
Naruto in Danmachi?[Dropped]

This is my first novel and English is not my mother language. Please forgive me and let me know if u guys find grammer and other mistakes. XD

MelioDas678 · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Quest and System points

When Emiya reach the gate, two armed people who seems to be guards of the gate stops him. "Hay kid, you do not seems to be around here" said one guard while frowning towards Emiya.

"Ahh yes i just arrived at Orario to became a advanturer" Emiya replied. "I see, well do your best kid. Find a great familia and stay out of trouble. The registering for officially staying can be done up ahead" the other guard said while making way for Emiya to go into the city. As he was walking into the city,

[Host is recommended to go into the dungeon first and find some valis since host is currently has no vails and completely broke]

Hima said to him like a robot but with a cute voice. 'Ahh yes, i dont even have enought money to make register at the guild or to officially stays in the city. well i should be ok at least on the first floor right?' he thought and went straight toward the dungeon.

Since it was early in the morning and many advantures are heading towards the dungeon, Emiya easily slip though the guards that are guarding the dungeon entrance. He kept walking into the dungeon and stop when there is no advanture near his proximity. He took out sword of kusanagi from the system and hang it at his waist." Even if things turn out worse, i could use instant recovery pill. " he said and started walking deeper.

While he was walking he heard some noices. Emiya make his stance like a samurau that is about to draw his katana and slowly goes towards the sound while remaining hight alet. And the source of the sound was a goblin. A level 1 monster with sharp teeth and and 3 horns at the head. Before goblin notice him,

" Shadow clone jutsu " he said and used his shadow clone jutsu. Like A small smoke bomb exploding a figure that looks exectly like Emiya appear with a 'poof' sound while taking the same stance as him. 'it seems i don't have to do hand signs to use it and I can only create one clone for now'

As if woke up by the sound of shadow clone appearing the goblin charge towards both Emiya. Emiya freaks out by the sudden move of the goblin and thought if the clone takes the aggro first, he would be able to finish the goblin easily.Then he looks towards the clone. The clone looks him back and they eye met for a second. The clone understood his thoughts immediately chargs towards the goblin. The goblin jump and try to hit the clone with his sharp claws. The clone guarded with his sword and try to stabs the goblin but the stab miss and the goblin bit the neck of the clone without mercy. At that exact moment Emiya charge and stabs the head of the goblin with his sword. The sword pierce thought the head. The goblin screemed and his body truns into ash and a small magic stone drops into the ground then the clone disppear with a poof.

As soon as the clone disppear, Emiya's eyes turn wide as what the clone experiance rush into him like a tide. The pain the clone felt while being bitten was really bad. ' so this is how shadow clone works' he thought. It seems the clone has exact same thoughts as him and is aware that he was a clone and would even acts as a bait for the main body. Since the clone share the same thoughts as him, they could act in harmony without having to say anything and after the clone disppear all the things the clone experianced will comes back to the original. While he was lost in thought he suddenly heart a cute voice in his head.

[ Ding! ]

[ Host has defeated the first monster ]

[ Requirements met-

Quest system unlocked]

[A daily quest has arrived]

[ daily quest - kill 1 monster ( completed )

- rewards all starts + 30.

- system points + 10

[ do you wish to collect your reward?]

"yes please" Emiya said hapily.

[Affirmitive rewards have been collected]


Name - Emiya

Level - 1

Str - I | 0 > I | 30

End - I | 0 > I | 30

Agi - l | 0 > | | 30

Dex - I | 0 > I | 30

Mgi - I | 0 > l | 30

Skills - Shadow clone justu

- Blessing of life, death and creation

system points : 10]

"hay what does the system points do?" Emiya asked.

[ System points are currency used by the system shop. Host can buy various things in the system shop]

[ Host is directly connected to the goddess of Life, Death and Creation thought the system. System points are the amount of power of the goddess host can use. System shop uses the points and create the things that host wish to buy. ]

" Ahh so if you put it clearly the system shop is the creation power of the goddess?"

[Host is correct]

" How can i get more points then?"

[ Host can aquire more points by completing quests]

[ Quests can be trigger base on the desires of the host]

" I see. So can i check the shop?" he asked.

[ Affirmative . Opening shop-

Emiya checked the shop window and there is a lot of things starting from a coffee cup to a legendary weapons that can wipe out half of the universe with a snap. Well those weapons naturally costs tens of billions of system points. He closed the shop and pick up the magic core of the goblin he killed and put it in the inventory.

'Alright i am going to get some vails and join a familia' he thought.

[ Quest triggered: Join a familia- difficulity (easy)

Reward - All stats + 30

- system points + 10]

' So thats how it works but the rewards are not that good since the difficulity is easy ' he thought and continue walking in the dungeon.

It was almost noon when Emiya came out of the dungeon and he killed around 15 goblins. He bought a cloth pouch from the shop which cost 1 system points and put the magic stones in the pouch since he dont want to pull out magic stones out of thin air when he exchange them.

Emiya arrived at the guild building. Advantures and guild employees are busy going here and there. When Emiya arrrived at the reception , a beautiful female half elf with brown hair and emerald eyes greeted him.

"Hello advanturer, how can i help you today"


Name - Emiya

Level - 1

Str - I | 30

End - I | 30

Agi - | | 30

Dex - I | 30

Mgi - l | 30

Skills - Shadow clone justu

- Blessing of life, death and creation

system points : 9

(Shadow clone jutsu -rank (B)

- divides the user mana equally to create a clone. minimum amount of mana required to create a clone- 50 ( the endurance of the clones is a third of original and it can be enchance by the amount of mana used to create the clone. the attack power remains the same.)

(Blessing of life, death and creation- rank (SS)

- blessing of the goddess of life, death and creation. Allows the host to have a lifespan longer than normal humans and allows the user to looks young until the day of death and grands the host affinity toward all elements and The items host create shall have a increased stats and more effects than their normal counter parts. ( The childs of host shall be superior in every way than normal humans)