

Rare people, tends to have rare opportunities like the Kaito Uzumaki, Enjoy the fanfic

99_DRAGONS · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs

Slice of Life

Itachi and Shisui took enough time to their missions and stuffs.

Kaito practiced his Uzumaki Sealing Techniques and Hyuga's Gentle Fist, to keep in touch.

Suddenly Kaito, didnt have anything to do, he seems to be lost in the way of life.

He sent his clone to Academy, because he wanted more time to concentrate on becoming stronger, become more proficient in wood style and other Ninjutsu, Taijutsu things.

Kaito thoughts "From the time I born, I never had a talk with Kurama, shall I try to go inside the mind scape now?"

Kaito sat in a peculiar yoga pose, going deep inside his brain.

After an hour, Kaito woke from the meditation, he was not able to find the mind scape.

Kaito "Tch, When I will reach the mind scape, I wonder how Naruto is doing his test today"

Mean while at the academy,

The written test completed.

Ino "Hey Uzumaki-Kun How did you write your test"

Kaito's clone "I dont know, the result will speak up for me"

Kaito's faction "That's so cool"

Kaito's clone thought "These bunch of girls they are annoying to hell, that's why the original is not coming here"

Iruka "Students, go outside and stay in the grounds, I will conduct your first Taijutsu spar"

All the students "Hai"

While the students are going to the grounds,

Kaito's clone dispelled itself, no one saw the clone dispell.

@ Uzumaki - Namikaze Residence :

Kaito "What, first Taijutsu spar?, I must go now"

Kaito took time to lock the house and shushined himself to the academy.

Kaito came fast.

Ino "Uzumaki Kun how did you change your dress this fast?"

Kaito "Can you keep it low Yamanaka San"

Naruto "Nii-san do you think, I will be able to take down sasuke?"

Kaito "Did you have spared before?"

Naruto "No"

Kaito "Do you have any academy taijutsu experience"

Naruto "No"

Kaito "Sasuke is some one who is growing in a clan based environment, were people teach him advance techniques and stuff's, Do you think you can take down sasuke now?"

Naruto "No"

Kaito places his hands on Naruto's hair, "I believe in you Naruto, you can do anything"

Naruto's eyes shed tears

The Girls in the grounds started fangirling at Kaito and Sasuke.

Choji vs Shikamaru

Choji and Shikamaru didnot fight,

Shikamaru raised his hands to complete the unison sign, Choji and Shikamaru did the unison sign and went apart.

Iruka announced, "Sasuke and Kaito! Come forward"

Sasuke smirked heavily, as he wanted to do this always, now it is time.

Sasuke Faction "GO and get him Sasuke"

Naruto and Ino "Go Kaito show who you are"

Sakura "Ha, Sasuke will win in a blink of an eye He is a Uchiha, he had training from very young age"

Naruto "Dont say that Sakura-chan, Nii-san is always strong"

Sasuke "Sensei, I dont want bounds, since it is my first taijutsu match, I want to fight and defeat fair and square"

Kaito "Yes sensei, it seems a good idea"

Iruka was in opposition first, but he accepted it later as all the girls demanded for it.

Kaito faction "GO GO Kaito!"

Kaito kept the signal for battle, sasuke "Come Kaito!"

Kaito took a stance of Gentle fist.

Hinata thoughts "That's Gentle fist"

Sasuke threw a barrage of Punches and kicks, and it was all blocked.

Sasuke thought "Damn, none of my taijutsu is working on him"

Before Sasuke could react, Kaito blocked his chakra from the right hand, sasuke's hand got numb.

Kaito "You Lose Sasuke", after closing a point at his right hand sasuke intended to throw his leg at the face of Kaito

Kaito closed the main Tenketsu point.

Sasuke Fainted.

Iruka "Wow, Kaito won against Sasuke Uchiha in terms of Taijutsu"

Mizuki "That damn Nine tails brat, making look Uchiha heir weak, next time, i will crush his brother with the same Uchiha"

All the boys were in awe and shock, the sasuke faction girls some betrayed him and went to Kaito Faction,

Naruto jumped in joy, Ino got excited.

Hinata was happy because Naruto was happy.

Sasuke was in the infirmary for a day and woke up slowly woke up,

Sasuke "What happened Why am i here?"

Sasuke's mother and Sakura was peeling apples for sasuke.

Mikoto "Ha, you have woke up sasuke, time god my baby is wake, here eat apples"

Sasuke "Did I get defeated in the spar?"

Sakura "Yes, Sasuke" said sadly "He must have cheat some how"

Sasuke trembled in frustration, how he could dare to stand in front of his father, it will be so tiring, to be called failure.

Mikoto thought "This girl, she falsifying and blaming someone with ease, what a trash"

Sasuke "That might be the case, or else he could never win against Uchiha"

Mikoto thoughts "Like father like son, always saying Uchiha that, Uchiha this" Mikoto sighed

Sasuke ate apples as his mom gave him.

Sakura "Take care sasuke"

Sasuke "Hn"

Mikoto "Sasuke do you like that girl?"

Sasuke "Mom!, it is not like that"

Kaito flicked inside the room through window,

Mikoto "you are.." thought "What the hell, is he Minato"

Kaito "Hello Aunt Mikoto, I am Uzumaki Kaito, Sasuke's classmate"

Mikoto "So you are the one who made Sasuke like this"

Kaito "Well, it was a spar, we told sensei to bend some of the rules, to decide the winner"

Sasuke "Why did you come here?"

Kaito "Your right hand feels numb right"

Sasuke "Yes"

Kaito "Excuse me Aunt, a minute Sasuke"

Kaito activated his jogan and opened the Tenketsu point.

Sasuke "What did you do?"

Kaito "there are a total of 361 Tenketsu points in the body were chakra flows, I thought, if I made your Right arm, not work for a minute you will withdraw, but you aimed for my face cowardly, so I just closed your main Tenketsu, you will feel ease now, and reflect on yourself, you should not use cowardly moves which will damage lethally at your comrade, a classmate"

Mikoto thought "Kushina's child has grown more like his father, the way he talks, is also the same, Just like Minato" and asked "Sasuke did you throw Lion's Barrage at his face?"

Sasuke did not look her at the eye and stayed quiet.

Kaito "So, next time Sasuke" poof...

Mikoto "Shadow clone jutsu!, he can use a forbidden jutsu at his age, what a genius, just like Itachi!"

Hearing this Sasuke got even enraged.

Sasuke thought "Kaito you, How dare you! Out perform me!"

Soon sasuke's eyes transformed into crimson red.

Sasuke awaken Single tomoe Sharingan.

Mikoto "What, sasuke you awakened you sharingan, you are a genius too" Mikoto hugged sasuke

Sasuke felt proud and arrogant at the same time,

Sasuke thoughts "Now that, I awakened my sharingan, I will defeat you Kaito Uzumaki."


@ Hyuga Manor:

Hinata "Oto-san, I saw a boy doing gentle fist in the academy"

Hiashi thought "Is she talking about Kaito?, he must have realize that, it is futile to use Gentle fist without Byakugan, how he is still using it?" and said "Natsu!"

Natsu "Yes Clan head"

Hiashi "Summon Tokuma"

Natsu "Clan head, Tokuma have left for two year mission"

Hiashi "Hmm... I must ask him about Kaito, Hinata! was he able to do the spar correctly?"

Hinata "There was no flaws, blocking was as good as Neji Nii-san, Kaito blocked Uchiha's Right Hand's Tenketsu point and main Tenketsu, it took two moves"

Hiashi "It seems, it runs in blood he must have inherited that man's talents"

Hinata "that man's talents ?"

Hiashi "Hinata, as the current Heiress of the clan, you should not loose to that boy in the Gentle fist technique"

Hinata thought "But in the future he is brother in law, how?" and said "Yes Oto-san I will not lose"

Hinata went blushing, thinking of Uzumaki as her family.

@ Itachi's House

Fugaku "Ha, It seems my youngest son awakened sharingan, I am proud, this is history in the making, he have awaken it at the age of 7, even Itachi awakened it at the age of 8"

Itachi "How is your body Sasuke, I was told you were bedridden"

Sasuke "I am fine Nii-san" pouts

Mikoto "there Hot servings"

Mikoto gave rice to everyone.

The Uchiha family in unison "Itadakimasu"

@ the Konoha forest

Kaito and Naruto in Unison "Itadakimasu"

Kaito hunted boar,Naruto and Kaito used spices and salt, made it so tasty to eat, Naruto recovered slowly by eating meat weekly, it helped.

It was able to satisfy the Uzumaki's appetite.

Naruto "I got my fill Dattebayo"

Kaito "rest well Naruto, then Bye"

Naruto Hugged Kaito "I am thankful to have you Nii-san"

Kaito thought "It might be tough for him after all"

In Kaito's past life, after this father died, he was not able to find love, it was all money minded people surrounded him.

The life was bitter for Kaito.

Kaito "you will always have your Nii-san, I will support you always, no matter what" Kaito hugged Naruto back.

The scene was heartwarming.