.

POV ended.



Yuji(me) POV

Meanwhile I woke up with a headache I found out I can now channel chakra to my forehead easily.

I created a ice mirror and it was normal but when I channeled chakra.... RINNE-SHARINGAN I have achieved it hahahaaa.

At this time Naruto woke up and look at me like I am some kind of freek ..... The rinne-sharingan on my forehead didn't help much.

After explaining him we returned to our timeline.

Next 19 : Sasuke vs Itachi and a twisted reality

I don't own Naruto ❄️