
NARUTO: Legacy Of the Flash

Ok so first of all this story does not belong to me, it belongs to a writer by the name of NXSE on fanfiction.net but since he left it incomplete I will try my best to complete this story with a few changes. Discription- Naruto was abandoned at birth and everything comes to light after the Wave Mission. Will Naruto decide to quit as a shinobi of the leaf? Will Naruto be able to forge his own path through his father's legacy and protect it? What if his family tries to make amends for their mistakes, will he accept them? And will Hiruzen be able to stop him in leaf? Pairing: NarutoxSatsuki (Fem!Sasuke)

GhostOftheSenju · ファンタジー
5 Chs


Disclaimer-This story idea or characters does not belong to me the story idea belongs to NXSE on fanfiction.net and the characters belong to KISHIMOTO the owner of Naruto.


Konohagakure no sato

Hokage Tower

Next Morning

Hiruzen was suffering a severe headache at the moment from doing all this paperwork throughout the night without even a wink of sleep. Last night, after the information of Naruto's secret was revealed to the village, he had been disturbed all night long by civilian after civilian telling him to either banish the demon, or kill him; until Hiruzen had reminded them of the law in effect. Every single one of them had paled, and run off when Sarutobi had plucked out a gleaming kunai and threatened to implement his law then and there. Today, Hiruzen was patiently awaiting the arrival of his student, Jiraiya, alongside Kakashi Hatake, who Hiruzen had called through his toad summons to tell him of Naruto's condition, and to see if any one of them would like to keep Naruto's custody.

Speaking of Naruto, Hiruzen had just had Anko take care of him and feed him. He was glad to see that the hyper active kunoichi looking so good with children. Plus, she was the only one he could ever trust with Naruto's care anyways. She knew the burden of carrying a curse, and respected the Fourth Hokage above all else. As of now, Naruto was sleeping peacefully. The sight made Hiruzen smile, and he'd told Anko that she could leave and go rest for a few hours until he called for aid again. Instead of being glum, she seemed chum at the chance of spending some more time coddling baby Naruto. Seeing Naruto snoring away in those buxom mounds of heaven, Hiruzen had been envious of the boy for reasons he'd rather not admit.

After she'd left, Hiruzen had opened up the letter that Minato had left in his care to read if certain conditions were met. And sadly, all of those conditions had been met just as Minato had once feared.

Dear Hiruzen,

If you are reading this letter, then I'm afraid my fears have come true. As I've already told you, of the two scrolls that I left for Naruto - this letter is meant for you, Naruto, and the eyes of elders of the toad clan only. I have left you as the legal Guardian of the Namikaze clan until Naruto inherits it. I know, if the conditions to read this letter have been met, then sadly, Naruto will lead a very lonely life. I fear that no one will want to be tied down to taking care of Naruto, much less adopt him.

That is why, I want you to admit Naruto to the best orphanage that you can find, and pay for them from the Namikaze Family Account if need be. Tell Pa and Ma to make him the next toad summoner after you tell him of his heritage. He will need their strength to protect himself in the future, for I fear the perpetrator of tonight's incident will return for his life. And I have left the key to the seal on Naruto with the toads, making it essential for him to sign the toad contract.

Do not tell Jiraiya or anyone of the key, and make sure you tell Naruto about it once he is old enough to understand his burdens, and be there to explain how it works. Help him control the fox's chakra, since I fear Kushina won't be there to train him, and he will need all the power he could conjure up to protect himself from the masked Uchiha who had invaded the village tonight. The toads too will help him to control his demon since they have a sacred place to help control Nature, and Demonic chakra. I do not want Jiraiya to adopt him just because he wants him to control the fox's chakra to bring peace to the world and connect him to the prophecy, have him raised as a child and not a tool, Sarutobi.

I know he will wish to do so with Narumi and Mito as well, and I don't want Naruto to be burdened with such things at such young an age, and live a childhood that I could not. Try to keep my daughters away from the prophecy too, if you could. I want my children to have a normal childhood, and to have their innocence kept intact for as long as you possibly could. Protect him, if nothing else, Hiruzen - as a last favor to this dying father and friend. I leave my legacy in your hands, old friend.

- Minato Namikaze


Hiruzen put down the letter, and took off his glasses. He clenched his clouded eyes shut, and held back his tears. He sealed the draft back into the scroll until the time came for Naruto to open it once more. For now though, Sarutobi walked over to Naruto's crib and smiled as he brushed his fingers on the baby boy's whiskers. Naruto purred in delight making Hiruzen chuckle softly.

It seemed as if they were quite sensitive.

Suddenly, the window slid open, and Kakashi and Jiraiya walked in.

"I was waiting for you two," Hiruzen said, unimpressed. "Come on in," he motioned them in. Both hopped in, and stood in front of the table. Hiruzen lit his pipe, and gazed out the window.

"So you retook the seat, eh, Sarutobi-sensei?! The kid left his hat way too early…" Jiraiya whispered mournfully.

Hiruzen nodded in agreement, "That he did," he agreed, still looking out the window.

Sighing, "Jiraiya," Hiruzen started. "Minato has left a great burden upon my shoulders, a burden which Kushina does not wish to see reason to." he admitted, and Jiraiya looked at him confused. Hiruzen said nothing to elaborate, and pointed towards the crib where the soft snores of a baby resonated from. Both Kakashi and Jiraiya walked over to the crib, and couldn't help but gasp in shock.

"Sensei," Jiraiya gulped. "I-Is this his son?" Jiraiya stuttered.

Hiruzen nodded in affirmative, "Why is he here then?" Jiraiya thundered. "I thought Kushina gave birth to two daughters, not a son as well! She told me as such when I sent her a summon last night. But she told me that she was leaving today at dawn for the fire capital. If he is, in fact, her son…then why is he here?" Jiraiya naturally had to ask. Hiruzen smiled sadly, and continued on gazing out the window.

"She blames him for the death of Minato, Jiraiya." Hiruzen didn't mince his words. "She looks at like him as if he is the Kyūbi reborn. Kushina is looking for someone to blame and vent, and has sadly chosen little Naruto as her culprit. Last night, she disowned him, and even threatened to kill him. Now, Jiraiya, I wish to ask of you - will you adopt, Naruto?" Hiruzen dropped the bomb. "I know that you have a spy network to manage, but we can set up a time-table for it. I can have someone I trust help you with little Naruto. So what do you say, Jiraiya? Will you accept him?" Hiruzen asked hopefully. He honestly thought without a doubt that Jiraiya would accept the boy willingly to honor his apprentice's last wishes.

"I'm sorry, sensei." Jiraiya's apology formed a pit of ice in Hiruzen's stomach. "The village needs my spy network more than ever now, and I am not exactly father material, you know. I like to travel, do research, and write my books. Plus, the Great Toad Sage has given a new prophecy, Pa and Ma told me that just last night. It says 'The powerful sapling born from two strong leaves shall lead the world to peace, and it's enemies shall fear the look of his red eyes as he gazes upon them to protect what is precious to him.' and I know for a fact that it has to be either Narumi, or Mito. They fit the description perfectly! And they will even have red eyes once they channel the fox's chakra, just like Kushina did! I'll have to put all my time into nurturing them...so being with Naruto will be, difficult, you know." Jiraiya apologized sincerely.

"I hope you understand, sensei. The future of the world takes priority over the life of a single child - you of all people must understand." Jiraiya tried to make him see reason. Hiruzen didn't even bother turning around to face him as his heart broke in two at hearing his student's admissions.

"Minato, you really did see through all of their hearts beforehand, didn't you?! Even I didn't know my own student's nature, and yet, you still saw right through him." Hiruzen thought sadly.

"I see" was all Hiruzen could say at the moment. Jiraiya was happy that his sensei was understanding his reasons, after all, the world did prioritize over Naruto, even though he did not like doing it.

"What will you do then, Kakashi? " Hiruzen switched his words to the jōnin monotonously.

"Lord Third," Kakashi bowed his head. "I want to return to the duties of the ANBU. I have to get over my grief of losing yet another person precious to me. Naruto looks too much like sensei, and I won't have the time to look after him with my missions. But I promise, I'll watch him over him from the shadows, and even become his jonin sensei when he grows older." he promised.

"That's quite a ways away for now, Kakashi." Hiruzen remarked pointedly.

Kakashi nodded, knowing full well what the man was trying to imply, "That it is, sir."

To be honest, after everything he'd heard, Hiruzen wasn't even surprised anymore.

"I understand," Hiruzen waved his hand dismissively. "Both of you are dismissed." he dismissed them. And just as both left the office, Hiruzen closed his eyes and sighed.

"I think you've heard everything?" Hiruzen questioned seemingly no one in particular. Two small figures came out of the shadows of the wall, tapping their canes to show their displeasure over the matter...


AN- I am once again telling you that this story idea or characters does not belong to me the story idea belongs to NXSE on fanfiction.net and the characters belong to KISHIMOTO the owner of Naruto.