

Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto got neglected by his family and godparent as they favoured his twin siblings, Menma and Mito. At the age of 6, he stumbled upon a chest that has 3 weird looking fruit and ate them. Not only he got some from powers from them, but 2 weird looking old man also said that he is their reincarnation. "So what if my parent neglected me, my godparents did not give a damn about me and favoured my pampered younger siblings, in the end, I am stronger than them."

ARCHER07 · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs


The night of October tenth, a disaster had befallen Konohagakure. Unaware and unprepared the village was attacked by the bijū known as the Kyūbi, known also as the Nine-Tailed Fox. While many shinobi and kunoichi were putting their lives on the line to defend their home, panic was spreading throughout the ranks as the absence of their leader the, Yondaime Hokage. Meanwhile, in a chamber hidden away within the Hokage Monument; Minato Namikaze was in the process of helping his wife with her delivery of their children.

Minato was in a panic, hearing the sound of his village being destroyed and feeling the Kyūbi's violent attacks throughout the chamber was worrying the young Kage. Weeks ago, Minato had delved into figuring out a way to subdue or destroy the bijū without endangering his wife. From past reports that he had studied and reviewed, a jinchūriki was most vulnerable when giving birth. Though, in the end, Minato wasn't successful in finding a solution that he liked. Sealing the beast was the only solution that he had been able to come up with, though the price of sealing the beast was condemning himself and the beast to the Shinigami and his children to carrying such a terrible burden. However, fate had decided otherwise.

"You are lucky mortal. Contracting me using the Shiki Fūjin requires that you forfeit your soul and by extension, your life once the sealing is completed. However, removing you from this plane when your family still requires you, you who gave life to the one chosen. For this, I will pardon the requirement of taking your soul, but I will take something dear to not only you but those who are precious to you as compensation. Do not forget this mortal," the Shinigami ominously said, sealing the soul, yin and yang chakra of the Kyūbi into three of his four children; Narumi, Mito, and Menma respectively.

After the sealing and confrontation with the Shinigami was over, the threat of the Kyūbi adverted, Konoha shifted its attention to treating those injured from the event and to rebuild what was lost.

(Scene Change - Konoha Hospital)

"Everyone had better not be slacking! If I even 'think' that you're not giving it your all, I'll drive you through the wall!" roared a beautiful blonde woman with her hair tied in two tails, that woman being one of the Densetsu no Sannin, Tsunade Senju, as she stormed into the hospital after checking on the Uzumaki-Namikaze family.

Glancing around and noticing the lack of attention directed at her due to the crazy atmosphere, Tsunade decided to ask her right-hand woman, assistant, and disciple, "What's the situation looking like so far?! Shizune!?" roared Tsunade not seeing her anywhere.

"Tsunade-sama! The injured have been reduced by half thanks to the field staff dealing with situations outside of the hospital that wasn't severe enough to warrant admission. From the number of patients and medics, I'd estimate that we're almost finished treating the ones who have been admitted, and I haven't seen more than seven patients be admitted in the past hour. I think that most of the shinobi and villagers who were injured have been taken care of!" replied a pretty yet exhausted woman with shoulder-length raven hair, Shizune, Tsunade's assistant and disciple.

Releasing a relieved sigh, Tsunade voiced her relief with the now stable situation at hand. "Whew, that's good. I had imagined that there would've been many more injured than that, thank goodness. That means that all the injured are accounted for, meaning that the village got out in extremely good shape when you compare it to other villages who were attacked by bijū."

Also sharing a sigh of relief with her mentor, Shizune remembered the two who were in the middle of the attack. "Tsunade-sama! You said that all the injured were accounted for right?! What about Kushina-sama and Minato-sama?!" shouted a worried Shizune, having momentarily forgotten about her village's leader and his wife.

"Relax Shizune, they're safe! Minato had a rather severe case of chakra exhaustion but he'll be alright knowing him. Kushina, other than the typical signs of giving birth, is completely fine. Even after having the Kyūbi forced out of her, she's still alive and is going to be fine. She'll be up and about in no more than five hours tops, I'll even make a bet that she will!" Tsunade confidently replied, so confident that she offered to make a bet with Shizune on it, which given her alias as the "Legendary Sucker" was no small statement.

The two shared a relieved and happy laugh as the danger that, no more than 48 hours before, had passed. That is until Tsunade had assumed that Shizune was also laughing at her extremely bad luck and chased her around the hospital wing, her fist-waving threateningly in the air while the other occupants and staff of the hospital laughed in good humour at the antics of the duo.

(Scene Change - Uzumaki-Namikaze estate)

"Minato, are you sure that you're alright? You used the Shiki Fūjin but you didn't lose your soul like what was supposed to happen!" a tall man, with a spiky mane of white hair with red paint on his face, worriedly asked his disciple, this man was Jiraiya, one of the Densetsu no Sannin and mentor to Minato.

"Sensei, I told you I'm fine! See, I can do everything without a problem! I need to go see Kushi-chan and my kids, so please stop worrying about me!" Minato replied, creating his fabled Rasengan to emphasize his point to his mentor.

With a sign, Jiraiya relented, patting his student on the shoulder he congratulated him on his defeat of the Kyūbi and of the beginning of his family."I'm proud of you Minato, you've come so far even without my help. I couldn't have asked for a better student." Jiraiya said, pride evident in his voice as he walked with Minato towards the room created specifically for his children.

Walking in quietly, the found what they were looking for. Kushina with her arms full with her, no their children. Wordlessly walking towards her and sitting down, he wrapped her and their children in a loving embrace. "They're beautiful Kushi-chan," Minato said, resting his head on his wife's.

Sinking into her husband's embrace, Kushina sniffled a bit before expressing her sincere thanks to whatever entity that allowed her family to stay together, though what seemed like impossible odds. "Mina-kun, we're together. We're all together. All of us. You didn't have your soul taken, and I survived having the Kyūbi force out. We're going to be able to watch our children grow up and they'll have a family to love and take care of them." Kushina whispered as she sobbed quietly while shaking a little, the all too real possibility that she could've lost her husband and her life, leaving her children alone in the world with no one to care for them taking its toll on her.

Nuzzling his wife and holding her closer, Minato reassured her that nothing would ever threaten to tear about their family again. All through the night, parents and children stayed together until sleep took them as the mental and emotional exhaustion that the two had accumulated had finally reached its peak. As the night continued on, the oldest born of the quadruplets woke, quietly observing his surroundings, finally focusing his attention towards the ceiling as a voice make its way to his ears.

"Child. Child, you can hear me, can you not? I am the one who allowed your father to survive his contract with me, the price of his soul replaced with something that will greatly affect you. As the oldest of four, the child of prophecy, and the child who will change the world, you will be without the love of the one's who should hold you close. That is the exchange that I had made in place of your father's soul. You who will be without love will be the one who will defy all obstacles which will stand before you. Do not fret child, as you will forge a path that will change the world, and remember this, do not give in to the hate that will undoubtedly plague your heart.


A 6-year-old blond kid is running with scratches and bruises on his body. He then runs into a forest quickly and runs deeper into the jungle.

" Tch. The demon has escaped." The villager said."No worry. This is the Forest of Death and many dangerous animals are here. The demon surely will be killed by those animals." A woman replied.

Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto is running deeper into the forest without stopping."Why? Why did those villagers call me a demon? Why they wanted to kill me?" He thought in his head.

Then he stumbles after his feet stumbled upon a rock and his face fell to the ground.

"Ouch." He muttered before he hears a hissing behind him and trend his head to look behind him.

His eyes widened in fear seeing this as a giant snake is staring at him like food. He is too scared to move and closed his eyes waiting for his death.

But then a figure appeared in front of Naruto as the figure swipe his hand and the snakehead got clean perfectly and fell to the floor.

Naruto who sees this now start to be afraid of this being as he turned behind.

"Child, what are you doing here?" Shinigami asked Naruto who kept quiet and just bit his mouth hearing that question.

Seeing this, Shinigami approached Naruto."If you didn't want to tell me, it's okay Naruto-kun." He said and the moment Naruto blue-eyed colours met his eyes, his eyes shines.

He sees through the boy memories and steps back while a tear fell from his eyes."How can a mere boy go through all that? Is this the same human that I spared his life ?" Shinigami thought in his head.

He has seen his memories. He is the oldest brother of 3 younger siblings. His twin brother is Uzumaki Namikaze Menma. The Jinchuriki of Yang Kyuubi. He also has twin younger sisters. One is Uzumaki Namikaze Mito. The Jinchuriki of Yin Kyuubi. And lastly, the youngest one is Uzumaki Namikaze Narumi, the one who holds the would of Kyuubi.

They are the son of the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato and the Red Habanero, Uzumaki Kushina.

He seals Kyuubi Yin and Yang part with its soul to his 3 children except for Naruto.

Naruto meanwhile did not have anything. Through his 6 years of living, Shinigami can see that Naruto is neglected. His younger siblings have already been taught how to unlock chakra except him.

His godparents Jiraiya, The Toad Sage and Tsunade, The Famous Medic Ninja also neglected him. Even Hatake Kakashi, the prizes student of Minato also neglected him.

He can see by Naruto's memory how he did not get any present when their quintuplet birthday arrived.

He can see how his 3 younger siblings got hailed as a hero by the villagers while the eldest brother is scorned by villagers.

Not only that, but he will also be the one who is a fault when his younger siblings cause troubles.

He then takes a deep breath before crouched down to see Naruto."Naruto-kun." He called him.

"Yeah?" He replied."Do you know who am I?" Shinigami asked Naruto who shake his head.

"I am Shinigami and before you scream, I am not heartless like the many people talk. I just do my job taking people souls." Shinigami told Naruto.

"Are you here to take my soul? Since I am a demon." Naruto said making Shinigami just wanted to swing his scythe toward Konoha and destroyed the village.

"No. Listen here, you are not a demon. You are just an innocent child who got neglected by your irrepressible parents." Shinigami told Naruto.

"Besides, you are the Child Of Prophecy," Shinigami told Naruto who ks shocked hearing this.

"But I am not special like my younger siblings," Naruto told Shinigami who shakes his head.

"Look here kid, if you're younger siblings are the Children of Prophecy, this world is doom. " Shinigami told Naruto.

"B-but I am weaker than them. I mean, they already start to practice while I am not." Naruto told Shinigami who grinned hearing this.

"What if I told you I can give you powers to made you stronger than your younger siblings?" Shinigami ask Naruto who look at Shinigami.

"Really? You will give me powers to be stronger than my younger siblings?" He asks Shinigami who nodded his head.

"You are not lying right?" Naruto asked Shinigami who shake his head.

"What is the catch?" Naruto asked Shinigami who smiled hearing this.

"Simple. Made your family with people who neglect you regret neglecting you." Shinigami said to Naruto.

"Then I accept," Naruto said with Shinigami then held out a chest and open it.

Inside the chest is 5 pills with different colours.

"You see, Naruto all these 5 pills contained soul belong to a strong being that causes terror whenever they go," Shinigami said making Naruto felt awed hearing this.

Picking a green pill, he inspects the pill.

"Eat the pill. It tastes very sweet." Shinigami said and he eats the pill as his head now is filled with a new set of memory of a dragon who has 12 talismans behind him.

"W-what is that?" Naruto asked as his body is currently heating up.

"Shendu. A dragon who is very strong to conquer the world. Now eat the remaining pills." Shinigami said. Despite his body is heating up, Naruto swallowed all the pills which made his body start to break as his body now started to rebuild back.

His bones melted then become steel with his eyes started to change colours with many multicoloured aurae surrounded him.

One memory contains an older brother who has a black art that can kill any living thing he desires. Desolating himself from the public, he is feared by many mages due to his dangerous magic.

Then another memory contains a memory of a man who has gourmet cells who is the host to an ancient demon known as Voice Demon who can devastate planet with its voice and strength.

Then another one contains a soul reaper who has a sword named Benihime as he is the smartest man and one of the strongest soul reaper in that world.

Another memory showed him how a man who is called the "Surgeon of Death" which allows its user to create a spherical space or "room", in which the user has complete control over the placement and orientation of the objects inside.

" Now, for the last thing, you will be able to use all abilities if you train them every day with you have to do 100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats, curl-ups and lastly 100 km run. Do these every day, you will be able to use all the abilities from these 5 being with the ability to talk to the world that in your body which will help you to use their abilities perfectly. And when your birthday arrives, come to this place since I want to give you a gift. May we meet again, Child of Prophecy."

Shinigami disappear leaving Naruto alone who then had a new dream.

"With these powers, I will be able to become stronger than my younger siblings. Forget becoming a Hokage, I am going to become the strongest Shinobi to ever exist." He said and pump his fist to the air with the souls in his body respond to his dream.