
Naruto in Danmachi?[Dropped]

This is my first novel and English is not my mother language. Please forgive me and let me know if u guys find grammer and other mistakes. XD

MelioDas678 · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs


" Hello advanturer, How can I help you today " a beautiful half elf spoke smile. 'Wow, Eina really is a beauty' Emiya thought. "Hello Miss, I am Emiya and I just arrived at Orario. I wish to join a familia and register as a advanturer" Emiya said with a smile.

"I am Eina Tulle, an employee of the guild. I would be happy to help you Emiya-kun. Please follow me for registeration" Eina said while leading Emiya to one of the private rooms behind. While Emiya was following Eina, He just realized that his clothes that are dirty with swept and dirt are now clean as new. ' Hay Hima, why is my clothes clean as new after all those work out?'

[ This is due to the self repairing function of the clothes. It seems the clothes register being dirty as damage. Therefore, they repaired back to its intital clean stage]

'ahh i see, That's really convenient.'

While Emiya was lost in thought, They arrived at the room and Eina hand over the forms needed to fill for registeration. Emiya filled the forms and give them back to Eina.

" Level 1 and currently has no familia. Do you have a familia you wish to join or Do you want me to recomment you a current recuiting familias?" Eina said why touching her glasses.

"Ah yes. There is a familia i wish to join Tulle-san"

" Just call my Eina and may i ask which familia you wish to join?"

" Its Hastia famila. Does goddess Hastia finding for famila members?"

" Right, She came here a few days ago asking if there is someone who wish to join her familia."

"That's a good news then" Emiya replied with a chearful smile which made Eina blush a bit.

" Alight i will let goddess Hastia knows about this and after joining her familia, you will need to report again to the guild to make you a official advanturer" Eina replied while packing the forms that Emiya filled.

"Eh.. by the way miss Eina. Is it possible for me to exchange some magic stones?"

" yes it is but you will have to pay a 10% fee. Give me the stones , i will exchange it for you" Eina replied and Emiya give her the magic stones with a yes please expression.

A while later Eina came back with a pouch and said "Here is your Vails Emiya. A goblin worth around 230 vails and 15 goblin minus 10%. Its 3150 vails. Not bad for a beginner i would say"

"Ahh thank" Emiya replied with a its not that good expression. He took the money and went out of the guild building. He havent eat anything since morning and felt a little hungry. So he start walking from the guild building. After walking for about 5min he heard a voice from behind.

" Hay yellow head boy with whisker marks."

Emiya looked back since the descripection match with his appearence. Then a loli goddess jumps on him before he was able to turn back fully. Emiya falls backwards due to the momentum .

" Are you the one that wish to join my familia?" the loli godess asked with sparks in her blue eyes.

"Ahh so you kust be the goddess Hastia. Yes i wish to join your familia goddess" Emiya replied.

"Can you move a little goddess? The others are watching us as if we are weird"

"Ahh sorry" Hastia moved away from Emiya and Asked again if Emiya really wanted to join her famila. Emiya smiled and said "yes goddess Hastia, I really wish to join your familia. The reason i wish to join is I want to join a familia and starts from nothing " .

" Very well i shall help you in your advanture and and your dream" Hastia said with dignity lnlike her usual clusmy self.

"By the way my name is Emiya ,goddess Hastia. Nice to meet you."

"Ahh i already knew from the guild and Nice to meet you too Emiya"

"Alright, as you dont have a place to stay, you can stay with me at my home. Well you are joining my famila anyway." Hastia said.

"Yes goddess please lead fhe way" Emiya replied.

They arrived at the abandoned chuch and Hastia said" its not much but please make your self at home ok?" "its ok goddess. I am sure we will improve it in the future"

"Alright took off your shirt and lay on the stomatch on the sofa. I will give you my blessing and makes you official member of hastia famila."

Emiya did as he was told and Hastia used a needle to make a drop of blood and put it on his back. at that moment,


[ Quest completed: Join a familia- difficulity (easy)

Reward - All stats + 30

- system points + 10]

[All rewards have been received]


Name - Emiya

Level - 1

Str - I | 30 > I | 60

End - I | 30 > I | 60

Agi - l | 30 > | | 60

Dex - I | 30 > I | 60

Mgi - I | 30 > l | 60

Skills - Shadow clone justu

- Blessing of life, death and creation

system points : 19]

Hastia eyes went wide after seeing the stats ot Emiya. 'Wow he even has a skilll' she thought. then she updated his stats.

[Requirements met!]

[ Secondary stats unlocked]

[ The individuals of this world can only increase their stats after being updated by their gods]

[However, Host can keep his stats up to date thought secondary stats ]

'so thats why i dont feel stronger after the first quest reward' Emiya thought and viewed his new stats.


Name - Emiya

Level - 1

Str - I | 60 > I | 71

End - I | 60 > I | 61

Agi - l | 60 > | | 65

Dex - I | 60 > I | 68

Mgi - I | 60 > l | 80

Skills - Shadow clone justu

- Blessing of life, death and creation

system points : 19]

Hastia copied his stats on a paper and give it to him.

Name - Emiya

Level - 1

Str - I | 71

End - I | 61

Agi - I | 65

Dex - I | 68

Mgi - l | 80

Skills - Shadow clone justu

" hay do you know how to youe your skill? " Hastia asked.

" Oh yes. Shadow clone justu " emiya said while holding the paper and another Emiya appears.

Hastia when wow and then try to poke the clone to see if she could touch it. The clone smile at Hastia and then disppear with poof sound. Hastia was frighten that she accidently make the clone disppear until Emiya explained her that it was him that release the clone and they dont disppear with just a touch.

"Hay goddess its noon now. have you ate anything? do you wish to go eat something with me?" Emiya asked.

"yeah but we dont have any money do we?" Hastia replied with a sad expression.

"Thats ok goddess. i have some vails. Come on lets go eat"

"Really? then lets go" Hastia happlily grab Emiya hand and two left towards the city.

Just like that the birth of the strongest famila in the world took place without anyone noticing it.