
Naruto: Kurotsuchi Mayuri

"Jiraiya, you're stuck in the past! The only one who truly understands me in this world is Kagetsu." - Orochimaru **** Support me on my ko-fi account and read upto 15 early chapters, https://ko-fi.com/pirateking24/tiers ***** Also I will upload daily. So if you like it, add to the collection.

PirateKing24 · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Chapter 6.1 : Sarutobi Hiruzen!!

"I accidentally collected a couple of your insect corpses," Kagetsu replied to Aoshi Aburame.

Aoshi paused for a moment, thinking it couldn't be that simple. To do this, Kagetsu would have needed to carefully monitor him and his scattered insects, all while staying unnoticed.

But Kagetsu's explanation made sense, so Aoshi decided not to push further. He simply nodded at Kagetsu and walked away.


[Insecticide Made by Nara Kagetsu:

Quality: Blue 

Ingredients: Neurotoxin, Herbs

Effect: A potion specifically designed to kill the Aburame clan's insects by targeting their nervous system. 

Conclusion: Extremely lethal to the insects, acting very quickly. 

Recognition: 50/100 (Higher recognition leads to more inspiration and rewards in similar research) 

Rewards: +1 Physical Fitness, +10 Chakra]


Kagetsu watched as Aoshi left, then checked his status. Sure enough, the insecticide had provided some feedback. After looking at the field, Kagetsu opened his talent and physical fitness panels again.


[Talent Card: Kurotsuchi Mayuri

World: Bleach 

Quality: Blue (120/1000)

Effect: Enhanced Research Talent (You're a natural scientist and researcher, excelling in R&D)

Field: Your research skills in biology and neurology are far above average! 

Passive: Bio-Modification! 

Accumulation: Research requires lots of knowledge and experiments. You absorb knowledge more efficiently, and your understanding grows, resulting in rewards!

Achievement: Each time your work is recognized, your physical fitness and strength increase based on the level of recognition.

Recognized R&D Products: Dog food, insect Insecticide, Secret Art: Shadow Coffin. 

Rewards: Physical Fitness +3, Chakra +100 

Obsession: Surpass Kisuke Urahara as a scientist]


Kagetsu felt a bit more refreshed, with his body and chakra restored from the earlier battle.

While the panel didn't give all the details, based on his recent intense training and comparisons with his classmates, clan members, and teachers, Kagetsu could now make fairly accurate assessments of his growth.

It's important to note that the information gathered here might not be completely accurate since the strength of a ninja isn't something that can be precisely measured or fixed.

Given this, Kagetsu can only make rough guesses about his level as a ninja based on his physical fitness and chakra levels.

To explain it simply, if the physical fitness of a student in the ninja academy is rated as 10, then a Genin's physical fitness and chakra levels would range from 10 to 100. 

Thanks to his golden finger, Kagetsu's physical fitness has improved to over 30, putting him at the level of a Genin.

The same applies to his chakra levels. For example, a Genin's chakra can range between 100 and 1000, which is estimated based on how many times they can perform certain ninjutsu.

Right now, Kagetsu has enough chakra to perform three Clone Techniques in a row, plus a Shadow Imitation Technique that can last about ten minutes.

The Nara clan isn't known for having a large amount of chakra. Among the Ino-Shika-Cho trio (the Yamanaka, Nara, and Akimichi clans), the Akimichi clan has the most chakra and physical strength, while the Yamanaka clan is known for their mental abilities and sensory skills. The Nara clan, on the other hand, tends to have lower physical fitness, despite their intelligence.

Kagetsu has seen his clan members use tonics and medicine more than once, and his father, Nara Shikakichi, is one of them.

Kagetsu sometimes thinks that the reason the Nara clan is so lazy, skilled in pharmacology, and good at helping others recover is because they're forced to be that way due to their poor physical fitness.

Because of their poor physical fitness, they tend to be lazy.

Because of their poor physical fitness, they've developed a deep knowledge of medicine and created a set of tonic formulas specifically for the Nara clan.

It might seem unusual for someone to have poor physical fitness, but for the Nara clan, this is a common trait, which might be influenced by some kind of force.

For example, it could be related to their Shadow Techniques.

In the ninja world, chakra is a power that comes from combining the spiritual energy and the physical energy. When a ninja's chakra reaches a certain level, if their physical fitness isn't up to par, it can start to put a strain on them.

Physically and mentally, the ninja clans face different challenges.

Take the Uchiha, for example. As members of the Uchiha clan, which naturally embodies yin, they often struggle with mental and psychological issues. Other bloodline limit clans also suffer from serious hereditary problems to varying degrees.

In contrast, the Nara clan, which hasn't yet fully developed a bloodline limit, only suffers from minor physical issues, which is relatively fortunate.

If it weren't for Goldfinger's help in improving his physical condition, Kagetsu might have been like most of his clan members—lazily unmotivated about anything.

Now, in terms of physical fitness and chakra reserves, he's not at the top of his class, but at least he's no longer at the bottom.

As he continues to develop and gain recognition for his inventions, his physical strength and chakra will gradually increase.

Unfortunately, only ninjas with chakra can truly provide Kagetsu's work recognition. Otherwise, he could create simple, practical inventions that could be widely distributed, allowing him to gather more recognition and accumulate his own stats.

"Next match: Uchiha Obito vs. Hatake Kakashi."

The loud announcement from the referee brought Kagetsu out of his thoughts, and he looked at the field with great interest.

Even though he knew Kakashi would win the fight and that Obito couldn't push Kakashi to his limits, there were still things about both fighters that intrigued him.


Meanwhile, in the Hokage's office...

The Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, having finished his official duties, was watching the matches using a Telescope Technique.

He had visited the academy to give a lecture before and had noticed some promising students, both from civilian backgrounds and small ninja clans. Even though these student battles had many flaws in his eyes, as the Hokage, he could still use their performance to help decide how to assign them to teams in the future.

For instance, which children should be led by Jōnin, which by Chūnin, and which needed special attention and training. Though there would be student grades and reports from the academy teachers, Hiruzen still liked to personally observe and stay informed.


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