
Naruto:I have light release

mc dies and reborn with light based power's in naruto. no harem, weaktostrong, calculative mc. i dont own naruto or its character if i did, i wouldn't be writing this shitty fan fic. i only own my oc. also this is my first time writing a fan fiction enjoy

shittygod · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

almost every first chapter of anime fan fic

Upon waking up from my slumber, I found myself in a completely unknown room. One might expect panic to consume me; however, to my surprise, I remained remarkably calm and collected.

The room or rather, this place, was entirely white, emitting a radiant glow that added to its surreal ambiance. After a while, I began to examine myself. I could see my hands and legs, but an unusual sensation overcame me—I felt as light as a literal cloud as if I lacked any physical mass.

I stood there for some time, thinking why or how I ended here. as far I can remember I reached home from my shift and slept on the couch.


not able to come up with anything, I start walking in a straight direction, after going some distance I saw an old man with a very big beard wearing glasses sitting behind a desk. reviewing and signing some papers.

"ahm, sir do u know what this place is?"

Upon hearing him, the old man slowly lifted his gaze, his eyes widening in disbelief. Time appeared to stand still as his mind struggled to grasp the bewildering scene that unfolded before him. In that fleeting moment, he was rendered utterly speechless, captivated by the unexpected sight that defied all logic and reason.

"Damn, that shitty god...always causing problems for me,"

he muttered. He let out a deep sigh, his face contorted in agony. he stood up from his chair and the desk start melting within the environment and vanished after a few seconds.

looking at him closely I found he was a very big and muscular guy he looked like Dumbledore on steroids. I also noticed he was not wearing any cloth his private part was covered by anime censor light rays.

As I caught sight of him, my eyes widened, and I couldn't help but embrace myself tightly. An exaggerated horrified expression took over my face. In my mind, I blurted out, 'Oh no! I've been kidnapped by an old pervert!!'

"noo! Anything but that...."

As if reading my mind, his face flushed with anger, turning a shade of crimson. His left eye twitched uncontrollably. he summoned a baseball bat and smack me on the head.


"Ouch! What was that for?" I exclaimed, rubbing the spot where I had been hit.

"Shut up and listen!"

the old man snapped, his face filled with urgency.

"Zach, you have...died."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.


I shouted, a mixture of shock and denial coursing through me.

"You must be playing a prank on me, right? Is this some sick joke? Don't you dare mess with me! I'll sue u when I get out!"

My words were laced with frustration and disbelief as I desperately clung to the hope that it was all a twisted prank. The idea of my own death seemed unfathomable, like a nightmare that I couldn't wake up from.

But the old man's expression remained serious, his wrinkled face reflecting the weight of his words. Deep down, I couldn't shake the growing sense of dread that this was not a joke, but a devastating reality I had yet to fully comprehend.

"Did you really feel pain when I hit you?" the old man questioned.

"What?!" I exclaimed, my mind reeling from his words.

As I reflected on the sensation, I realized that it hadn't been genuine pain. It was more of an instinctual reaction. The truth began to sink in, I couldn't feel anything, and my body seemed weightless, like a cloud.

"It's because you're just a soul,"

the old man continued, his voice filled with a strange mix of wisdom and solemnity.

"You have escaped the cycle of samsara."

"Right... Now you find yourself in a place where everything begins and everything ends. A place that exists between everything and nothing... Limbo," he explained.

The concept of being trapped in a realm neither here nor there sent shivers down my spine. I tried to make sense of it all, grappling with the notion that I was in a state of transition, detached from the physical world and its familiar sensations.

With a trembling voice and a heavy heart, I meekly murmured, unable to fully comprehend the weight of the revelation before me.

"Who... who are you?" I asked, my words barely escaping my lips.

"I am the embodiment of creation and destruction, life and death. Humans refer to me as 'God,' but I prefer to be known as 'Destiny'."

As I gathered my composure from the overwhelming revelation, I mustered the courage to address the enigmatic entity before me.

"Lord Destiny," I spoke, my voice steadier now, "what lies ahead for me?"

In response, the divine presence, adorned with an air of wisdom and solemnity, placed a hand gently on its chin, deep in contemplation. Time seemed to stretch as Lord Destiny pondered.

"Lord Destiny," I pleaded, my voice filled with longing, "is it within your power to grant me the chance of reincarnation on Earth once more?"

With a deep, solemn sigh, Lord Destiny conveyed the immutable truth of the situation.

"In the vast expanse of the omniverse," Lord Destiny began, their voice tinged with a mixture of melancholy and purpose, "every universe operates within the confines of a set number of souls at any given time. This delicate equilibrium is essential to maintain the integrity and harmony of the cosmos. For if the balance were disrupted, it could unravel the very fabric of the universe itself."

"The cycle of samsara was designed precisely to prevent the overflow of souls within the realms of existence. It served as an intricate mechanism, ensuring that each departing soul made way for a new arrival, maintaining the equilibrium that sustained the cosmic order."

he continued. "for some unknown reason, samsara did not take your soul, a new soul was created to take your place, fulfilling the intricate design of the universe."

As I heard his words, a wave of sadness washed over me, and I found myself bowing down in despair. However, at that moment, a sudden recollection dawned upon me, reminding me of god, who destiny was calling shitty god.

"What about the god you were talking about?" I asked hopefully.

He let out a sigh filled with both hatred and helplessness.

"That fucker... does indeed possess the capability to accomplish those tasks," he replied with a hint of bitterness. "However, regrettably, he lacks any interest in the vast omniverse and instead displays an unparalleled level of laziness. It was for this very reason that he created me, my siblings, and the concept of samsara to govern over the omniverse's affairs. Even if I put effort to reach out to him, he consistently disregards my attempts at communication."

"What a shitty god," I exclaimed, expressing my astonishment and disdain for the situation.

"Yes, exactly," he agreed, his voice resonating with a shared understanding and frustration.

"so, I'm gonna be stuck in this limbo for eternity," I said sadly

"No, I said I can't reincarnate u on Earth but I can in another universe that is in the process of creation"

suddenly 4 options appeared in front of me.

naruto x69

attack on Titan a67678

chainsaw man v34

berserk hz467

"These 4 universes are in the process of creation and u somewhat are aware of them"

seeing this option sweatdrop appears behind me. In Naruto, u are useless if u don't have Senju or Uchiha blood in the last arc. The chainsaw man power system sucks if ain't a devil. u either have to make a deal devil and give something to gain some of their power or else let devil possess u and hope that they do not take all of your brain. about aot and berserk do I even need to say anything?

Considering my choices, I finally settled on the Naruto universe. However, my hopes of selecting a specific clan and timeline were swiftly dashed.

"No, you can't," came the disheartening reply.

After mulling it over for a while, I reluctantly accepted my fate and said, "Okay, Naruto it is."

"Good choice," Destiny responded with an unchanging expression.

Then an intriguing thought struck me. "What about a cheat? Since I'm supposed to reincarnate from a superpowerless world to a world of ninjas and aliens, shouldn't I be given a cheat to level the playing field?"

He pondered my request for a moment before conceding, "Hmm, okay."

Suddenly, a lucky draw machine materialized before me.

"This machine contains thousands of talents and power..." he began.

"Wait!" I interjected, "Can't you grant me powers through a wish?"

"No, because you would likely wish for something that breaks the logic of that universe," he explained.

"I promise I won't," I assured him.

"I trust that I know what's best for you," he replied.

"Alright then," I reluctantly accepted.

I pulled the lever, and the screen on the machine began to rotate. After a brief moment, the word 'light' appeared.

"Hmm, a light-based power," he remarked, jotting something down in a book.

Suddenly, I started to vanish before my eyes.

"What's happening?!" I exclaimed in confusion.

"Oh, don't worry. Your soul is being transported to the samsara of that universe," he explained calmly.

"Will I lose my memory?" I inquired anxiously.

"No, you won't lose your memory, but it might get a bit jumbled," he replied.

As those words escaped his lips, my vision began to blur, and a creeping sense of unconsciousness washed over me.