
Naruto : Hinata Hyuga

A soul from Earth reincarnated into the Narutoverse as Hinata Hyuga. Let's see how she manipulates the Hyuga clan, her father, her brother, and her sister. She will corrupt Naruto from a very young age and mold him into the perfect man for herself. There will be no Hokage bullsh*t, no loudmouth. What to expect: Smart MC Powerful MC Manipulation Mind-breaking Romance Grooming Flashy jutsu Slightly arrogant MC Not too evil, not too good Training sessions Powerful from a young age Good R18 scenes (please be mindful of content) No NTR (No Netorare) Slightly slow-paced story Some dark stuff That's it. English is not my first language, so please don't kill me for any grammar mistakes. I will try to upload 3-4 chapters per week."

Devils_hand · アニメ·コミックス
77 Chs

The companion of great Iruka....

The great Iruka started to look at the students in front of him. Our gazes met for an instant, but he continued.

However, when he looked at Naruto, a disgusted look didn't go unnoticed by me or Naruto. Of course, it didn't bother him, but as his angel, I briefly looked at him and gave him the sense of security and solace that I was here for him.

Even if it was just a glance, it was enough for him to make his day happy.


He was wearing the dress I gave him and had an aura of mystery. In the past year, I had taught him how to write and read, sitting at the last table near the window and looking outside, as I had told him to do.


Then, alongside him, entered another person with a cunning smile on his face. Obviously, he was a disposable pawn of Orochimaru, who was irrelevant, only born to give Naruto the multi-shadow clone jutsu.

This time, he would do the same. After all, I can't make Naruto suspicious if he suddenly pops out a shadow clone. And knowing the grandfatherly Hiruzen, he would forgive naive Naruto.

Mizuki would think he had fooled Naruto to gain the scroll of sealings. Hiruzen would replace it with a fake one, where only one jutsu would remain in the scroll.

When Naruto would find out about the nine tails, Hiruzen would give him fake sympathy and a grandfatherly smile.

But here comes my favorite part: Naruto would go along with their bullshit, knowing all the truths and listening to them with a dejected face.

'Hehehe, and no one knows that I was behind all this, watching them with a bowl of popcorn in my hand.'


This would only make Naruto resent Hiruzen more, and as for Mizuki, he held no significance, so the best place for him would be six feet under the ground.


Then suddenly, another idea came to my mind. 'And how will Naruto learn Rasengan? The grandpa Hiruzen will teach him, at least in the name.'

'As for Jiraiya, I won't let him come close to my Naruto and pollute his mind.'

'I will milk your name even after your death; this would be the best thing you will ever do for Naruto. Hehe.'


"Hinata, why are you smiling on your own?" Haku-chan quietly whispered in my ears, waking me from my evil plotting.

"I just remembered a good joke, want to hear?" I whispered back.

"But the teacher is lecturing," he said.

"Oh, come on… When did you start caring about such puny little things?" I asked him.

"Never," he said with his iconic smile.


"Good boy, hehe… here's the joke," I started to tell him a joke.

"Hahaha," he softly laughed, covering his mouth with his hand, but this was enough to attract the attention of the great Iruka.

"Hey, you three, pay attention to the lecture," he said with irritation. After all, he was teaching us about the first Hokage and his wood release. The two of us calmed down and lowered our heads, still giggling under our breaths.

The poor Kimimaro, who did nothing, was dragged along with us.


Mine and Haku's eyes briefly met, but it was challenging to control our laughter when our friend was trying to make us laugh.

After a few minutes, I spoke only audibly to nearby students, "We don't like his way of speaking to us."

"Calm down, Lady Hinata," Kimimaro whispered back.

'Whenever I was in public, 'I' became 'we,' 'my' became 'our,' and 'me' became 'us.' This was one of the few traits of my blue blood.'


Another few minutes passed, and when I found out nobody was looking at me, I tore a paper from my book and started folding it under the table.

"Hinata, what are you doing this time?" Haku-chan asked.

"Hehe, nothing much, just making a clown look like a clown," I whispered with an innocent smile.

Raising my index and middle finger in a V shape, I set them on the edge of the table, invisible to everyone.

With my Byakugan, I could see no one was looking at me, so I constructed a chakra string between my fingers, placed the paper bullet on it, and stretched it toward me.

"Hehehe, it's damn time."




With a pat sound, the great Iruka yelped in stinging pain on his head.

"Hahahahaha." The whole class burst into laughter at his reaction, and, of course, the culprit (me) only smirked.

"Who, who is so insolent here?" he yelled in anger, making a fool out of himself.

The students only laughed at him, but nobody replied.


"A perfect headshot," Haku whispered.

"Neji would have dodged that even with his eyes closed," Kimimaro said, smiling.

Looking at the rising anger of Great Iruka, the class calmed down.


After that, the day went on without any havoc.

Soon, the great Iruka led the class to the training fields where many kunai and shurikens were placed, with targets in front of them.

He then started to show us the ways of handling kunai and the best ways to throw shurikens.

"Now start practicing," he ordered.

The kids began practicing, and I looked at Naruto, who was doing fine. As for the three of us, we were doing better than average.

But soon, attention shifted to a certain black-haired child, a child whose days of misery were about to start.


"Look, he is Sasuke Uchiha; he has to be good."

"His elder brother was a prodigy."

"He is the son of the clan head, and look, he hit all the marks with precision."

"He is so cute; Sasuke-kun, go and show you are the best."

The children started to whisper about the greatness of the incarnation of Indra, and girls began fawning over him. To be honest, I literally felt cringe hearing them.

It felt like I was witnessing a scene from a wuxia novel in real life, and the Uchiha brat was the young master here.


In just half an hour, the Uchiha brat had his fan club of girls; they were screaming as if he was their father and would feed their house.

But this time, my sweet pink-haired girl wasn't in the group; she had done better than average, and soon she was also recognized as a new genius.


"But she was glaring at me from time to time.

After practicing for half an hour, the great Iruka led us to test our taijutsu abilities.

He started to explain the rules of the spar.

"Sasuke and 'random civilian', come," he said, and the Uchiha brat won easily against the nameless civilian.

"Sasuke-kun, Sasuke-kun, Sasuke-kun," the girls cheered for him.


After some matches, then came, "Naruto vs. a random civilian boy."

The nameless boy had a grin on his face when he entered the ring, but my boy Naruto-kun was a menace.

I have taught him the arts of humiliation, so the civilian boy's body was destroyed along with his petty ego.


"Naruto Uzumaki wins," the great Iruka declared with dissatisfaction on his scared face. I just raised my thumb in approval.

The next matches went on, and calling them pathetic would be an insult to the pathetic word.

"Next, Kiba vs. Kimimaro," he declared.

With my crossed arms and an arrogant smirk, I spoke, "Show them what our clan is capable of."

"And don't kill him," I whispered.


"Yes, Lady Hinata," Kimimaro said and walked towards the ring with a cold look in his eyes.

He stood in front of Kiba, the dog boy who was overconfident and severely overestimating his nonexistent abilities.

Kiba, another loser alongside the great Iruka who achieved nothing, tried to steal girlfriends of others—an alpha wannabe.


'So from now on, I will call him Great Kiba,' I chuckled and looked at the match.

With a confident and superior look, Kiba said, "Why don't you activate your Byakugan and take the stance of your famed Gentle Fist?"

But Kimimaro stood still, not even bothered by him.

"Haha, don't tell me you can't even activate your eyes and don't know the Gentle Fist," Kiba mocked.

"Does this boy have a death wish?" Haku whispered in my ears.

"Hehe, it seems like," I said with a smirk.


Back in the ring, Kiba said, "What happened?"

Kimimaro looked at him and said only three words, "You're not worthy."

And lo and behold, Kiba's pride gets wounded. With an angry shout, he rushed towards Kimimaro, his fist extended, "I will show you if I am worthy or not."

But when the fist was only an inch away from Kimimaro's face, he slightly sidestepped, and the fist continued to move forward.

Kimimaro raised his left leg, and in a brutal fashion with his hardest bones in the world, he hit Great Kiba in his guts, knocking the wind out from his lungs, his eyes momentarily whitened.

And like a piece of trash he was, Great Kiba rolled out from the ring like a ragdoll.

"That's why you are not worthy," Kimimaro coldly said, hurting his fragile ego even more.




end of the chapter, how do you like it? 

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Devils_handcreators' thoughts