

Rare people, tends to have rare opportunities like the Kaito Uzumaki, Enjoy the fanfic

99_DRAGONS · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs

The Hyuga affair

The Hyuga clan is known and feared for their Taijutsu powers, the unique Dojutsu Bakugan could see the 360 degrees, along with all the 361 Tenketsu points with it and enabling them long range vision with limits.

Kumogakure head Jonin will try to abduct Hinata Hyuga to know the secrets of Bakugan.

This day is Hinata's birthday as well as Neji's curse sealing day.

Kaito thoughts "I cant save Neji from curse mark : Caged bird, the real reason, I am trying to change the plot is to get permission to learn the gentle fist of Hyuga clan, cause I will awaken the Jogan soon, Taijutsu will be handy, with insight of three tomoe sharingan and vision of Bakugan, it is a OP Dojutsu of shinobi universe, it is rare even among the otsutsuki clan and they themselves classified them as troublesome eyes."

Kaito transformed to a young man with some beard.

Kaito went to the camera shop "Hello man"

Shopkeeper "Welcome sir, what do you want?"

Kaito "I want Latest, Highest Quality camera, which could record fine videos"

Shopkeeper thoughts "Ku, Ku is he from that sector?" and said "For highest quality, you will have this, the biggest one."

Kaito was sweat dropped at the size of camera, "you dont have shorter with more quality?"

Shopkeeper "We recently got one model for trial, but it is not for sale"

Kaito cursed him internally and said "I want that one"

Shopkeeper "No, you cant"

Kaito "I have influence from the police force to anbu to the hokage himself, do you know who is my father is?"

Shopkeeper thought "Oh, he have good looks and also looked like he trained his body a lot, he might actually have connection to some of the elders" and said "Can you please Identity yourself"

Kaito "I am Masashi Kishimoto Saratobi, one of the relative of the Hokage himself" Kaito said it such that the God himself has descended from the heavens.

Shopkeeper thought "to have 3 names he must be a wealthy clan heir" and said "Ok, sir I will give you this one for 5000 ryo with discount what you say"

Kaito "Do you think I am a fool?, damn it"

Shopkeeper feared "I am sorry, here you can have the camera for 1000 ryo"

Kaito "since you reduced the cost, I will favor you if anything troubles you, remember me Masashi Kishimoto Saratobi of the esteemed Saratobi clan"

Kaito moved away with the memory card and other important things, the quality was good enough to see the faces clearly, and that's exactly what I want.

Kaito spent the night, moving around the near the Hyuga manor with this Eye of mind turned on.

After an hour,

He spotted a man, who covered his head infiltrating into the clan manor.

It was recorded.

How the man got out of the manor with Hyuga Hinata in hands and the one strike killing of Hiashi was also recorded.

Kaito thought's "Man have done it, now I am the hero of the hour"

After two days,

Kaito rushed towards the Hokage office,

Receptionist "Hello kid, what do you want, the Hokage is in the meeting with Hyuga clan elders you cant go in"

Kaito "the Hokage is talking about the Kumo ninja right, tell him I got what he exactly want now"

Receptionist "What, how do you know about it kid?"

Kaito "the incident happened when I was training with night vision with camera, so I recorded how the Kumo ninja was killed"

Receptionist "Wow, your awesome, those Kumo brats, we can destroy them, come with me Kaito"

Kaito thoughts "Wow, she is really cool, and not like others, with nasty looks"

Knock, Knock

Hiruzen "Mina, I told you to not disturb"

Kaito thought "so her name is Mina!"

Receptionist "Sorry Hokage sama S-rank evidence about recent Hyuga Incident"

Hiruzen "Who ever it is call them in"

Kaito went inside

Random Hyuga elder as Hokage seeing Kaito "Hokage do you think it is a joke, we are serious in here"

Kaito "I greet the Hokage and Clan head of Hyuga clan along with esteemed clan elder's, please accept my greeting"

Hizashi thought "what a well mannered child, I wonder if Neji grew like him"

Hiruzen "Kaito why are you here?"

Kaito "My apologies Hokage sama, when the incident happened, I was doing my night vision training, carelessly I got into Hyuga district without Knowledge, Luckily I had my camera turn on while the Kumo ninja kidnapping princess Hinata and lord Hiashi killing Kumo ninja in a single strike, here see this" kaito gave the memory card along with the camera

The Elders and all the Hyuga who took part in the discussion where very happy, and got a good feeling about this.

Hiruzen thought "What a good seedling"

Kaito "Then, thank you I will be leaving" Kaito bowed respectfully.

Hiashi "Child wait"

Kaito who was about to leave, held back "Yes sir"

Hiashi cleared his voice "Child you saved me and my brother from a very difficult situation, so I will give you a wish you can ask anything"

Kaito thought "Did my wishes reached the heavens already?"

Hiashi "dont hold back, ask anything I will grant you"

Kaito "I dont know if you will surely grant me what I would ask, but I will give it a try, I want to learn the way of Gentle fist"

Elders, Hizashi and the Hokage himself were shocked!

Kaito "Sorry, if i asked you too much" Kaito looked sad as he made the room guilty.

Hiashi looked at the elders "So, what do you say, can we teach him?"

One of the elders "Well, the art of gentle fist only works with the Kekkei Genkai Bakugan, it is a foolish thing trying to use with out one"

Hiashi sighed "Child do you really want to learn"

Kaito eyes gleamed "Yes"

Hiashi "Dont regret your wish child, I will give you scrolls and one of elite of the branch family as instructor, is it OK"

Kaito "Yes, I will learn the way of Gentle Fist Diligently"

Elders thoughts "even though we are opposed to the fact that a Non Hyuga learning the way of gentle fist, We are proud that the reputation of the Hyuga clan stands the strong, even amongst kids like his age"

Hiashi "Thank you child, honor the way of Gentle fist"

Kaito went outside of the room.

Mina "Good day Kaito, you made the day"

Kaito "Thank you Receptionist"

Mina smiled warmly.

Kaito thought "that warm smile, it is filling my heart, how many of them in this world would have smiled at me like that, I must cherish the people around me, who smile warmly like that"

Mina thought's "Wow, Fourth's Kid is exactly like him, so intelligent"

Kaito went to his home.

Naruto shared his experience with Yota and few acquaintance he met today.

The next day morning,

Tokuma Hyuga came and knocked the door while Kaito was running around the Konoha, to get exhausted and run out of stamina.

Tokuma went inside he saw Naruto sleeping care freely and thought "Were is that kid from yesterday, this kid is that artist kid who paints around the walls, he is not Kaito"

Tokuma went outside and shushined to the top of the tank, to see if Kaito was around and thought "Tch, there is no way" activated Bakugan

Tokuma used his Byakugan to see through things, He spotted Kaito running in the borders of Konoha.

Tokuma "This Kid, he is not normal, even the clan kid's are not this exceptional to have such a strong mindset."

Tokuma shushined again towards Kaito.

Tokuma "Hello, I am Tokuma Hyuga, I have being told to come here for you to learn about the way of Gentle fist"

Kaito stopped and greeted "Thank you, when can we start the lessons?"

Tokuma thought's "this kid, likes to talk directly huh? That's good in it's own way" and said "Come with me near the training grounds"

Kaito "Hai"

Tokuma and Kaito sat together, Tokuma took three of books form the scrolls that he sealed earlier.

The art of Gentle fist.

Chakra river (Flow of chakra)

Wonder's of Tenketsu points

Tokuma read all these books, and learn the steps carefully, I will teach you after a week, I got a mission you see.

Kaito "Thank you Tokuma sensei"

Tokuma blushed and shushined away thought's "He called me sensei, I became a sensei now huh"

Kaito thought's "Good, I will try to get a good grasp of it, the Hyuga style Gentle fist"

Kaito took the books to this house and saw Naruto, how he was sleeping carelessly.

Kaito thought "Yesterday, he had frequent loose motion right, he must be out of energy, that's why he is sleeping like this, I should give him something light, which gives him energy"

Kaito bought breads, banana's and soft cooked eggs in disguise and made him a sandwich for Naruto.

Kaito said him many time not to be picky, Naruto never listens and eats instant ramen, It must have shot up the potassium and sodium rates, by seeing his monthly frequent loose motion, that why he is small when compared to Sasuke and Sakura in the anime.

Kaito thought "Eat for Hunger, not for taste even i we are the Jinchuriki, the Kurama's chakra will save us but, body need all type of nutrition to grow out"

Kaito woke up Naruto,

Naruto "Good morning Big brother"

Kaito "It is past noon, Naruto here have this after brushing your teeth, I made this for you, come fast"

Naruto was happy and rushed to Bathroom.

After few minutes, Naruto "Big brother, thank you for the food"

Kaito had this smile on his face, which was comforting Naruto.

Naruto slept again after eating.

Kaito sighed and went to Hokage, cause this is the end of the month, he called Kaito to give back the scrolls.