
Naruto: I absorbed Orochimaru


SuperDemonWriter · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Kidnapping some Uchihas

I slithered into the village as a snake through the ground. Snake Sage Mode allowed me to remain undetected from people, and Jugo's DNA helped me in maintaining it for a very long time.

Truly, Snake Sage Mode is overpowered as hell. Much better than Toad Sage Mode.

As I reached the outskirts of the Uchiha clan, I first made sure that Fugaku wasn't in the compound. I am not risking myself against Mangekyo Sharingan right now.

I found a group of little girls playing in the compound, and smirked. Found my targets.

'Sage Art: Inorganic Reincarnation'

I created an earthquake like situation, which led to the houses of the clan to crumble and fall, and I swiftly kidnapped some little girls that were playing and almost got caught in the rubble. Consequences be damned. It's not like they will recognise my chakra signature while I am in the Sage Mode.

But I still left a snake to make an LPG cylinder in the rubble explode, making it believable that they died in the explosion and their bodies melted.

Mission successful.

I put them into genjutsu and shoved them into my snake's mouth. I call him Kidnapper, since he makes kidnapping so much easy.

I arrived back in a new base that I just created some days ago, and stored the little girls in preservation storage cells. I will wake them up after the Uchiha Massacre, and till then, I will try to make them perfect for me. When they wake up, I will just say that I saved them from the massacre and they must have some memory problem due to trauma.

I counted their number. One, two, three, four, five, six. Six Uchihas. Atleast one of them should have strong potential. They look around 4-5 years of age, and there are still 3-4 years before Uchiha Massacre. In this time, I can create my own Uchiha clan using Shin's and their cells.

Kukuku! I shivered from excitement just thinking about it.

But that will take time. And I have multitudes of techniques I can use to get stronger. Chimera Technique is wasted for Hiruko. When I get my hands on it, I will absorb Shin, one of the Uchiha girls, and many other Kekkai genkai, along with Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata's chakra and cells.

Kukuku! Now Hiruko, where are you?