
Destroyer of Destroyers

Puente Antiguo, New Mexico-

-June 2, 2010, 1015h local-

"Somebody really wants to kill you, man." Naruto said as he lazily stared at the incoming army, though it's only a mask for his excitement.

"I have no idea that Loki was given access to all of Asgard's defenses." Thor somberly replied.

"Right. That blue-eyed emo bitch ass illusionists." Naruto supplemented with a satisfied nod.

Thor turned around and glared at Naruto.

"Have care with how you speak. He's still my brother..." Thor practically growled out before realizing something. "Did you say blue? His eyes are green."

"Do you really want to talk about his eyes right now?" Naruto asked incredulously but filed that information for later.

"You're right. We should deal with them..." Thor answered before his expression turned a little darker. "Even if we die trying. Midgard doesn't have the power to deal with one Destroyer, not to mention ten."

The atmosphere turned a little more somber as they realized how, for the lack of a better term, fucked they were. Well, everyone except for Naruto.

"Naruto..." Thor called out. "I understand that you're a soldier of some kind. I would like for you to take Jane, Darcy, and Erik away from here."

Naruto just stared at Thor for quite a while, letting the Destroyers get closer and closer before releasing a full-blown laugh.

"Hell nah. Why'd you think I cleared this town?" Naruto let out, surprising everybody. "Though I can take them out of here. I can do that much..." He pulled three stones from his pocket and tossed them at the 'humans.' "Don't barf when you land. The others won't appreciate it."

They would've asked a question, but they suddenly disappeared. The trio arrived at a mountain face overlooking the town quite some distance away. Around them was what they assumed were all the other residents, bound and gagged.

"W-w-wha-what's this?" Darcy shakily asked.

"Judging from the guys in the suit over there..." Erik pointed to one group of tied-up guys. "It looks like the blondie isn't an agent after all."

Back in the town, Thor, Sif, and the Warrior's Three were staring at Naruto with a dumbfounded expression. Transportation magic is one of the pinnacles of Asgardian magic. It either requires a specially made object to channel the energy from Yggdrasil or using dark energy to bypass most of the barriers. From the stories, the seidrs of Midgard were said to have a variation of a transportation spell but operate on a different school of magic. However, that's no magic. That much was for sure.

"What are you?" Sif asked in a whisper.

"I'm just a guy who's a little bored and saw the opportunity to alleviate some of it..." Naruto responded with a shrug before pulling out five three-pronged knives. "You can do what you want, but I suggest you stay right there based on how only one was able to wipe the floor with your asses."

The Warrior's three wanted to refute Naruto's assertion, but he suddenly threw all of his knives toward the army before suddenly disappearing the same way as Jane, Darcy, and Erik. Not even a second later, five domes of air erupted from the vanguard of the Destroyer army. It left behind eight mangled Destroyer bodies and at least ten damaged ones.

"By the All-father." Sif gasped out.

Thor snapped out of his stupor when an explosion of fire occurred in the middle of the army. The Destroyers were already focusing their attention on Naruto, so they were able to have a bit of a breather.

"We're not going to miss our chance for a battle..." Thor started. "The bards will sing our greatness across the stars. Valhalla doors will be open wide for our arrival..." He spun his hammer around, gathering the storm clouds up in the sky. "Come on, friends! Glory awaits!"

Thor flew high up the sky, gathering the lightning into his hammer before slamming it straight down towards the center of a cluster of four Destroyers sending them flying. These Destroyers remained unfazed and stood up rather quickly. That's when Sif and the Warrior's three arrived and taking on one Destroyer each. However, it quickly became apparent that they were barely gaining ground against their opponents. Only their superior skills, impeccable teamwork, and Thor's firepower and support enabled them to slowly defeat the four Destroyers.

After five minutes of intense battle, they were able to put down and damage the Destroyers using Thor's lightning and weather manipulation abilities. He dismantled the armor revealing a flame core eerily similar to the Eternal Flame. Too similar in fact.

The group turned around after another explosion occurred. But this time, it sounded like something heavy landed on the ground. Littered around the area where different parts of around 30 Destroyers. Some were more damaged than others, but all were non-operational.

At the forefront of the assault was Naruto, kicking, punching, and ripping his way through the Destroyer Army. He's not even using any of his Chakra Techniques now since he found out how he severely overestimated the durability of the walking tanks. They're just like the durability of a top-class chakra armor with an added regeneration perk. Not like that it's much help.

Naruto could kick through the torso of a destroyer with a moderately powered kick. He can also tank multiple concentrated fire lasers even without chakra enhancement on his skin since the chakra metal under his skin could endure almost any attack. He's basically stronger, faster, tougher than the Destroyer assholes.

Of course, even through the mildly disappointing but still entertaining fight, Naruto didn't forget to take a sample of the metal. It's as, if not, more durable than Vibranium but without the kinetic energy absorbing capabilities. Although, his chakra could move through the metal without much difficulty. Something to test for later.

Naruto just finished off the eightieth Destroyer by plunging both his arms through the chest and ripping it apart when he decided to take stock of the situation. Ten minutes of chunin level taijutsu with minor strength enhancement and he already defeated that much. To be fair, the first twenty or so were defeated with chakra techniques like Rasengan and Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu.

Far behind Naruto were the Asgardians, staring gobsmacked at him. Well, the five of them were able to defeat four Destroyers so they're not completely incompetent.

"You guys going to just sit there and watch or are you going to..." Naruto didn't even get to finish his statement when a daring Destroyer blasted him at the back of his head. The skin and hair at the back of his head were basically burned off revealing the metal under the skin underneath. Even without the Shinigami eyes activated, he could easily imagine the surprised expression from the Asgardians but that's neither here nor there as he was already healing.

"You motherfucker. I'm talking here!" Naruto dashed towards the interrupting Destroyer.

A fraction of a second later, Naruto's arms were already around the Destroyer's head, and after a quick maneuver around it, he already removed the head. He let it drop down the ground as well as the head.

"That just leaves fifteen of you guys..." Naruto said while cracking his neck before flashing a hungry smile. "What are you going to do now?"

Three Destroyer's opened their faceplates and charged up the fire laser thing but they were the ones interrupted this time. An arrow seemingly made if the light hit the middle Destroyer causing an explosion and launching the three backward.

Naruto knows that arrow and who shot it. He immediately opened his Shinigami eyes and confirmed his suspicions. He saw a black SUV approaching from another end of the street with a slightly injured Phil driving it and Clint standing through the sunroof with the special bow Naruto made.

Phil had been injured by the Destroyers' initial attack including most of his men. Sadly, three of the agents were too heavily injured and quickly succumbed to their injuries. Clint, as the highest uninjured officer on the field, had to coordinate the medical team and the coverup for the eventual fallout.

After setting up the base, Phil and Clint decided that they have to do their goddamn jobs and stop the walking murder tanks. That's where the very overpowered bow comes in. It might not be able to defeat the murder tanks but it sure can hinder their advance rather effectively.

"Hey! Find your own death machines to fuck up!" Naruto shouted to the quickly approaching agents.

Clint was able to read Naruto's lips so he was able to reply.

"No way!" Clint answered while quick-firing low-powered shots with an occasional power shot. "Fury would bust a gasket if we didn't do shit!"

That was certainly true but the missed pun opportunity caused was Naruto's primary cause of concern. Nevertheless, he 'allowed' for Phil and Clint to continue their bombardment. Only the high-powered shots were able to damage the Destroyers but they quickly heal themselves.

Naruto decided to end the fight as the appeal quickly died down since the Destroyers were not much of a challenge. Small cuts appeared around his arm and a bunch of threads bursts out from it.

The threads rushed towards the remaining Destroyers and buried themselves through the cracks. It spread out inside the Destroyers, taking over the movement functions. Using only the threads, Naruto controlled the Destroyers making them fight each other.

However, the Destroyers punching and kicking each other was highly ineffective as the lightweight metal armor and regenerative capabilities made them shrug off the attacks. In the end, he just pulled on the strings, ripping them apart into scrap metals. The threads retreated into Naruto's skin before the skin closed. Wriggling masses moved from his arms towards his heart until all the wriggling slowly disappeared.

If the Asgardians were shocked then, it couldn't compare now. Their eyes glued on Naruto, unblinking. Nothing, absolutely nothing in the whole known universe has that powerful of skill and as diverse. The All-Father himself has a large assortment of skills but only a few were reach levels that could easily obliterate the Destroyers, all of which are either facilitated by the Odin-force or magic.

Naruto turned around and opened his mouth to say something towards the Asgardians when he suddenly stopped.

"Motherfucker!" Naruto exclaimed before turning towards Clint and Phil. "Everyone from the town and some of your agents are in that mountain over there..." Seeing Clint and Phil's questioning glance, Naruto continued. "Code Green in Culver."

"Fuck..." Clint groaned out and Phil clearly shared the sentiment. "Well, good luck then."

"I thought dealing with that kind of stuff is your job?" Naruto asked.

"No no no. 'This' is our job..." Phil clarified. "Somebody else will deal with that one."

"Well, see you later, I guess..." Naruto resignedly said before disappearing, leaving what they assumed was a clone. "Come on, let's deal with the aliens." The clone said before walking towards the Asgardians.

-Culver University, Willowdale, Virginia-

-June 2, 2010, 1230h local-

"Hey! Why did you..." A humvee door slammed straight to his face, interrupting his question. The heavy door dropped to the ground. "allow him to enter?"

Erik brushed off the cartoon-worthy scene and answered.

"You think I could stop him from doing anything?" Erik took a peek around the tree, seeing a massive Hulk rampaging through the army.

"Is it worth it though?" Naruto asked.

"Looks like it..." Erik replied while checking his gear. "Banner was able to get a rendezvous point from Stern. In Brooklyn."

Naruto's serious atmosphere instantly changed, turning into something more jovial. Excited even.


"Tonight. Why?"

"Hammer's going to present his Hammeroid line in Stark Expo."

"Why? What's so special with Hammer tech?"

"Cause those Hammeroids were upgraded by an Ivan Vanko..." Naruto answered with a smile. "You know the same Vanko who almost killed Tony Stark."

"Oh..." Erik said in realization. "and Stark Expo is in Queens..." He continued before staring at the rampaging Hulk. "New York is going to be a warzone."