
1. Dawn


A dry raspy cough resounds through the empty room echoing from the walls of the hospital.

"It's a beautiful day today" A rough whisper escapes in the from the figure laying on the bed starring outside the window watching the kids in hospital gowns playing in the play ground.


The door flings open as a nurse in her early twenties enter the room with a file in hand.

"Top of the morning" She radiantly greets the figure laying on the bed with blooming smile.

Mmmm...shes greeted back by a nod of affirmation. As the figure sits on the bed.

The nurse gets gets closer to the figure and opens the files on the small desk by the bed and proceeds to check her patients vitals and scribbles something within.

"Well I have good news and bad news, which ones do you wanna hear first" She closes the file and stares at her patient with anticipation in he eyes.

"The good news first please May" A dry voice responds.

"Well, your request was granted and you'll be discharged tomorrow for home observation" She says with a hint of happiness in her voice.

"The bad news..."

"The bad news is it all depends on your vitals observation for tonight. And also a certain someone will be saddened once she hears the news" May says with a hint of sadness innit.

"Oh....she'll be fine. She's a lot stronger than she looks, plus she's been doing better these few months. She'll be going home soon too. I hope" He responds with a saddened but yet sure voice as he puts up a smile on his face.

"She's not the only one who's gonna miss you, you know" May replies as a sad smile appears on her face.

"You know you could be happy for me, you know" He glares at her with a pittiful gaze as he slightly pats her hand.

"I am, it's gonna quiet without you, you know there won't be another 'Magic Nick' with his one man show bringing happiness and spreading positivity on the horizon. You really helped these kids in here. Most of them had lost hope and some of them were too far gone but you brought them back even in your own condition" May chuckles with tears welling up her eyes as she looks out the kids playing in the yard.


"Yeah..." Nick sighs as he follows he gaze and also looks at them as a smile blooms on his face as he watches the kids who were too far gone having made a quick turn and dashed for recovery.

Despite being in a weak state himself suffering from an unknown illness that affected him from a young age rapidly spreading the more he advanced in years. Slowly his physique and demeanor changed as his illness took a toll on his body.

He couldn't do much physical activities and in so doing he took up singing as a hobby and discovered he had an innate singing talent and felt at peace. Soon he picked up writing as well, reading and also writing a few stories as well as as a few songs of his own.

His condition quickly worsened when he reached puberty and was making more rounds to the hospital at night where he'd freeze mid-action and faint and would loose his bearings and lose consciousness. This warranted his mother to work from home and stay home watching over him all the time.

On one particular night Nick's mother was visiting a friend of hers from work to fetch some papers to work on. Something felt amiss as she hurriedly left her friend without finishing her business and sped home after having a bad feeling. Upon arriving home she quickly made way to Nick's room and didn't find him there and searched the entire house frantically yelling his name and froze when upon entering the bathroom upstairs.

What she saw will forever haunt her till this day. In the bathroom was an overfilled tub with a red tint to it and Nick laying in the tub with bleeding slits on his wrists as blood kept gushing out of them.

Since that day Nick was admitted in the hospital for 24/7 observation and care. That was 16 months ago and his health has been rapidly dialing under treatment.

Upon admission he tried many times to leave and failed on numerous occasions. To pass his time he would write and read stories to the children admitted in the hospital and sing in the hallways and cafeteria which in an unintended way raised funds for the children admitted in the hospital. Which in another way lifted their moral and some of their conditions improved.


A slight coughs takes him out his thoughts and he fixes his attention on May. "What?''

"You're doing it again" May responds shaking her head. "Anyway I will be back to check on you later, for now just relax a bit". May walks out of the room with her file in hand.

The day went by quickly with little significance. The next morning Nick was discharged from the hospital and allowed home monitoring since his vitals had been steadily strong.

Hospital family came to pick him up and they went out for dinner to celebrate and had to cut it short due to Nick's situation but everyone was glad and they went home. His mom tucked him in his 'hospital away from hospital' bedroom.


Meredith(Nick's mom) was quite startled to feel the grip of her son's weak hand holding her tight. "Do you need anything else?" She inquires with shock apparent in her voice.

" I'm sorry" Tears start flowing out of Nick's eyes.

"..." Meredith was speechless about this turn of events since since Nick hardly said anything to her ever since the incident, which startled her but was relieved he did.

" I'm sorry I put you through all that, I just wish it didn't happen. I though-.." Nick's words were cut short as a hand blocked his mouth.

"Sshh" " You don't have to apologize. It's all in the past now. Just focus on getting better now. Okay" Tears flowing from her eyes as she tries to wipe them away.

"You're not mad" He asks.

"Of course I am, as soon as you get better you'll get your punishment. But for now I'm happy to have been there before it was too late. You will always be my 'Nickelodeon star' and I would lay down my life for you. Just know that your family loves you so much and you don't have to go through this alone".

"I wont".

"Well tomorrow I'm gonna have a surprise for you. Till then rest these bones of yours and I'll check on you soon" She chuckles as a smile creeps on her face and tears of joy fall on her face.



" hmm baby..?"

" I love you"

" I love you too baby "

Joy, happiness and sadness fills Nick's heart as he finally realizes what's worth living for. That smile on her face. A smile appears on his face as he slowly falls asleep. His vision blurs and and his breath shortens as his feels at peace and his vision is filled with a white light. A smile is plastered on his face as he takes his last breath.

After some time Nick slowly opens his eyes and is blinded by white light. As he slowly gains his bearings he looks around and is surrounded by a white space that spreads as far as the eye can see.

'Where am I' His thoughts sound outlook in the surrounding space.

"Finally awake are we" a grough deep voice echoes from behind him as he is startled by this and turns around to find a bright golden translucent orb the size of a child floating behind him.

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spaghetti_npccreators' thoughts